PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024 I 10 AM AUCTION LOCATION: 4698 HWY EE, CENTRALIA, MO 65240 Directions: On the west side of Centralia, Mo. take Hwy. 151 northwest 3 miles to Hwy. EE, turn right and go north 2 1/2 mile to the Marcum Farm on the right. LIVE ON-SITE AUCTION WITH ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE TAIL ONLINE WHEELER LIVE BIDDING PLATFORM Online Bidding Provided By BID NOW Equipmentfacts JOHN DEERE TRACTORS, JOHN DEERE COMBINE, HEADS & HEADER TRAILERS, SPRAYER & APPLICATOR, PLANTER, TILLAGE EQUIPMENT, OTHER FARM MACHINERY, SHOP TOOL AND MISC. SELLERS: Kyle & Zach Marcum Wheeler - AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE 23101 HWY. 24, PARIS, MO 65275 | 660-327-5890 WWW.WHEELERAUCTIONS.COM For more information contact Charlie Nordwald at 636-795-4552 or visit! PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY , APRIL 12 , 2024 I 10 AM AUCTION LOCATION : 4698 HWY EE , CENTRALIA , MO 65240 Directions : On the west side of Centralia , Mo. take Hwy . 151 northwest 3 miles to Hwy . EE , turn right and go north 2 1/2 mile to the Marcum Farm on the right . LIVE ON - SITE AUCTION WITH ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE TAIL ONLINE WHEELER LIVE BIDDING PLATFORM Online Bidding Provided By BID NOW Equipmentfacts JOHN DEERE TRACTORS , JOHN DEERE COMBINE , HEADS & HEADER TRAILERS , SPRAYER & APPLICATOR , PLANTER , TILLAGE EQUIPMENT , OTHER FARM MACHINERY , SHOP TOOL AND MISC . SELLERS : Kyle & Zach Marcum Wheeler - AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE 23101 HWY . 24 , PARIS , MO 65275 | 660-327-5890 WWW.WHEELERAUCTIONS.COM For more information contact Charlie Nordwald at 636-795-4552 or visit !