PRODUCTIVE CROPLAND | WOODS | TIPTON CO ONLINE at AUCTION Tuesday, August 13th, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET PROPERTY LOCATION: 12 miles south of Tipton on CR 550 S, west of CR 700 E in Madison Township, Tipton County. 60.4+/- Tillable 3.8 +/- Woods +/- total 64.2 acres Emma Barr: 260.494.0992 | Ken Ziegler: 317.385.2736 Brandon Stroble: 765.499.1170 H HALDERMAN NAA Auctioneer: Russell D. Harmeyer INDIANA IN Auct. Lic. #AU10000277, REAL ESTATE & FARM MANAGEMENT HRES IN Auct. Lic. #AC69200019 800.424.2324 | HLS# ECB-13016, Farm: Chris Juday Farm PRODUCTIVE CROPLAND | WOODS | TIPTON CO ONLINE at AUCTION Tuesday , August 13th , 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET PROPERTY LOCATION : 12 miles south of Tipton on CR 550 S , west of CR 700 E in Madison Township , Tipton County . 60.4 +/- Tillable 3.8 +/- Woods +/- total 64.2 acres Emma Barr : 260.494.0992 | Ken Ziegler : 317.385.2736 Brandon Stroble : 765.499.1170 H HALDERMAN NAA Auctioneer : Russell D. Harmeyer INDIANA IN Auct . Lic . # AU10000277 , REAL ESTATE & FARM MANAGEMENT HRES IN Auct . Lic . # AC69200019 800.424.2324 | HLS # ECB - 13016 , Farm : Chris Juday Farm