SANTA SAYS... Earn big savings this season by purchasing your seeds early CASH DISCOUNTS 5% December 4% January 3% February $15 ALFALFA DISCOUNT $15.00 Off Per Bag if purchased before March 1, 2025 . Galaxy II WS VP23 WS L550 WS HiFi 375HY-BR Hybrid 2020 Supreme Brand 5301 Multi-leaf Grazer Brand 4241 Creeping . . WS LeafGuard LH Hay Mixes Mix 2 - Mix 8 Ask Dustin about early pay discounts on NuTech Corn & Soybeans Look for our 2025 Seed Catalog in the Dec. 6th issue of Indiana AgriNews HONEY BEE WELTER SEED & HONEY CO. 800.470.3325 17724 Hwy 136 Onslow, IA 52321-7549 SM-LA2205967 SANTA SAYS ... Earn big savings this season by purchasing your seeds early CASH DISCOUNTS 5 % December 4 % January 3 % February $ 15 ALFALFA DISCOUNT $ 15.00 Off Per Bag if purchased before March 1 , 2025 . Galaxy II WS VP23 WS L550 WS HiFi 375HY - BR Hybrid 2020 Supreme Brand 5301 Multi - leaf Grazer Brand 4241 Creeping . . WS LeafGuard LH Hay Mixes Mix 2 - Mix 8 Ask Dustin about early pay discounts on NuTech Corn & Soybeans Look for our 2025 Seed Catalog in the Dec. 6th issue of Indiana AgriNews HONEY BEE WELTER SEED & HONEY CO . 800.470.3325 17724 Hwy 136 Onslow , IA 52321-7549 SM - LA2205967