Decker Estate Auction November 9, 2019, 10:00 a.m. 1271 E 350N, Bluffton, IN 46714 Firearms: Ruger Mark I Target .22 Cal, H&R MDL 660 .22Cal, Colt Officers Match .22, Colt Diamondback .38 Spcl, Remington Targetmaster .22 cal rifle, Westernfield 12 ga Pump Shotgun, Winchester MDL 94 30-30, Ruger M77 .22-250 w/ Scope, Marlin 39A .22 cal, Ruger 10/22 .22 cal w/ scope, Remington MDL 3 .22 cal, Winchester MDL 190.22 cal, Savage MDL 93R17.17 hmr w/ Scope, Springfield Armory MDL 1903 Mark I, .50 Cal Black Power Muzzle Loader, Browning 2000 12 ga Semi- Auto Shotgun, Winchester MDL 97 12 ga, .30 cal US Carbine. Truck & Car: 2000 Chevrolet 2500 2WD Truck 45,000 miles, 2011 Chevrolet Impala 51,000 miles. Tractor, Combine & Mowers: Ford 4600, Diesel, 1100 hrs, Ford 4000, JD 4020 Serial #: T21 1 R2501165R, Dual Hydraulic Remotes, Gas, Year-A-Round Cab, 5900 hrs, AC WD45 w/ Loader, Gleaner F Combine, Gas, 12'Grain Head 4R36 Corn Head, JD D170 Riding Mower, Agco Allis 1614H Riding Mower, Bushhog SQ72 rotary mower. Planting & Tillage: JD 7000 4R36 Planter, Liquid Fertilizer, Great Plains Solid Stand International 10' Disk w/ Spike Tooth Harrow, International 720 4 Bottom Plow, AC 1200 Field Cultivator, Culti-Mulcher, 10 Culti-Mulcher, 6R30 International Cultivator w/ Rolling Fenders. Farm Items: New Idea 2R36 Corn Picker, (3) Kill Bros 350 Wagons, Kewanee Elevator w/ Gas Engine, Flat Bed Wagon /w Side Boards, Small Elevator, Pax Hog Feeder, Ford 3 Bottom Model 130 Plow, 3 pt Hitch Sprayer, Grader Blade, Vintage Corn Sheller, Misc Gates both Wooden & Metal, Schuck Receiver Hitch, Small Single Axle Trailer, International Manure Spreader, Hog Ringing Crate, New Holland Hay Rake (Bar), Lanterns. Garage Items: Lawnboy Push Mower, Stihl Chainsaw, Front Tine Roto-Tiller, Extension Cords, Trouble Light, Gas Cans, Hand Sprayers, Garden Hose, Long Handled Tools, Wrench-es, Screwdrivers, Misc hand Tools, Hardware, Horse Drawn Cultivator, Aluminum Extension Ladder, Air Compressor, Lincoln Stick Welder, Torch Set w/ Tanks & Cart, Small Air Compressor, Wet/Dry Shop Vac, Black & Decker 20v Battery Hedge Trimmer, Vintage Johnson Boat Motor. Household: Vintage Butter Churn, Pots & Pans, Reclining Rocker Chairs, 3 Cushion Couch, End Tables, Lamps, Dining Table, Misc Chairs, Vintage China Cabinet, Bowls, Dishes, Crocks, Remanufactured Corsley Record Player, Glass Tumblers, Desk Chair, Knew Hole Desk, Bedroom Suite, Vintage Games, Dressing Table w/ Mirror, Vintage Chest of Drawers, Vintage Hand Painted Plates, Milk White Glass, Console Stereo, Many Other Items Not Listed, Aunt Jam imam Cookie Jar (no mark), Emerson Flat Screen TV, TV Stand. Auctioneer's Note: Due to the passing of Mr. Decker, we have been invited to liquidate Mr. Decker's estate. We will start promptly at 10am with household and garage items, will then sell firearms and equipment at 11am with the real estate to follow. rmeyer Restaf Harmeyer ScottShrader: AUCTION & APPRAISAL CO. 765.561.1671, AU10000277 765-348-6538, AU10300105 