CONSIGN NOW! LARGE FARM MACHINERY AUCTION TUESDAY, AUGUST 27TH, 2004 @ 8:00 AM (CST) CONSIGN NOW! THIS IS A LIST OF UPDATES TO LAST WEEK'S AD IN THE AGRINEWS. WE HAVE A FULL LOV WITH A LARGE SELECTION OF FARM MACHINERY & IMPLEMENTS TO PURCHASE. TO VIEW A COMPLETE LISTING SIT US A TRACTORS: 201506175M, MFWD, 3200 hrs, per quad trans, 3pt wOHLF reverse 2 hyds, joystick, CA $20/85942 & 420/85R30, dean & sharp 1981 H 3288, 44, 4802 ts, runs & drives good, he new 18.4-38, 30, 10.00 dual hyds, din lock, CAH excellent int & seat farm retire, good tractor, 1995 Ford 76105 dl 5537 hrs, roll guarda new tires, 3ot, p org grill guard, LH neverse org paint, well maint, super sharp. 1990 JO 2155, 6391 hrs, roll bar, turf tres, 3pt pto org grill guard, runs & drives great, LH neverse well maint, org paint, super sharp, 1967 Farmall 1206, row crop, dl, Inds, 4500 hrs, dual 32 hyds FS 18.4-38.2owns, runs & drives exc cond good TA, original 1976 02040 es, all new FS tres, 3pt w factor top link, p, tyds, 3200 hrs, 1 own, lights, org paint, nice COLLECTORS: Sears Roebuck Wig Peerless 64 Threshing Machine, wood whis stored inside: Bindsell #1 Threshing Machine, wood whis, stored inside INDUSTRIAL: Pro Chopper King Machine Straw Bar & Seeder, Deere 488E2WD For mas 0 4475 Skid Steer 1200 hrs, cab, sharp; Cat De Dozer 500 eng tracks are 90% cab 1900 hrs, MECHANIC SPECIALS CH 1504, MPWD, w, runs good, needs dutch slave cooks rough & moves, has fuel leak; JD 4230 dp, no cab, moves but has trans 1980 Case 580C Be T AC 190, do cab 6623300 RS, CPR, 30.5-32, 90%, NVY REAR AXLE, SHARP, JO920,29,3" CUT SS FLOOR, GOOD POLT, JO 643, 68-30, TRAIL 672, 29, TRAILS 50 MP ATK GOOD ROLLS, ALS SHEDDEDEZ ALL OFF 500 ACRE FARM CORN HEADS: JO 6120, 128, 2013 yckte ros deck plates, 28 stalk stompers: 2009 JO 608,8R-30, kite rolls, hyd deck of 1996 JD 83, 8-30, single pt hook up to drive byd deck plate, good not 1997 JD 693, 6-30, pto hook up, new deck pits JD 60-30 local fanm eting 2001 CH 220, BR-30, flagship hookup, hyd deck pit CH 2206, 6-30 byt deck pits, new chains & spkts 1 yr ago 2008 Drago 8 set for Lexon adapt GRAIN HEADS: 2014 JD 640FD Drape dol knife crop divider feld ready 20090635, 3 out, floor pood poly, fung. JD 62020, fex, new sick J0 900, 30, Lfore & aft, polyss floor 1998 J0 920F, 200 918F, 18. flex head, fore &aft, good poly: C 1000, 20, ol drive, 3 cut CH 1020, 20: CH 1000, 17.5, 3 out, nice head MF 8016, 160 3535x3" cut, poly fore & aftur 0925,253 ss floor, poly, fore & HEAD CARTS:2 Trail 880, 35; 2023 E2 680, 26, JD, be downs, 20.5 tres 2023 2 Trail 680,21 2009 2023 EZ 880, 31, JD & C brids die downs EZ al 672. 