FALL FARM MACHINERY Located at Scherer's Auction Facility, 3 miles east of Oxford, IN on 600 S; or, one mile east of Junction S.R. 352 & U.S. 52 on 600 S; or, 15 miles northwest of Lafayette, IN on U.S. 52 to 750 E & north one mile to 600 S & 1/4 mile west, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2024 OFFERING LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING 10:00 A.M., EST SKIDSTEER & TRACTORS: 2020 Bobcat T 76 R Series skidsteer, 4-cyl D, 5-Link suspension, 2-speed drive, heat & AC, only 263 hours, with 83" material bucket, Also sells separate: Loflin 85" grapple, Bobcat 73" grapple, Bobcat pallet forks, 1987 Case-IH 2594, CAH, 480.80x42 tires with duels, 4 remotes, front weights, 4-speed power shift, SN 9935569, 1996 John Deere 6400, CAH, 18.4x38 tires, QR, 4 remotes, with John Deere Quick-tach 640 self-leveling loader & Quick-tach 72" material bucket, only 1085 hours, Kubota L3130 compact tractor, with LA 723 loader, MFWD, only 940 hours, Mahindra 3510 MFWD, D with loader, Rops bar, 1597 hours, 1966 Oliver 1850 gas, parts, 1965 Oliver 1850 gas, parts, Farmall 300 with loader, parts, Farmall 350 gas, fast hitch, 1979 Case 580 D backhoe, 84" bucket, 24" bucket for hoe, 4252 hours, Case 680 D backhoe, 3136 hours, Case 580 backhoe & bucket, extended hoe, 1952 Ford 8N, SEMIS-TRUCKS - TRAILERS: 1995 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Power Stroke Turbo Diesel V-8, 4WD dump truck, 9' dump bed with fold-down sides, 22.5x70x19.5 tires, only 19,310 miles, 1994 IHC semi-tractor, Mod 920, Cat 3406, sleeper, 28.5x75 R 24.5 tires, 691,760 miles, 1997 IHC Mod 9400 semi-tractor, Cummins N14, sleeper, 22.5 tires, 2005 Wilson 43' hopper-bottom aluminum trailer, roll tarp, 22.5 tires, ASM 40' steel hopper-bottom trailer, 11R.24.5 tires, roll tarp, 1999 Ford F350 D Super Cab flat bed, 184,400 miles, Econoline 9-ton, 21' tilt trailer, tandem axle, 22.5x75 D 14.5 tires, pintle hitch, Del-Fab gooseneck 18' grain bed tri-axle trailer, Trailerman tandem-axle backhoe trailer with ramps, 18", 16" tires, Tandem-axle 18' car hauler trailer, 16' Enclosed trailer with fold-down door, 12' Enclosed trailer with fold-down door, Trail West tandem-axle 3-horse trailer with living quarters, gooseneck, 16" tires, 16' Hay rack with hoist, Pickup bed trailer, Ford F350 Power Stroke D 4-door pickup with gooseneck hook-up, 2015 Kia Soul 4-door hatchback, 87,000 miles, 2009 Cadillac DTS, leather interior, sun roof, full power, 110,000 miles, COMBINE & GRAINHEADS - GRAIN CART: 2005 Case-IHC 2388 axial-flow combine, 520x85 R 38 dual tires, 14.9x24 rear tires, Mauer bin extensions, approx. 4050 hours engine, 2900 hours separator, Case-IHC 1020 30' grain platform, poly pads, stainless steel bottom, HT25 Unverferth head mover, sells separate, Case-IHC Mod 1033 8RN corn head, poly snouts, HT36 Unverferth head mover, sells separate, Killbros Mod 690 grain cart, comer unload, 24.5x32 lug tires, 1000 PTO, MOTORHOME - CAMPER: 2005 Georgetown XL 375 motorhome, 38', V-10 Triton gas motor, 3 slide-outs, 2004 Prowler Regal 28' camper, 1 slide-out, FARM EQUIPMENT: White 12 RN Mod 6122 hyd. vac planter, Massey 3-pt, 9-shank chisel plow, John Deere MX 7', 3-pt mower, Land Pride RCF 6', 3-pt mower, Woods 15' batwing mower, King Kutter 3-pt, 7' blade, King Kutter 3-pt, 5' mower, Case 3-bottom pull plow, 3-pt. 