Decker Estate Auction November 9, 2019, 10:00 a.m. 1271 E 350N, Bluffton, IN 46714 Firearms: Ruger Mark I Target .22 Cal, H&R MDL 660 .22Cal, Colt Officers Match .22, Colt Diamondback .38 Spcl, Remington Targetmaster .22 cal rifle, Westernfield 12 ga Pump Shotgun, Winchester MDL 94 30-30, Ruger M77 .22-250 w/ Scope, Marlin 39A .22 cal, Ruger 10/22 .22 cal w/ scope, Remington MDL 3 .22 cal, Winchester MDL 190.22 cal, Savage MDL 93R17.17 hmr w/ Scope, Springfield Armory MDL 1903 Mark I, .50 Cal Black Power Muzzle Loader, Browning 2000 12 ga Semi- Auto Shotgun, Winchester MDL 97 12 ga, .30 cal US Carbine. Truck & Car: 2000 Chevrolet 2500 2WD Truck 45,000 miles, 2011 Chevrolet Impala 51,000 miles. Tractor, Combine & Mowers: Ford 4600, Diesel, 1100 hrs, Ford 4000, JD 4020 Serial #: T21 1 R2501165R, Dual Hydraulic Remotes, Gas, Year-A-Round Cab, 5900 hrs, AC WD45 w/ Loader, Gleaner F Combine, Gas, 12'Grain Head 4R36 Corn Head, JD D170 Riding Mower, Agco Allis 1614H Riding Mower, Bushhog SQ72 rotary mower. Planting & Tillage: JD 7000 4R36 Planter, Liquid Fertilizer, Great Plains Solid Stand International 10' Disk w/ Spike Tooth Harrow, International 720 4 Bottom Plow, AC 1200 Field Cultivator, Culti-Mulcher, 10 Culti-Mulcher, 6R30 International Cultivator w/ Rolling Fenders. Farm Items: New Idea 2R36 Corn Picker, (3) Kill Bros 350 Wagons, Kewanee Elevator w/ Gas Engine, Flat Bed Wagon /w Side Boards, Small Elevator, Pax Hog Feeder, Ford 3 Bottom Model 130 Plow, 3 pt Hitch Sprayer, Grader Blade, Vintage Corn Sheller, Misc Gates both Wooden & Metal, Schuck Receiver Hitch, Small Single Axle Trailer, International Manure Spreader, Hog Ringing Crate, New Holland Hay Rake (Bar), Lanterns. Garage Items: Lawnboy Push Mower, Stihl Chainsaw, Front Tine Roto-Tiller, Extension Cords, Trouble Light, Gas Cans, Hand Sprayers, Garden Hose, Long Handled Tools, Wrench-es, Screwdrivers, Misc hand Tools, Hardware, Horse Drawn Cultivator, Aluminum Extension Ladder, Air Compressor, Lincoln Stick Welder, Torch Set w/ Tanks & Cart, Small Air Compressor, Wet/Dry Shop Vac, Black & Decker 20v Battery Hedge Trimmer, Vintage Johnson Boat Motor. Household: Vintage Butter Churn, Pots & Pans, Reclining Rocker Chairs, 3 Cushion Couch, End Tables, Lamps, Dining Table, Misc Chairs, Vintage China Cabinet, Bowls, Dishes, Crocks, Remanufactured Corsley Record Player, Glass Tumblers, Desk Chair, Knew Hole Desk, Bedroom Suite, Vintage Games, Dressing Table w/ Mirror, Vintage Chest of Drawers, Vintage Hand Painted Plates, Milk White Glass, Console Stereo, Many Other Items Not Listed, Aunt Jam imam Cookie Jar (no mark), Emerson Flat Screen TV, TV Stand. Auctioneer's Note: Due to the passing of Mr. Decker, we have been invited to liquidate Mr. Decker's estate. We will start promptly at 10am with household and garage items, will then sell firearms and equipment at 11am with the real estate to follow. rmeyer Restaf Harmeyer ScottShrader: AUCTION & APPRAISAL CO. 765.561.1671, AU10000277 765-348-6538, AU10300105