20 2003 Horst 425, 25, 2010 GRAIN CLEANERS: Kwik Keen 572, 2500 buthe cap, Shp, single phase, fetrel 100,plec 230 PLANTERS: 2500, 8R-30, dry fert, NT, di disk opens, cross auger, 2009 0 1770NT 24-30 Manmerge 1own, lig fert, smart bes spike dose whis wit-hande Keeton seed firm GRAIN DRILLS JO 750, 15 75 sp.1 ly whi, new boots & seed tubes 2yrs ago, DM250 1997 30 750, 15,75 draw bar, NT, new seed bids 1997. 1750, 15, grass, draw bar NT. 7.5 sp, new seed bids 2005 GP 150,15,75" NT GP 15,8 m, NT caddy, hyd that pang, sharp: CH 5400, 15, NT, ks, grass, roll crmblr 2019 Redexim Mu-Seeder, 8, only 100 acres, pt, 1 own new Brillion SST120, 10, box trans sharp: Brillion $512, 12, tyd in 1 sharp: Land Pride 1006NT, 10, 7.5 sp NT grass.only ed 100 acr PLANTER & DRILL PARTS 14 Pers 15-20 complete (24) JD XP Gauge Wh er 30 Mrks 1200 Plant Units White 6100 Plant Unit 0 JD 7000 Row Units Wetter 15 NT Caddy by gang ROCKFLEX DISKS 0 637, 265.1 235,20 CH 3950 24 sa 1230-23. 23, 20 bid, wak tands DISKS JO 637 237,21.58 & 205 rear bids rock guards, no welds; CHF spike drag CH 3800, 15 MC340, 32 &20 walk tand, guide whis, sharp; JO r bids, hyd hitch, mnd bust 200,31 wings 2007 and welds JO 637 read bids; OH 4 scrapers CH 46, 22, 185 & 205 rear tas md bust bar bids, md bust bac OFFSET DISKS JO 10,225 &22 rear bids, 9: JO OP, 9, cy, a gangs, 21 notched bids, no welds 4770, 10, 285 ch bids: SF 14 WR RPS20, 12.10 sprocke 23.5" notched bids, no welds, Taylorway TP670, RF, 23" 24" 2022 CM 475 HIGH SPEED TILLER, JF, 22" BLDS, NYO CRUMBLER, HYD JACK, NEVER USED 2020 MASCHIO VELOCE 700, 24, SP 18.5" NOTCH BLS, DUAL REGLUR LEFT GAUGE WHES, VERY GOOD COND MOWERS: 2710, 10, 540 pto, fex, stumpjump, hardt: 2019 JO M15, 15, 1000p chains, stump jump sharp FLAIL SHREDDERS: Less 20, 1000 2011 0 520,400 acre farm, farm retire, shar JO 27, 15, 1000 po Sukup 15, sm 1000 pto, good f AUGER CARTS: 2006 UM 1110, ig 1000 pscales, auto chain oller, 9000-32.80% hyd spout deflector, tap, needs but usable; UM 2000, lg 1000 ptghts, green Brent 760 byd deflector on discharge WAGONS: GDM 280, lke new stored & unused for y: Brent 440, UM 430 brakes, green Brett 440, ghts, brakes, gree SPRAYERS: War 400 Eagle, 1000 g 120 booms, 46" tres, stark, a ride, 3g Ldr mon 6000 rate trt, ss pump, foamer, Bestway Field Pra, 1000 gal, 48" booms, foamer walk and Raven 440 Hard 1000 gal 60 bomb SILAGE EQUIPMENT JO 3955 Chp,w23950 29-30 CH H&S Super 7-4 g 540 to 125-15 very clean Miller Pro 4100 Wgns 18 box, Kory 12 tand pear, 12.5-15, 540 pto, side unload, Badger BM950 g, 16, 540 po, imp tires, on Badger 12 fontand gear MISC FORAGE:Avo N2R Com Picker 30 sp hyd hitch, 128 husk bed, 1 own323,1 323, 1R, very good cond Cashels And Bale Handler single hyds Cashels Square Hyd Baler Hander, Cashels Bale Spea MANURE SPREADERS: 2009 H&S MSW430, 540 pt and ade, 165-161; MF 