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    September 2, 2021
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ANNUAL FALL HAZELHURST CONSIGNMENT LIVE VIRTUAL AUCTION Location - Midway between Polo, IL and Milledgeville, IL on the Polo-Milodgeville Road. (17748 W. Miledgeville Road, Polo, IL 61064). In Polo on IL 26, turn west on Oregon Street (Polo-Milledgeville Rd), In Miledgeville on IL 40, tum east on Polo-Miledgevill Road. Off road parking at entrance on west side of site. See advance sale bills/pictures on our website at & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 * TIME - 8:30 AM Will start on Live Auction smaller items at 8:30, Lawn & Garden at 12:00noon-Vehicles at 2:00 PM While Online items west side of driveway 9:00 am Online Bidding available through ProxiBid starting at 9:00 am. For registration questions, please contact ProxiBid at 877-505-7770 or Braydan Beiswanger at 260-760-4036. Online Buyer Premium charged. Live Simulcast bidding day of sale and prebidding available ahead of auction. Note - With online bidding, all items must be on site by September 8. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy (social distancing, masks, etc) therefore we will only be taking tractors, farm implements, trucks, trailers, vehicles, plus punning riding mowers, ATV's, golf carts, small farm items & good tires. NO hayrack items, used lumber or household items. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE! Gates will be open on August 30, 31. Sept 1, 2, 3, 4(Saturday betwoen 7:30 til noon), 7& 8 between 7:30 am & 5:00 pm. All items below have been consigned, Public Auction Service and employees assume that all items will be there on sale day in the oondition described, However, if not, we assume no responsibility. Partial tisting, as usual, loes more isted by sale day Stop in the office to get your permit to ride your ATV, etc during the sale. TRACTORS - SKID LOADERS - CONSTRUCTION JD 8300 w840 loader JD 430 RU woader (project tractor) JD 4430, PS, CAH, 5500 hes JD 720 LP, WF, new paint & tires JD 50, NF. PS: JD 4640. quad, orig paint AC WD DB 990 D, WF H Super H gas, runs (#10737SH) IH 756 46 duals, 7800 hrs Ford skid loader, gas 13 Mahindra 5010 hydro cab tractor wloader, 100 hrs, ike new 08 Nissan Altima wi115,000 miles 08 Lincoln Navigator, 145.000 miles MowERS - BLADES - SNOWBLOWER-MISCELLANEOUS JD HX15 batwing mower, 540 PTO, chains, stump jumpers, airplane tires Woods 3180 batwing mower Woods Brush Bull 84 finish mower Woods 2120 batwing Woods 107 3pt mower Woods XT 184 King Kutter 3pt 5 finish mower Woods RB1010 hyd blade Bush Hog 175-10 hyd 10' blade Woods 6500 3pt backhoe (900299) JD fn blade for 30 & 40 series tractors Woods 10 all hyd blade EP 1930 Danuser post hole auger 12" bit new warranty Imp tires 12.15" & 18" auger bits Woods SB84C snow blower, ike new JD Worksite 6 SS bucket Metal grouser tracks for wheeled skid idr AC WD rear end 6' loader bucket wirev blade (Dual Ldr) Gehl backhoe skid bader attach wloutriggers, runs off hyd Windmill pump jack 7% Tartar snow pusher. SS attach T mokdboard Landscape block HIQual alley sorting gate Hotsey pressure washer 1000 gal fuel tank & pump 2000 gal fuel tank & pump 2000 gal poly tank & pump " Sears rear mt siler, gas Outdoorsman cabin wistove on wheels (just buit) Weights for- 12 AC 7000 frt JD H 75ib Cat suitcase NH skid idr 05 C-IH MX285, Galion 500 road grader, 500 Detroit. 