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    November 22, 2024
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GREG RICE ESTATE ONLINE ONLY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Robinson, IL BEGINS closing THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL LOCATION: 14656 E. 850th Ave., Robinson, IL 62454 DIRECTIONS: from just east of Robinson (IL Rt 1 & 33, Gordon Junction) take Rt 1 south 2 miles to Co. Rd. 850 N, turn east and proceed ½ mile to farm. To view catalog and register to bid, visit INSPECTION: Saturday, November 30th from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. CENTRAL TRACTORS:2005 CIH MX285, MFWD w/ CAH, 3-pt, fast hitch, (4) SCV's+ P.B., 18-spd "P.S.", Ig 1000 pto, nicely weighted, 42" G.Y. radial duals & 30" G.Y. radial duals (PRE DEF, 285-hp, 5003- hrs); 1992 CIH 7120, 2WD w/ CAH, 18/4 "P.S.", 42" G.Y. radial duals, (12) front weights, 3-pt, dual pto, (3) SCV's+ P.B. (1-owner, only 3248-hrs, 152-pto hp, very nice); 1991 CIH 9260, 4x4 w/ CAH, 12/3 "P.S.", 1000 pto, (4) SCV's, 20.8R38 F.S. radial duals, Cummins LTA-10 (300-hp, only 4824-hrs); 1979 Case 4890, 4x4 w/ CAH, 12/4 "P.S.", 3-pt, 1000 pto, (4) SCV's, F.S. 30.5L32's, 300-eng. hp; IH 784 D w/ 2250 Q.A. Idr, 6' bucket, 8/4-spd, TA, 3-pt, pto, hyds and 38" rubber (3864-hrs). HARVEST EQUIPMENT:2012 CIH 8120 "Flagship" 4WD combine, (PRE DEF), loaded w/ options incl. Premium cab, Pro 700, "Lateral Tilt", rock trap, chopper, power fold hopper, Auto Guidance NAV II controller, 262 WAAS, 42" F.S. duals and much more (only 1781/3008 hrs); Gerringhoff Northstar 1230, 12R30 folding corn head w/ hyd. deck plates & height control (1-owner, bought new Dec. 2013, 4500 acs. total use); 2009 CIH 2162-30' Flex Draper (low acres); E-Z Trail 680-26' carrier; Outstanding Brent 782 cart w/ tarp, lg 1000-pto, hyd spout, 18" auger, F.S. 30.5L-32's (1-owner, extremely low usage); WF 61'x10" & Feterl 66'x12" swing-away augers. TILLAGE: Krause "Landstar" 6327-27', finish tool w/hyd. adj. front gang (nice, 1-owner); CIH 3950, 28'x72" disk (1-owner): Brillion 25' cultimulcher; DMI 4250 Nutri-Placr, 13-knife, NH3 appl. w/ Raven Cooler and monitor; JD 712-16', 11/13-sh. disc/ chisel; Burch 12' H.D. disk; J.D. 400-15' hoe; IH #55, 11/13-sh., 3-pt chisel. AIR SEEDER / PLANTER / TENDER: John Deere 1990 CCS air seeder, "Central Fill", 30'x7 ½" w/ SM500 monitor (11065 total acres, SN A01990D720267); John Deere 1760, 12R30, front fold, no-till vac planter w/ Ag Leader monitor w/integrated row clutches, markers, insect. (1-owner); Bruning 3-box tender w/ grain vac. MISC EQUIPMENT: Soilmover 425RF dirt pan (1-owner, low usage); Hagie 284, 4x4 self-prop. sprayer, 800-gal, 60', Hydro, 5.9L Cummins (3428-hrs, not used since 2011); N.H. 10' ground driven hay rake; (2) Fairbanks-Morse mod "Z", 118 pump motor's; Chem- Farm s.s. saddle tanks. GRAIN TRUCK/PICKUP: Outstanding 1975 Int. 1700 S.A. w/ 14' M.W. bed and hoist, V-8, 5 & 2-spd, near new F.S. 22.5's, only 46k (1-family owned); 1992 Ford F250 XLT, reg. cab, 2WD w/5.8L, auto (only 123k, solid truck). TRAILERS: 1988, 24'x8' tri-axle flatbed G.N.; 1993 Biltrite 14'+2', b.h., 2-axle w/ new 15" radials; 2007 L&D 12'+2', b.h., 1-axle w/ mesh ramp & good 15" radials. TERMS: NO Buyer's Premium. All items sold "AS-IS". Seller: Jeanne Rice Boston Auctions (812) 382-4440, Lic# AU01027041 | "A Farmer, Working for Farmers" SM-LA2206371 GREG RICE ESTATE ONLINE ONLY FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Robinson , IL BEGINS closing THURSDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 2024 @ 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL LOCATION : 14656 E. 850th Ave. , Robinson , IL 62454 DIRECTIONS : from just east of Robinson ( IL Rt 1 & 33 , Gordon Junction ) take Rt 1 south 2 miles to Co. Rd . 