3724,540 slop pate tand ade TRUCKS & TRAILERS: 2000 RE Custom rk 40, gooseneck, ramps; 1990 CS3500 Utility Truck, low miles, black, runs good, 1990 Load Red Grain Dump Tr, 2015 1 Aude Bost Green 18 Livestock Through but usable, 2003 Freightliner Semi, 18 alum box, w cargo doors, Cat eng, infine, ds, 5 sp ar tag sharp, 1990 al King 18 Flatbed redtube, good wood & tires, stored inside, JD 25 Pin Tandale,wood deck, tube: JO 28 P The tand ale, wood deck, MISC EQUIPMENT: 2014 Kawski 4010 UTV 440 hrs, 4WD, pwr steer, manat Cub Cadet Log Splitter, 277cc motox, unused Haybuster 106 Rock Picker rake, sharp Haybuster H106 Rock Picker hyd drive, hyd dump, rakes, nuns good. Highline XL6084 Rock Picker, 16.1 knobby tres, low acres, sharp; 2008 Feman Fresa CO Ter, 3 sp, reverse, elec start (2) 2022 500 Gal Vert Tank, poly, sold sep; Cummins 83 Eng 4000 hrs, runs good JD 404ng300 ts, turbo BR-30 Down Com Reet Kubota 900 UTV cab, hear runs good. Le Beaver PHO w/6", 8" & 12" augers ...WITH MUCH MORE TO BE ADDED BEFORE THE AUCTION ST. ANNE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION & EQUIPMENT SALES AUCTION LICENSE #441001008 00997 E 5000 S RD, ST. ANNE CONSIGN NOW ! LARGE FARM MACHINERY AUCTION TUESDAY , AUGUST 27TH , 2004 @ 8:00 AM ( CST ) CONSIGN NOW ! THIS IS A LIST OF UPDATES TO LAST WEEK'S AD IN THE AGRINEWS . WE HAVE A FULL LOV WITH A LARGE SELECTION OF FARM MACHINERY & IMPLEMENTS TO PURCHASE . TO VIEW A COMPLETE LISTING SIT US A TRACTORS : 201506175M , MFWD , 3200 hrs , per quad trans , 3pt wOHLF reverse 2 hyds , joystick , CA $ 20 / 85942 & 420 / 85R30 , dean & sharp 1981 H 3288 , 44 , 4802 ts , runs & drives good , he new 18.4-38 , 30 , 10.00 dual hyds , din lock , CAH excellent int & seat farm retire , good tractor , 1995 Ford 76105 dl 5537 hrs , roll guarda new tires , 3ot , p org grill guard , LH neverse org paint , well maint , super sharp . 1990 JO 2155 , 6391 hrs , roll bar , turf tres , 3pt pto org grill guard , runs & drives great , LH neverse well maint , org paint , super sharp , 1967 Farmall 1206 , row crop , dl , Inds , 4500 hrs , dual 32 hyds FS 18.4-38.2owns , runs & drives exc cond good TA , original 1976 02040 es , all new FS tres , 3pt w factor top link , p , tyds , 3200 hrs , 1 own , lights , org paint , nice COLLECTORS : Sears Roebuck Wig Peerless 64 Threshing Machine , wood whis stored inside : Bindsell # 1 Threshing Machine , wood whis , stored inside INDUSTRIAL : Pro Chopper King Machine Straw Bar & Seeder , Deere 488E2WD For mas 0 4475 Skid Steer 1200 hrs , cab , sharp ; Cat De Dozer 500 eng tracks are 90 % cab 1900 hrs , MECHANIC SPECIALS CH 1504 , MPWD , w , runs good , needs dutch slave cooks rough & moves , has fuel leak ; JD 4230 dp , no cab , moves but has trans 