=lep=== NEW LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE LOCATION - 1437 CR 1300 E - SULLIVAN, IL 1st & 3rd Friday Night of each Month Hay & Straw Sells at 5:00 PM Special feeder Cattle Livestock sells at 6:00 PM Sale October 21st 6:00 PM SM-LA2020232 Selling Sheep, Goats, Hogs & All Classes of Cattle (Baby Calves, Feeders, Bred Cows, Pairs, Fat Cattle, Weigh Cows & Bulls) Check in on Thursday (7:00 am - 8:00 pm) before Sale Day & Friday (7:00 am - up to Sale Time) TWO MILE COMMISSION CO, LLC MARLIN FARMWALD-217-254-0986 SALE DAY PHONE -217-728-7483 =jpod= = lep === NEW LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE LOCATION - 1437 CR 1300 E - SULLIVAN , IL 1st & 3rd Friday Night of each Month Hay & Straw Sells at 5:00 PM Special feeder Cattle Livestock sells at 6:00 PM Sale October 21st 6:00 PM SM - LA2020232 Selling Sheep , Goats , Hogs & All Classes of Cattle ( Baby Calves , Feeders , Bred Cows , Pairs , Fat Cattle , Weigh Cows & Bulls ) Check in on Thursday ( 7:00 am - 8:00 pm ) before Sale Day & Friday ( 7:00 am - up to Sale Time ) TWO MILE COMMISSION CO , LLC MARLIN FARMWALD - 217-254-0986 SALE DAY PHONE -217-728-7483 = jpod =