12' blade TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT 2 JD 714 disk chisel 11, 9shk IH 406 disk 18W w/7W spacings Dawn Pluribus 12R strip till bar, 3pt on 3pt cady, pneumatic down force "02 Harrowgator C144 (AgForce box, extra tires sold separately) MAW Earthmaster 1875 w5 shks, 14', Sne harrow H 490 disk 6 King Kutter 3pt disk H 37 disk 10 Glencoe 11shk soil saver 4 sec hyd harrow cart Hamil 3pt 2R cultivator Howse 6' disk Kewanee 5 section drag cart * King Kutter 3pt cultivator BR narrow rear mt cultivator JO 400 15 hoe 49 JD VanBrunt grain drill, single disk, manual it JD 7000 4-38", ins, Precision meter Noble 6-30 culti IH cuti COMBINES - FORAGE - HARVEST EQUIPMENT - DRYERS JD 9760 combine JD JD 6620 turborhydro combine 2 JD 216 plattorms "JD 915 black platform Homemade head carts EZ Tral head mover Unverferth head mover 02 JD 893 corn hd, hyd deck plates, shafts & muti pt JD 608C com hd JD 9410 Maximizer combine, chopper, spreader, new rasp bars, 2170 eng hes, 1288 sep hrs (680 105) JD 918F platform, fore & aft JD 693 poly com hd, hyd deck plates (705648) H 60 stalk chopper 85 Gleaner L3 combine, 4408 eng hrs, 2885 sep hrs, GR com hd, 20 platform wupdated roller, sickle in 2 JD 5 sickle mower NH 56 hay rake 2 ed balers Gehl forage bax on Kory 8T gear * GT 250 PTO batch dryer WAGONS - GRAIN CARTS - SPREADERS - FEED WAGONS D 630 platorm n"Geringhoff 8R com hd (1 bad gr box) SPENCER PRICE-OWNER JD 4230, DH, 8293 hrs (032664R) 6 JD fit wgts JD 4230, quad, cab, DH. 5095 hrs (801802R) NI 486 baler, 540 PTO, soft core, twine NH 488 haybine Kewanee 12 cultimulcher JD 12 grain dri. DD, grass seed IH 470 disk 15 JD 15 drag Farm King 8x61 auger 2R 3pt cultivator JD 414 rotary hoe 4 hayracks wigears Kewanee 3pt 7 blade JD nunning gear Case 48 semi mt plow Gehi 418 hayrack 8 wheel 2 F&F gravity wgns on Bradford gears 2 barge boxes, hoists & Case gears 250 gravity wagon on gears 2019, head cart (all used in 2020) MI 300 bu- DMI 470 gravity wagon Parker 4000 gravity wagon Parker 200 gravity wagon Parker gravity box on JD 1075 (10T) gear Kibros 300 bu gravity on DMI gear * DMI center dump wagon 2 Ficklin 4500 wagons DMI gravity wagon y w/sep comb & conveyor to transfer out Louis Levan Estate IH Super A, WF, 1pt hitch (354886) HH. NF, belt puley (89071) H Super C. NE wiSuper Six Mig loader trip bucket 20 fatbed trailer wiramps 18 latbed trailer w2 foldup ramps 1941 Buick Super 4dr, real good shape tarps (1 green, 1 red) Kinze 640 grain cart JD 1210A grain cart J&M grain cart Knight 252 spreader H steel wheel spreader Knoedier auger wagon Schuler 175BF foed wagon NI 12A spreader (restored) AUGERS - ELEVATORS - GRINDER auger wihyd swing hopper, like new Westlield MHX130-74 Fetrel auger 8" truck loading auger Hutchison 8'x30' auger wigas motor Westfield 8x60 auger whopper * Farm King 10x36 PTO auger Mayrath 8'X70 auger wiswing hopper Mayrath 8'x41' auger (like new) Westlield 10x61' auger VIEWING Lunch by Polo Lions Club plus Ogle County Beef Assoc serving ribeyes! Gates open on Sept 9 & 10 between 8.00 am & 500 pm for viewing (stop in office for a buyer number). will be TRAILERS 13 Ford F150 4x4, 3.5L V6, 4 dr, 28.100 miles 03 Ford F150 4x4, bad transfer case, 54 eng 94 Mack RD600, 10 sp, wet kit, new tires & brakes. 380,000 miles 97 Travis 24' dump quarter frame. insulated, tarp, liner 97 Chevrolet MT diesel wiBoss snowplow Skid loader trailer "85 Ford L Series truck witrame Econoline 16' tit bed trailer 77 Ford Fe00 grain truck wicargo doors, single axde, 15 box, 67,312 miles Location - 17748 W. Milledgeville Road, Polo, IL 61064 Farm of Mrs. Sherwood Shank & Family 815-225-7730 (sale site during business hours) Auctioneers: Lenny Bryson (L440000158) 815-946-4120 Mark Ebert (IL440000341) * Brent Schmidgal Cal Kaufman (IL 440000363) Hank Holm * Adam Johnson Terms - Cash, good check or credit card - Master Card, Visa, American Express and Discover (with a 3% convenience fee). All items must be settled for day of sale. Number system will be used, have drivers license. Not responsibie for accidents or merchandise after sold. linsurance on all items covered by seller till sold, then become responsibility of new property owner] Sales Tax will be charged on all appropriate items. ST 587 (farm use)& CRT 61 (resale] forms available. PPE requirements are recommended! Polo, IL Clerks: Public Auction