1980 Case 580C Be T AC 190 , do cab 6623300 RS , CPR , 30.5-32 , 90 % , NVY REAR AXLE , SHARP , JO920,29,3 " CUT SS FLOOR , GOOD POLT , JO 643 , 68-30 , TRAIL 672 , 29 , TRAILS 50 MP ATK GOOD ROLLS , ALS SHEDDEDEZ ALL OFF 500 ACRE FARM CORN HEADS : JO 6120 , 128 , 2013 yckte ros deck plates , 28 stalk stompers : 2009 JO 608,8R - 30 , kite rolls , hyd deck of 1996 JD 83 , 8-30 , single pt hook up to drive byd deck plate , good not 1997 JD 693 , 6-30 , pto hook up , new deck pits JD 60-30 local fanm eting 2001 CH 220 , BR - 30 , flagship hookup , hyd deck pit CH 2206 , 6-30 byt deck pits , new chains & spkts 1 yr ago 2008 Drago 8 set for Lexon adapt GRAIN HEADS : 2014 JD 640FD Drape dol knife crop divider feld ready 20090635 , 3 out , floor pood poly , fung . JD 62020 , fex , new sick J0 900 , 30 , Lfore & aft , polyss floor 1998 J0 920F , 200 918F , 18. flex head , fore & aft , good poly : C 1000 , 20 , ol drive , 3 cut CH 1020 , 20 : CH 1000 , 17.5 , 3 out , nice head MF 8016 , 160 3535x3 " cut , poly fore & aftur 0925,253 ss floor , poly , fore & HEAD CARTS : 2 Trail 880 , 35 ; 2023 E2 680 , 26 , JD , be downs , 20.5 tres 2023 2 Trail 680,21 2009 2023 EZ 880 , 31 , JD & C brids die downs EZ al 672. 20 2003 Horst 425 , 25 , 2010 GRAIN CLEANERS : Kwik Keen 572 , 2500 buthe cap , Shp , single phase , fetrel 100 , plec 230 PLANTERS : 2500 , 8R - 30 , dry fert , NT , di disk opens , cross auger , 2009 0 1770NT 24-30 Manmerge 1own , lig fert , smart bes spike dose whis wit - hande Keeton seed firm GRAIN DRILLS JO 750 , 15 75 sp.1 ly whi , new boots & seed tubes 2yrs ago , DM250 1997 30 750 , 15,75 draw bar , NT , new seed bids 1997. 1750 , 15 , grass , draw bar NT . 7.5 sp , new seed bids 2005 GP 150,15,75 " NT GP 15,8 m , NT caddy , hyd that pang , sharp : CH 5400 , 15 , NT , ks , grass , roll crmblr 2019 Redexim Mu - Seeder , 8 , only 100 acres , pt , 1 own new Brillion SST120 , 10 , box trans sharp : Brillion $ 512 , 12 , tyd in 1 sharp : Land Pride 1006NT , 10 , 7.5 sp NT grass.only ed 100 acr PLANTER & DRILL PARTS 14 Pers 15-20 complete ( 24 ) JD XP Gauge Wh er 30 Mrks 1200 Plant Units White 6100 Plant Unit 0 JD 7000 Row Units Wetter 15 NT Caddy by gang ROCKFLEX DISKS 0 637 , 265.1 235,20 CH 3950 24 sa 1230-23 . 23 , 20 bid , wak tands DISKS JO 637 237,21.58 & 205 rear bids rock guards , no welds ; CHF spike drag CH 3800 , 15 MC340 , 32 & 20 walk tand , guide whis , sharp ; JO r bids , hyd hitch , mnd bust 200,31 wings 2007 and welds JO 637 read bids ; OH 4 scrapers CH 46 , 22 , 185 & 205 rear tas md bust bar bids , md bust bac OFFSET DISKS JO 10,225 & 22 rear bids , 9 : JO OP , 9 , cy , a gangs , 21 notched bids , no welds 4770 , 10 , 285 ch bids : SF 14 WR RPS20 , 12.10 sprocke 23.5 " notched