5' Disc, Case-IHC 3-pt, 20 rotary hoe, Pair MC 100x71' swing-away augers, 3-pt, 16' Cultivator, MK 10x73' auger, Buhler 10x80' auger, 3-pt Log splitter, King Kutter 3-pt. 5' box scraper, Two 3-pt post hole diggers, NI ground-driven manure spreader, Pair Bobcat 67" material buckets, 3-pt, 6' Blade, Loflin 72" grapple, Seven 8' pipe gates, Round bale horse feeder, Twelve 16' pipe hog gates, SHOP TOOLS: Lincoln 225 welder, Grinders on stands, Craftsman radial arm saw, 20-ton Press, Shop vac, Electric power tools, Floor jacks, Jack stands, Porta-power, Vice grip clamps, C clamps, Pipe clamps, Metal inventory cabinets, Craftsman toolbox, Hand wrenches, Body shop tools, Air tools, Semi hose line, Long-handled tools, 9 Silver Series come-alongs, Hydraulic hose, Log chains, Steel slings, And much more, AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Four partial close-outs here; can't list everything. SCHERER'S AUCTION SERVICE, LLC - LARRY SCHERER 765-366-1061 Cell 765-385-1550 Off. 765-385-5080 Res. AU01017404 BILL DECKER Milford, Illinois 815-889-4111-Off. 815-889-4213- Res. AU01014341 BROCK GARRELTS Fowler, Indiana 765-299-3755 AU111200084 TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash or check with proper I.D. Everything sold as is; no warranty applies. Online bidding through equipmentfacts.com. Online bidding starts at 1:00 p.m. EST. 4% buyer's premium capped at $3,000. Not responsible for accidents or property after sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material. LUNCH SERVED. AuctionZip.com #20042. FALL FARM MACHINERY Located at Scherer's Auction Facility , 3 miles east of Oxford , IN on 600 S ; or , one mile east of Junction S.R. 352 & U.S. 52 on 600 S ; or , 15 miles northwest of Lafayette , IN on U.S. 52 to 750 E & north one mile to 600 S & 1/4 mile west , on SATURDAY , DECEMBER 14 , 2024 OFFERING LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING 10:00 A.M. , EST SKIDSTEER & TRACTORS : 2020 Bobcat T 76 R Series skidsteer , 4 - cyl D , 5 - Link suspension , 2 - speed drive , heat & AC , only 263 hours , with 83 " material bucket , Also sells separate : Loflin 85 " grapple , Bobcat 73 " grapple , Bobcat pallet forks , 1987 Case - IH 2594 , CAH , 480.80x42 tires with duels , 4 remotes , front weights , 4 - speed power shift , SN 9935569 , 1996 John Deere 6400 , CAH , 18.4x38 tires , QR , 4 remotes , with John Deere Quick - tach 640 self - leveling loader & Quick - tach 72 " material bucket , only 1085 hours , Kubota L3130 compact tractor , with LA 723 loader , MFWD , only 940 hours , Mahindra 3510 MFWD , D with loader , Rops bar , 1597 hours , 1966 Oliver 1850 gas , parts , 1965 Oliver 1850 gas , parts , Farmall 300 with loader , parts , Farmall 350 gas , fast hitch , 1979 Case 580 D backhoe , 84 " bucket , 24 " bucket for hoe , 4252 hours , Case 680 D backhoe , 3136 hours , Case 580 backhoe & bucket , extended hoe , 1952 Ford 8N , SEMIS - TRUCKS - TRAILERS : 1995 Ford F450 XL Super Duty Power Stroke Turbo Diesel V - 8 , 4WD dump truck , 9 ' dump bed with fold - down sides , 22.5x70x19.5 tires , only 19,310 miles , 1994 IHC semi - tractor , Mod 920 , Cat 3406 , sleeper , 28.5x75 R 24.5 tires , 691,760 miles , 1997 IHC Mod 9400 semi - tractor , Cummins N14 , sleeper , 22.5 tires , 2005 Wilson 43 ' hopper - bottom aluminum trailer , roll tarp , 22.5 tires , ASM 