Service Lyle (ILA0000185) & Sheryl & John Hopkins 815-946-2660 ANNUAL FALL HAZELHURST CONSIGNMENT LIVE VIRTUAL AUCTION Location - Midway between Polo, IL and Milledgeville, IL on the Polo-Milodgeville Road. (17748 W. Miledgeville Road, Polo, IL 61064). In Polo on IL 26, turn west on Oregon Street (Polo-Milledgeville Rd), In Miledgeville on IL 40, tum east on Polo-Miledgevill Road. Off road parking at entrance on west side of site. See advance sale bills/pictures on our website at & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 * TIME - 8:30 AM Will start on Live Auction smaller items at 8:30, Lawn & Garden at 12:00noon-Vehicles at 2:00 PM While Online items west side of driveway 9:00 am Online Bidding available through ProxiBid starting at 9:00 am. For registration questions, please contact ProxiBid at 877-505-7770 or Braydan Beiswanger at 260-760-4036. Online Buyer Premium charged. Live Simulcast bidding day of sale and prebidding available ahead of auction. Note - With online bidding, all items must be on site by September 8. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy (social distancing, masks, etc) therefore we will only be taking tractors, farm implements, trucks, trailers, vehicles, plus punning riding mowers, ATV's, golf carts, small farm items & good tires. NO hayrack items, used lumber or household items. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE! Gates will be open on August 30, 31. Sept 1, 2, 3, 4(Saturday betwoen 7:30 til noon), 7& 8 between 7:30 am & 5:00 pm. All items below have been consigned, Public Auction Service and employees assume that all items will be there on sale day in the oondition described, However, if not, we assume no responsibility. Partial tisting, as usual, loes more isted by sale day Stop in the office to get your permit to ride your ATV, etc during the sale. TRACTORS - SKID LOADERS - CONSTRUCTION JD 8300 w840 loader JD 430 RU woader (project tractor) JD 4430, PS, CAH, 5500 hes JD 720 LP, WF, new paint & tires JD 50, NF. PS: JD 4640. quad, orig paint AC WD DB 990 D, WF H Super H gas, runs (#10737SH) IH 756 46 duals, 7800 hrs Ford skid loader, gas 13 Mahindra 5010 hydro cab tractor wloader, 100 hrs, ike new 08 Nissan Altima wi115,000 miles 08 Lincoln Navigator, 145.000 miles MowERS - BLADES - SNOWBLOWER-MISCELLANEOUS JD HX15 batwing mower, 540 PTO, chains, stump jumpers, airplane tires Woods 3180 batwing mower Woods Brush Bull 84 finish mower Woods 2120 batwing Woods 107 3pt mower Woods XT 184 King Kutter 3pt 5 finish mower Woods RB1010 hyd blade Bush Hog 175-10 hyd 10' blade Woods 6500 3pt backhoe (900299) JD fn blade for 30 & 40 series tractors Woods 10 all hyd blade EP 1930 Danuser post hole auger 12" bit new warranty Imp tires 12.15" & 18" auger bits Woods SB84C snow blower, ike new JD Worksite 6 SS bucket Metal grouser tracks for wheeled skid idr AC WD rear end 6' loader bucket wirev blade (Dual Ldr) Gehl backhoe skid bader attach wloutriggers, runs off hyd Windmill pump jack 7% Tartar snow pusher. SS attach T mokdboard Landscape block HIQual alley sorting gate Hotsey pressure washer 1000 gal fuel tank & pump 2000 gal fuel tank & pump 2000 gal poly tank & pump " Sears rear mt siler, gas Outdoorsman cabin wistove on wheels (just buit) Weights for- 12 AC 7000 frt JD H 75ib Cat suitcase NH skid idr 05 C-IH MX285, Galion 500 road grader, 500 Detroit. 