bids , no welds , Taylorway TP670 , RF , 23 " 24 " 2022 CM 475 HIGH SPEED TILLER , JF , 22 " BLDS , NYO CRUMBLER , HYD JACK , NEVER USED 2020 MASCHIO VELOCE 700 , 24 , SP 18.5 " NOTCH BLS , DUAL REGLUR LEFT GAUGE WHES , VERY GOOD COND MOWERS : 2710 , 10 , 540 pto , fex , stumpjump , hardt : 2019 JO M15 , 15 , 1000p chains , stump jump sharp FLAIL SHREDDERS : Less 20 , 1000 2011 0 520,400 acre farm , farm retire , shar JO 27 , 15 , 1000 po Sukup 15 , sm 1000 pto , good f AUGER CARTS : 2006 UM 1110 , ig 1000 pscales , auto chain oller , 9000-32.80 % hyd spout deflector , tap , needs but usable ; UM 2000 , lg 1000 ptghts , green Brent 760 byd deflector on discharge WAGONS : GDM 280 , lke new stored & unused for y : Brent 440 , UM 430 brakes , green Brett 440 , ghts , brakes , gree SPRAYERS : War 400 Eagle , 1000 g 120 booms , 46 " tres , stark , a ride , 3g Ldr mon 6000 rate trt , ss pump , foamer , Bestway Field Pra , 1000 gal , 48 " booms , foamer walk and Raven 440 Hard 1000 gal 60 bomb SILAGE EQUIPMENT JO 3955 Chp , w23950 29-30 CH H & S Super 7-4 g 540 to 125-15 very clean Miller Pro 4100 Wgns 18 box , Kory 12 tand pear , 12.5-15 , 540 pto , side unload , Badger BM950 g , 16 , 540 po , imp tires , on Badger 12 fontand gear MISC FORAGE : Avo N2R Com Picker 30 sp hyd hitch , 128 husk bed , 1 own323,1 323 , 1R , very good cond Cashels And Bale Handler single hyds Cashels Square Hyd Baler Hander , Cashels Bale Spea MANURE SPREADERS : 2009 H & S MSW430 , 540 pt and ade , 165-161 ; MF 3724,540 slop pate tand ade TRUCKS & TRAILERS : 2000 RE Custom rk 40 , gooseneck , ramps ; 1990 CS3500 Utility Truck , low miles , black , runs good , 1990 Load Red Grain Dump Tr , 2015 1 Aude Bost Green 18 Livestock Through but usable , 2003 Freightliner Semi , 18 alum box , w cargo doors , Cat eng , infine , ds , 5 sp ar tag sharp , 1990 al King 18 Flatbed redtube , good wood & tires , stored inside , JD 25 Pin Tandale , wood deck , tube : JO 28 P The tand ale , wood deck , MISC EQUIPMENT : 2014 Kawski 4010 UTV 440 hrs , 4WD , pwr steer , manat Cub Cadet Log Splitter , 277cc motox , unused Haybuster 106 Rock Picker rake , sharp Haybuster H106 Rock Picker hyd drive , hyd dump , rakes , nuns good . Highline XL6084 Rock Picker , 16.1 knobby tres , low acres , sharp ; 2008 Feman Fresa CO Ter , 3 sp , reverse , elec start ( 2 ) 2022 500 Gal Vert Tank , poly , sold sep ; Cummins 83 Eng 4000 hrs , runs good JD 404ng300 ts , turbo BR - 30 Down Com Reet Kubota 900 UTV cab , hear runs good . Le Beaver PHO w / 6 " , 8 " & 12 " augers ... WITH MUCH MORE TO BE ADDED BEFORE THE AUCTION ST . ANNE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION & EQUIPMENT SALES AUCTION LICENSE # 441001008 00997 E 5000 S RD , ST . ANNE