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    May 24, 2024
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HERBERT GERDES ESTATE ANTIQUE TRACTOR COLLECTION Saturday, June 1st, 2024 @ 10:00 A.M. Auction located at the farm 27792 1500 East St. Walnut, IL 61376 AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This entire collection has been stored idle in a shed for the last 15 plus years. Go to the online listing for pictures. GAS ENGINES: "1913 Associated Manufacturers Co., # 605895, 6 hp, on gear; *1918 Fairbanks Morris Model Z, #358032, 6 hp; *1929 John Deere #299586, 1% hp, on steel wheel cart; *1918 Alamo Blue Line #50939, 2 hp, on hard rubber wheel cart; "Ottawa engine #11077, 2 hp, with mounted log saw; *1935 McCormick Deering, #LAA5021, 1 ½-2 hp; *1935 IHC, #LA11455, 1 ½ hp; "Multiple Maytag engines; "Unknown gas engines and miscellaneous parts; "Homemade lawn mower with Maytag engine, on steel; ANTIQUE TRACTORS: 1927 Case 18-32, #65329, on steel, no lugs, not completed, have parts to put back together; *1929 Case 12-20, # 67261, on steel, not complete; *1946 Case VAC, # 5061141, on rubber, 10-28 rears, 5.00-15 fronts; *1939 Allis Chalmers RC, # 1645, narrow front, will run, 10-28 rears, 5.00-15 fronts; 1955 Allis Chalmers G, # 29122, with mounted 1 bottom plow; *1955 Allis Chalmers WD45, #2037D, diesel, wide front; *1932 International Regular, #134528, on steel, needs work; *1975 IH Cub 185, # 40163, with Woods 59 belly mower; *1925 John Deere D, #70283, on steel; *1938 John Deere A, # 470115, GP, 12-36 rears, 5.50-15 fronts; *1950 John Deere A, #649583, pressed frame, narrow front, ran when parked; "1951 John Deere B, # 276721, narrow front, 10-38 rears, 5.50-16 fronts; "1953 John Deere 50, #5005903, narrow front, 12.4-38 rears, 5.50-16 fronts; *1937 Fordson N, #810585, on rubber, 11.25-24 rears, 5.50- 16 fronts, will run; "1931 Rumely 6A, #815, on steel, not complete; *1930 Wallis 20-30, #57152, appears complete, on steel; *1948 Leader D, on rubber; 1948 Cockshutt Gambles 30, #11459, narrow front, on rubber, 12-38 rears, 5.50-16 fronts, older restoration; "BF Avery V, good original condition, 8-24 rears, 4.00-15 fronts; *1958 Ford 601 Workmaster, # 18012, with front blade and rear mount trencher, in good condition; *1949 Oliver 77, #325787, on rubber, 12.4-38 rears, 6.00-16 fronts, in good restored condition; *1946 Massey Harris 20GP, #1340, narrow front, 11.2-28 rears, 4.00-15 fronts, fenders, restored; "1930 Hart Parr 28-50, #71410, needs carburetor (have original carb), possible stuck valve, on steel *1930 Rock Island 15-25, #H-4 34087, on rubber, ran when parked; MODEL T: *1923 Ford Model T with wooden cab, in pieces, needs work; MISCELLANEOUS: Case 4 bottom plow; "Unknown visible gas pump; "Farm Primitives, hand tools, collars, wood & metal pulleys, tractor seats, tractor parts, shellers; For online bidding go to NUMBER SYSTEM WILL BE USED-I.D. REQUIRED TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK-NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ALAS165050 REDIGER AUCTION SERVICE, WYANET, IL JEREMY REDIGER - JON MOON RICK REDIGER 815-699-7999 HERBERT GERDES ESTATE ANTIQUE TRACTOR COLLECTION Saturday , June 1st , 2024 @ 10:00 A.M. Auction located at the farm 27792 1500 East St. Walnut , IL 61376 AUCTIONEERS NOTE : This entire collection has been stored idle in a shed for the last 15 plus years . Go to the online listing for pictures . GAS ENGINES : " 1913 Associated Manufacturers Co. , # 605895 , 6 hp , on gear ; * 1918 Fairbanks Morris Model Z , # 358032 , 6 hp ; * 1929 John Deere # 299586 , 1 % hp , on steel wheel cart ; * 1918 Alamo Blue Line # 50939 , 2 hp , on hard rubber wheel cart ; " Ottawa engine # 11077 , 2 hp , with mounted log saw ; * 1935 McCormick Deering , # LAA5021 , 1 ½ - 2 hp ; * 1935 IHC , # LA11455 , 1 ½ hp ; " Multiple Maytag engines ; " Unknown gas engines and miscellaneous parts ; " Homemade lawn mower with Maytag engine , on steel ; ANTIQUE TRACTORS : 1927 Case 18-32 , # 65329 , on steel , no lugs , not completed , have parts to put back together ; * 1929 Case 12-20 , # 67261 , on steel , not complete ; * 1946 Case VAC , # 5061141 , on rubber , 10-28 rears , 5.00-15 fronts ; * 1939 Allis Chalmers RC , # 1645 , narrow front , will run , 10-28 rears , 5.00-15 fronts ; 1955 Allis Chalmers G , # 29122 , with mounted 1 bottom plow ; * 1955 Allis Chalmers WD45 , # 2037D , diesel , wide front ; * 1932 International Regular , # 134528 , on steel , needs work ; * 1975 IH Cub 185 , # 40163 , with Woods 59 belly mower ; * 1925 John Deere D , # 70283 , on steel ; * 1938 John Deere A , # 470115 , GP , 12-36 rears , 5.50-15 fronts ; * 1950 John Deere A , # 649583 , pressed frame , narrow front , ran when parked ; " 1951 John Deere B , # 276721 , narrow front , 10-38 rears , 5.50-16 fronts ; " 1953 John Deere 50 , # 5005903 , narrow front , 12.4-38 rears , 5.50-16 fronts ; * 1937 Fordson N , # 810585 , on rubber , 11.25-24 rears , 5.50- 16 fronts , will run ; " 1931 Rumely 6A , # 815 , on steel , not complete ; * 1930 Wallis 20-30 , # 57152 , appears complete , on steel ; * 1948 Leader D , on rubber ; 1948 Cockshutt Gambles 30 , # 11459 , narrow front , on rubber , 12-38 rears , 5.50-16 fronts , older restoration ; " BF Avery V , good original condition , 8-24 rears , 4.00-15 fronts ; * 1958 Ford 601 Workmaster , # 18012 , with front blade and rear mount trencher , in good condition ; * 1949 Oliver 77 , # 325787 , on rubber , 12.4-38 rears , 6.00-16 fronts , in good restored condition ; * 1946 Massey Harris 20GP , # 1340 , narrow front , 11.2-28 rears , 4.00-15 fronts , fenders , restored ; " 1930 Hart Parr 28-50 , # 71410 , needs carburetor ( have original carb ) , possible stuck valve , on steel * 1930 Rock Island 15-25 , # H - 4 34087 , on rubber , ran when parked ; MODEL T : * 1923 Ford Model T with wooden cab , in pieces , needs work ; MISCELLANEOUS : Case 4 bottom plow ; " Unknown visible gas pump ; " Farm Primitives , hand tools , collars , wood & metal pulleys , tractor seats , tractor parts , shellers ; For online bidding go to NUMBER SYSTEM WILL BE USED - I.D . REQUIRED TERMS : CASH OR GOOD CHECK - NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ALAS165050 REDIGER AUCTION SERVICE , WYANET , IL JEREMY REDIGER - JON MOON RICK REDIGER 815-699-7999