REDIGER AUCTION'S FALL MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION The following described items will be offered by Public Auction at Rediger Auction Service, 107 South West ST., Wyanet, IL 61379 on: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 2024 @ 10:00 AM PARTIAL LISTING - MUCH MORE BY SALEDAY TRACTORS: *1978 John Deere 4840, #4840P001874R, 432 hr on new tach, 5361 hrs total, powershift, 20.8-38 axle duals w/ 1 set inner wheel weights, 3pt, 2 remotes w/ 2 auxilary remotes, dual pto, very nice tractor, selling due to retirement; "2002 John Deere 6210L w/ JD 620 loader, #L06210H324637, 6500 estimated hours (meter does not work). 16.9-30 rears, 1 remote, 3pt, Joystick w/ quick tach hyd, quick tach on loader as well, sold new locally, new water pump, nice tractor; "John Deere 850 w/loader, shows 2038 hrs, diesel, 11.2-24 rears, 8.50-12 fronts, 3 pt, 2 remotes, 540 pto, new head, water pump, radiator, hyd pump, oil and filters, runs great; "1950's Case DC tractor, new tires, runs good and looks good; "Massey Harris 30, #30GR 14607, 11.2-38 rears, nf, pto, hyd cyt; *1953 Ford Ferguson 30, runs good, good tires, 12.4-28 rears, 3pt w/ 7" blade; SEMI TRAILERS & TRAILERS: "2010 Wilson DWH-500 hopper bottom, 11R22.5 tires, 4 new on front axle, 65k GVW, Shurco 4500 electric tarp, air ride, nice trailer; "2007 Farmmaster hopper bottom, 30', 60k GVW, spring ride, steel wheels, 75% tires, 295-75-22.5, tarp: "1998 Road Boss 28 14k LB gooseneck trailer, tandem axle, single wheel, ramps; "2022 5x8 enclosed trailer w/ ramp door, like new VEHICLES: * (2) 2018 Ford F150 XL trucks, V6, 2wd, RC, 8' box. power windows and lock, front tool box and side boxes, 1 with 94,026 and 1 with 163,748 miles, good condition, 1 owner, local; "2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab, 163,502 miles, runs and drives well, local truck; *1990 Ford F250 w/ service box, 351 engine, manual trans; COMBINE AND HEADS: John Deere 9500 combine, approx. 5300/3300 hrs, 10 series updates, transmission ONLY has 1st gear; "John Deere 643 corn head; "John Deere 918 platform: "18' head cart: "John Deere 643 corn head, w/ down corn reel; "John Deere 922 platform, #H00922F650811; *20' head cart; AUGERS: "Brandt 10x60 Swing away auger: "Westfield WM80-51; "Mayrath 13x70 swing away auger; "Fetral 8x65 auger; "Westfield MK13-71 swing away auger; "Farm King 10x70 Swing away auger; EQUIPMENT: 'Brent 610 grain cart, side auger, 24.5-32 tires, small 1000 pto; "Gehl Mix-all 95 Grinder/Mixer; "Kewanee 12' cultamulcher; *JD 2600 5 bottom plow; "JD RM 6 row cultivator w/ rolling shields; "JD 400 15' rotary hoe: "Land Pride DH1572 3pt disk; "Woods 7' 3pt blade; *JD 965 gear w/ hayrack; "Kilbros 350 Wagon; "Agri Products saddle tanks and frame, (2) 375 gal tanks; "Meteer Corn Head reel for 8 row head, like new condition; "Farmhand Manure Spreader, no draper chain; "(2) Heider barge box wagons on JD gears w/ hoist; "Larson 3pt 300 gallon tank w/ ace pump SMALL EQUPMENT, SHOP TOOLS & PARTS: "Troy Built Tuffy CRT rear tyne tiller, "Dyna Advantage Power 6500KW generator; "Set of JD wheel weights; "10 JD suitcase weights w/ starter; "JD wide front end for 4020: "yard cart; "Misc JD 4020 parts: "King Kutter 3pt trailer mover; "Metal bullet trap: "1000 gallon propane tank; "Large church bell; *500 gallon poly tank on skid w/ transfer pump; "(2) Honda 10 hp engines: "trailer axles w/ tires: "(2) Val 6 diesel heaters; "(2) 65 gallon tanks on stands for bulk oil; "3pt hyd log splitter; "(2) Ulrich Furnace Co Wyoming, IL wood burning stoves; "Various shop tools, hand tools, shop equipment and MORE! ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE W/EQUIPMENT FACTS GO TO WWW.REDIGERAUCTIONSERVICE.COM Go to web for full listing of online items - Accepting consignments daily Online bidding questions call Jon 815.303.4488 Not Responsible for Accidents I.D. Required REDIGER AUCTION SERVICE-WYANET, IL 61379-815-699-7999 JEREMY REDIGER - JON MOON - RICK REDIGER REDIGER AUCTION'S FALL MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION The following described items will be offered by Public Auction at Rediger Auction Service , 107 South West ST . , Wyanet , IL 61379 on : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 21ST , 2024 @ 10:00 AM PARTIAL LISTING - MUCH MORE BY SALEDAY TRACTORS : * 1978 John Deere 4840 , # 4840P001874R , 432 hr on new tach , 5361 hrs total , powershift , 20.8-38 axle duals w / 1 set inner wheel weights , 3pt , 2 remotes w / 2 auxilary remotes , dual pto , very nice tractor , selling due to retirement ; " 2002 John Deere 6210L w / JD 620 loader , # L06210H324637 , 6500 estimated hours ( meter does not work ) . 16.9-30 rears , 1 remote , 3pt , Joystick w / quick tach hyd , quick tach on loader as well , sold new locally , new water pump , nice tractor ; " John Deere 850 w / loader , shows 2038 hrs , diesel , 11.2-24 rears , 8.50-12 fronts , 3 pt , 2 remotes , 540 pto , new head , water pump , radiator , hyd pump , oil and filters , runs great ; " 1950's Case DC tractor , new tires , runs good and looks good ; " Massey Harris 30 , # 30GR 14607 , 11.2-38 rears , nf , pto , hyd cyt ; * 1953 Ford Ferguson 30 , runs good , good tires , 12.4-28 rears , 3pt w / 7 " blade ; SEMI TRAILERS & TRAILERS : " 2010 Wilson DWH - 500 hopper bottom , 11R22.5 tires , 4 new on front axle , 65k GVW , Shurco 4500 electric tarp , air ride , nice trailer ; " 2007 Farmmaster hopper bottom , 30 ' , 60k GVW , spring ride , steel wheels , 75 % tires , 295-75-22.5 , tarp : " 1998 Road Boss 28 14k LB gooseneck trailer , tandem axle , single wheel , ramps ; " 2022 5x8 enclosed trailer w / ramp door , like new VEHICLES : * ( 2 ) 2018 Ford F150 XL trucks , V6 , 2wd , RC , 8 ' box . power windows and lock , front tool box and side boxes , 1 with 94,026 and 1 with 163,748 miles , good condition , 1 owner , local ; " 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab , 163,502 miles , runs and drives well , local truck ; * 1990 Ford F250 w / service box , 351 engine , manual trans ; COMBINE AND HEADS : John Deere 9500 combine , approx . 5300/3300 hrs , 10 series updates , transmission ONLY has 1st gear ; " John Deere 643 corn head ; " John Deere 918 platform : " 18 ' head cart : " John Deere 643 corn head , w / down corn reel ; " John Deere 922 platform , # H00922F650811 ; * 20 ' head cart ; AUGERS : " Brandt 10x60 Swing away auger : " Westfield WM80-51 ; " Mayrath 13x70 swing away auger ; " Fetral 8x65 auger ; " Westfield MK13-71 swing away auger ; " Farm King 10x70 Swing away auger ; EQUIPMENT : ' Brent 610 grain cart , side auger , 24.5-32 tires , small 1000 pto ; " Gehl Mix - all 95 Grinder / Mixer ; " Kewanee 12 ' cultamulcher ; * JD 2600 5 bottom plow ; " JD RM 6 row cultivator w / rolling shields ; " JD 400 15 ' rotary hoe : " Land Pride DH1572 3pt disk ; " Woods 7 ' 3pt blade ; * JD 965 gear w / hayrack ; " Kilbros 350 Wagon ; " Agri Products saddle tanks and frame , ( 2 ) 375 gal tanks ; " Meteer Corn Head reel for 8 row head , like new condition ; " Farmhand Manure Spreader , no draper chain ; " ( 2 ) Heider barge box wagons on JD gears w / hoist ; " Larson 3pt 300 gallon tank w / ace pump SMALL EQUPMENT , SHOP TOOLS & PARTS : " Troy Built Tuffy CRT rear tyne tiller , " Dyna Advantage Power 6500KW generator ; " Set of JD wheel weights ; " 10 JD suitcase weights w / starter ; " JD wide front end for 4020 : " yard cart ; " Misc JD 4020 parts : " King Kutter 3pt trailer mover ; " Metal bullet trap : " 1000 gallon propane tank ; " Large church bell ; * 500 gallon poly tank on skid w / transfer pump ; " ( 2 ) Honda 10 hp engines : " trailer axles w / tires : " ( 2 ) Val 6 diesel heaters ; " ( 2 ) 65 gallon tanks on stands for bulk oil ; " 3pt hyd log splitter ; " ( 2 ) Ulrich Furnace Co Wyoming , IL wood burning stoves ; " Various shop tools , hand tools , shop equipment and MORE ! ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE W / EQUIPMENT FACTS GO TO WWW.REDIGERAUCTIONSERVICE.COM Go to web for full listing of online items - Accepting consignments daily Online bidding questions call Jon 815.303.4488 Not Responsible for Accidents I.D. Required REDIGER AUCTION SERVICE - WYANET , IL 61379-815-699-7999 JEREMY REDIGER - JON MOON - RICK REDIGER