CLEAN ROWS CLEAR RESULTS Residual that won't quit. When challenging weeds cloud your view, look to the next level of long-lasting weed control from Storen corn herbicide. Its innovative formulation of four residual active ingredients provides consistently clean rows up to three weeks longer than other leading corn herbicides.* For a focused weed management strategy that works, choose Storen. Talk to your Syngenta retailer or learn more at Storen syngenta. CLEAN ROWS CLEAR RESULTS Residual that won't quit . When challenging weeds cloud your view , look to the next level of long - lasting weed control from Storen corn herbicide . Its innovative formulation of four residual active ingredients provides consistently clean rows up to three weeks longer than other leading corn herbicides . * For a focused weed management strategy that works , choose Storen . Talk to your Syngenta retailer or learn more at Storen syngenta .