850 N , turn east and proceed ½ mile to farm . To view catalog and register to bid , visit INSPECTION : Saturday , November 30th from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. CENTRAL TRACTORS : 2005 CIH MX285 , MFWD w / CAH , 3 - pt , fast hitch , ( 4 ) SCV's + P.B. , 18 - spd " P.S. " , Ig 1000 pto , nicely weighted , 42 " G.Y. radial duals & 30 " G.Y. radial duals ( PRE DEF , 285 - hp , 5003- hrs ) ; 1992 CIH 7120 , 2WD w / CAH , 18/4 " P.S. " , 42 " G.Y. radial duals , ( 12 ) front weights , 3 - pt , dual pto , ( 3 ) SCV's + P.B. ( 1 - owner , only 3248 - hrs , 152 - pto hp , very nice ) ; 1991 CIH 9260 , 4x4 w / CAH , 12/3 " P.S. " , 1000 pto , ( 4 ) SCV's , 20.8R38 F.S. radial duals , Cummins LTA - 10 ( 300 - hp , only 4824 - hrs ) ; 1979 Case 4890 , 4x4 w / CAH , 12/4 " P.S. " , 3 - pt , 1000 pto , ( 4 ) SCV's , F.S. 30.5L32's , 300 - eng . hp ; IH 784 D w / 2250 Q.A. Idr , 6 ' bucket , 8 / 4 - spd , TA , 3 - pt , pto , hyds and 38 " rubber ( 3864 - hrs ) . HARVEST EQUIPMENT : 2012 CIH 8120 " Flagship " 4WD combine , ( PRE DEF ) , loaded w / options incl . Premium cab , Pro 700 , " Lateral Tilt " , rock trap , chopper , power fold hopper , Auto Guidance NAV II controller , 262 WAAS , 42 " F.S. duals and much more ( only 1781/3008 hrs ) ; Gerringhoff Northstar 1230 , 12R30 folding corn head w / hyd . deck plates & height control ( 1 - owner , bought new Dec. 2013 , 4500 acs . total use ) ; 2009 CIH 2162-30 ' Flex Draper ( low acres ) ; E - Z Trail 680-26 ' carrier ; Outstanding Brent 782 cart w / tarp , lg 1000 - pto , hyd spout , 18 " auger , F.S. 30.5L - 32's ( 1 - owner , extremely low usage ) ; WF 61'x10 " & Feterl 66'x12 " swing - away augers . TILLAGE : Krause " Landstar " 6327-27 ' , finish tool w / hyd . adj . front gang ( nice , 1 - owner ) ; CIH 3950 , 28'x72 " disk ( 1 - owner ) : Brillion 25 ' cultimulcher ; DMI 4250 Nutri - Placr , 13 - knife , NH3 appl . w / Raven Cooler and monitor ; JD 712-16 ' , 11 / 13 - sh . disc / chisel ; Burch 12 ' H.D. disk ; J.D. 400-15 ' hoe ; IH # 55 , 11 / 13 - sh . , 3 - pt chisel . AIR SEEDER / PLANTER / TENDER : John Deere 1990 CCS air seeder , " Central Fill " , 30'x7 ½ " w / SM500 monitor ( 11065 total acres , SN A01990D720267 ) ; John Deere 1760 , 12R30 , front fold , no - till vac planter w / Ag Leader monitor w / integrated row clutches , markers , insect . ( 1 - owner ) ; Bruning 3 - box tender w / grain vac . MISC EQUIPMENT : Soilmover 425RF dirt pan ( 1 - owner , low usage ) ; Hagie 284 , 4x4 self - prop . sprayer , 800 - gal , 60 ' , Hydro , 5.9L Cummins ( 3428 - hrs , not used since 2011 ) ; N.H. 10 ' ground driven hay rake ; ( 2 ) Fairbanks - Morse mod " Z " , 118 pump motor's ; Chem- Farm s.s. saddle tanks . GRAIN TRUCK / PICKUP : Outstanding 1975 Int . 1700 S.A. w / 14 ' M.W. bed and hoist , V - 8 , 5 & 2 - spd , near new F.S. 22.5's , only 46k ( 1 - family owned ) ; 1992 Ford F250 XLT , reg . cab , 2WD w / 5.8L , auto ( only 123k , solid truck ) . TRAILERS : 1988 , 24'x8 ' tri - axle flatbed G.N .; 1993 Biltrite 14 ' + 2 ' , b.h. , 2 - axle w / new 15 " radials ; 2007 L & D 12 ' + 2 ' , b.h. , 1 - axle w / mesh ramp & good 15 " radials . TERMS : NO Buyer's Premium . All items sold " AS - IS " . Seller : Jeanne Rice Boston Auctions ( 812 ) 382-4440 , Lic # AU01027041 | " A Farmer , Working for Farmers " SM - LA2206371