40 ' steel hopper - bottom trailer , 11R.24.5 tires , roll tarp , 1999 Ford F350 D Super Cab flat bed , 184,400 miles , Econoline 9 - ton , 21 ' tilt trailer , tandem axle , 22.5x75 D 14.5 tires , pintle hitch , Del - Fab gooseneck 18 ' grain bed tri - axle trailer , Trailerman tandem - axle backhoe trailer with ramps , 18 " , 16 " tires , Tandem - axle 18 ' car hauler trailer , 16 ' Enclosed trailer with fold - down door , 12 ' Enclosed trailer with fold - down door , Trail West tandem - axle 3 - horse trailer with living quarters , gooseneck , 16 " tires , 16 ' Hay rack with hoist , Pickup bed trailer , Ford F350 Power Stroke D 4 - door pickup with gooseneck hook - up , 2015 Kia Soul 4 - door hatchback , 87,000 miles , 2009 Cadillac DTS , leather interior , sun roof , full power , 110,000 miles , COMBINE & GRAINHEADS - GRAIN CART : 2005 Case - IHC 2388 axial - flow combine , 520x85 R 38 dual tires , 14.9x24 rear tires , Mauer bin extensions , approx . 4050 hours engine , 2900 hours separator , Case - IHC 1020 30 ' grain platform , poly pads , stainless steel bottom , HT25 Unverferth head mover , sells separate , Case - IHC Mod 1033 8RN corn head , poly snouts , HT36 Unverferth head mover , sells separate , Killbros Mod 690 grain cart , comer unload , 24.5x32 lug tires , 1000 PTO , MOTORHOME - CAMPER : 2005 Georgetown XL 375 motorhome , 38 ' , V - 10 Triton gas motor , 3 slide - outs , 2004 Prowler Regal 28 ' camper , 1 slide - out , FARM EQUIPMENT : White 12 RN Mod 6122 hyd . vac planter , Massey 3 - pt , 9 - shank chisel plow , John Deere MX 7 ' , 3 - pt mower , Land Pride RCF 6 ' , 3 - pt mower , Woods 15 ' batwing mower , King Kutter 3 - pt , 7 ' blade , King Kutter 3 - pt , 5 ' mower , Case 3 - bottom pull plow , 3 - pt . 5 ' Disc , Case - IHC 3 - pt , 20 rotary hoe , Pair MC 100x71 ' swing - away augers , 3 - pt , 16 ' Cultivator , MK 10x73 ' auger , Buhler 10x80 ' auger , 3 - pt Log splitter , King Kutter 3 - pt . 5 ' box scraper , Two 3 - pt post hole diggers , NI ground - driven manure spreader , Pair Bobcat 67 " material buckets , 3 - pt , 6 ' Blade , Loflin 72 " grapple , Seven 8 ' pipe gates , Round bale horse feeder , Twelve 16 ' pipe hog gates , SHOP TOOLS : Lincoln 225 welder , Grinders on stands , Craftsman radial arm saw , 20 - ton Press , Shop vac , Electric power tools , Floor jacks , Jack stands , Porta - power , Vice grip clamps , C clamps , Pipe clamps , Metal inventory cabinets , Craftsman toolbox , Hand wrenches , Body shop tools , Air tools , Semi hose line , Long - handled tools , 9 Silver Series come - alongs , Hydraulic hose , Log chains , Steel slings , And much more , AUCTIONEER'S NOTE : Four partial close - outs here ; can't list everything . SCHERER'S AUCTION SERVICE , LLC - LARRY SCHERER 765-366-1061 Cell 765-385-1550 Off . 765-385-5080 Res . AU01017404 BILL DECKER Milford , Illinois 815-889-4111 - Off . 815-889-4213- Res . AU01014341 BROCK GARRELTS Fowler , Indiana 765-299-3755 AU111200084 TERMS & CONDITIONS : Cash or check with proper I.D. Everything sold as is ; no warranty applies . Online bidding through equipmentfacts.com . Online bidding starts at 1:00 p.m. EST . 4 % buyer's premium capped at $ 3,000 . Not responsible for accidents or property after sold . Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material . LUNCH SERVED . AuctionZip.com # 20042 .