12' blade TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT 2 JD 714 disk chisel 11, 9shk IH 406 disk 18W w/7W spacings Dawn Pluribus 12R strip till bar, 3pt on 3pt cady, pneumatic down force "02 Harrowgator C144 (AgForce box, extra tires sold separately) MAW Earthmaster 1875 w5 shks, 14', Sne harrow H 490 disk 6 King Kutter 3pt disk H 37 disk 10 Glencoe 11shk soil saver 4 sec hyd harrow cart Hamil 3pt 2R cultivator Howse 6' disk Kewanee 5 section drag cart * King Kutter 3pt cultivator BR narrow rear mt cultivator JO 400 15 hoe 49 JD VanBrunt grain drill, single disk, manual it JD 7000 4-38", ins, Precision meter Noble 6-30 culti IH cuti COMBINES - FORAGE - HARVEST EQUIPMENT - DRYERS JD 9760 combine JD JD 6620 turborhydro combine 2 JD 216 plattorms "JD 915 black platform Homemade head carts EZ Tral head mover Unverferth head mover 02 JD 893 corn hd, hyd deck plates, shafts & muti pt JD 608C com hd JD 9410 Maximizer combine, chopper, spreader, new rasp bars, 2170 eng hes, 1288 sep hrs (680 105) JD 918F platform, fore & aft JD 693 poly com hd, hyd deck plates (705648) H 60 stalk chopper 85 Gleaner L3 combine, 4408 eng hrs, 2885 sep hrs, GR com hd, 20 platform wupdated roller, sickle in 2 JD 5 sickle mower NH 56 hay rake 2 ed balers Gehl forage bax on Kory 8T gear * GT 250 PTO batch dryer WAGONS - GRAIN CARTS - SPREADERS - FEED WAGONS D 630 platorm n"Geringhoff 8R com hd (1 bad gr box) SPENCER PRICE-OWNER JD 4230, DH, 8293 hrs (032664R) 6 JD fit wgts JD 4230, quad, cab, DH. 5095 hrs (801802R) NI 486 baler, 540 PTO, soft core, twine NH 488 haybine Kewanee 12 cultimulcher JD 12 grain dri. DD, grass seed IH 470 disk 15 JD 15 drag Farm King 8x61 auger 2R 3pt cultivator JD 414 rotary hoe 4 hayracks wigears Kewanee 3pt 7 blade JD nunning gear Case 48 semi mt plow Gehi 418 hayrack 8 wheel 2 F&F gravity wgns on Bradford gears 2 barge boxes, hoists & Case gears 250 gravity wagon on gears 2019, head cart (all used in 2020) MI 300 bu- DMI 470 gravity wagon Parker 4000 gravity wagon Parker 200 gravity wagon Parker gravity box on JD 1075 (10T) gear Kibros 300 bu gravity on DMI gear * DMI center dump wagon 2 Ficklin 4500 wagons DMI gravity wagon y w/sep comb & conveyor to transfer out Louis Levan Estate IH Super A, WF, 1pt hitch (354886) HH. NF, belt puley (89071) H Super C. NE wiSuper Six Mig loader trip bucket 20 fatbed trailer wiramps 18 latbed trailer w2 foldup ramps 1941 Buick Super 4dr, real good shape tarps (1 green, 1 red) Kinze 640 grain cart JD 1210A grain cart J&M grain cart Knight 252 spreader H steel wheel spreader Knoedier auger wagon Schuler 175BF foed wagon NI 12A spreader (restored) AUGERS - ELEVATORS - GRINDER auger wihyd swing hopper, like new Westlield MHX130-74 Fetrel auger 8" truck loading auger Hutchison 8'x30' auger wigas motor Westfield 8x60 auger whopper * Farm King 10x36 PTO auger Mayrath 8'X70 auger wiswing hopper Mayrath 8'x41' auger (like new) Westlield 10x61' auger VIEWING Lunch by Polo Lions Club plus Ogle County Beef Assoc serving ribeyes! Gates open on Sept 9 & 10 between 8.00 am & 500 pm for viewing (stop in office for a buyer number). will be TRAILERS 13 Ford F150 4x4, 3.5L V6, 4 dr, 28.100 miles 03 Ford F150 4x4, bad transfer case, 54 eng 94 Mack RD600, 10 sp, wet kit, new tires & brakes. 380,000 miles 97 Travis 24' dump quarter frame. insulated, tarp, liner 97 Chevrolet MT diesel wiBoss snowplow Skid loader trailer "85 Ford L Series truck witrame Econoline 16' tit bed trailer 77 Ford Fe00 grain truck wicargo doors, single axde, 15 box, 67,312 miles Location - 17748 W. Milledgeville Road, Polo, IL 61064 Farm of Mrs. Sherwood Shank & Family 815-225-7730 (sale site during business hours) Auctioneers: Lenny Bryson (L440000158) 815-946-4120 Mark Ebert (IL440000341) * Brent Schmidgal Cal Kaufman (IL 440000363) Hank Holm * Adam Johnson Terms - Cash, good check or credit card - Master Card, Visa, American Express and Discover (with a 3% convenience fee). All items must be settled for day of sale. Number system will be used, have drivers license. Not responsibie for accidents or merchandise after sold. linsurance on all items covered by seller till sold, then become responsibility of new property owner] Sales Tax will be charged on all appropriate items. ST 587 (farm use)& CRT 61 (resale] forms available. PPE requirements are recommended! Polo, IL Clerks: Public Auction Service Lyle (ILA0000185) & Sheryl & John Hopkins 815-946-2660