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    July 21, 2023
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LARGE MULTI-FARMER ABSOLUTE AUCTION Saturday August 19, 2023 9:00AM 511 South Hanover Street, Ove NO BUYERS' PREMIUM LIVE AUCTION ONLY-NO ONLINE BIDDING Rain or Shine-In Four Rings For color photos, see our web site: or and Sale to be held in me Community Park 511 S Hanover Ohvile, & Okave is located 40 miles east of St. Louison 164 There is a large conditioned lunch room and lots off shelter Okawvile has two motels Original Minanal Springs, 1018) 243-5458 and Super 8 (1) 243-6525 TRACTORS AND LOADERS New Holland T0255 actor-MFWD, 18.4-46 duas font duals. 3290 s, quick coupler A beau, clean tractor New Holland 8770 Super Tractor-5798 hs, new 184-42 Trelleborg tr 4 SOVS. The sharpest one in IL: Ford Versatile 8280-4WD 800/85R32, rubber very good. Cummins engine, nice- 2011 JD 5105M-MFWD 3 SCVs S/N 5105MAB347316, 451 hs. The nicest one in R Estate tractor, New H and canopy 20 1486 Tractor-With cab, das, 540 & 1000 PTO: JD 2640 and 0546 Loader; JD 2940-MFWO, Roll guard, wendorf loader 70771 8560-440 12 speed, 18.4-38 duals, 3 outlets White 4-180-ND, wP70, 3 pt, and front slage blade 5651 ts: JD 4650-Cab dues, quad range Estate actor JD 40 Console, WF2 outlets Estate tractor Ford TW10-CaFord 50000 Case 1175-Cab, 7300 vs duss. Estate tractor, Bush Hog 3226-0 loader JD 4040-18.4- quadrange: Case 1470-4WD open station, 23-26 rubber nearly new 3 pt. 3153 Case 2500-Duas, c quick hitch, weights, 4968 s Ford 3000-GMF 135- Nice Bush Hog 2847 loader w/CH brackets JD 260 Loader AC 100-Gas, wild; Freeman 4000 Loader COLLECTOR TRACTORS-These tractors are from the Estate of Hershel Hunter, Deceased one of southern inois' largest collectors. Al tractors are beautifully and professionally restored 1949 JD Syed A 1807 JD Unstyled A 1950JDG ) 1963 Farmall Super M 1953 Famal Super H 1955 Famal 400-Gas Farmall Super MD45 e cultivator 3 arri Very nice; Over 2255-2WD, ca, JD 6000 Industrial Tractor wid, Rae JD 40-Standard 1-piece grill, front weight, all original w nders Cat V8 3150 engine, 3 p. 3182 m all onginal and straight J0 530-3 pt stores 1967 J0 820-Oder restoration JD 50 D 800 3pt Nach JO 4200-Car High at work attachment 5 roles, #126754; 1943 JOD-New rubber restored Case SC-Original AC D17-Gas 3 pt adapter NF: AC B-Belly mower H-450-Gas, I restored new rubber Farmal A weights Famal Cub-Restored Minneapolis Moline gawor AC CA Tractor wibely mower No 1940 H Farma H Massey Marts 44 Tractor-Nice JD Moda E-1% pH and Miss engine 460-Gas, Ww cultivator 1949 JO MT-Dig ollars, 422006: 1036 JO BR ANTIQUE BARN FINDS AND ORIGINAL TRACTORSD 40 Crawblade 1953 DAR-Styled original and straight Very rare 1957 J0 620 1837 JO Unstyled A why cast rear wheels new rubber: 1839 JD Styled B-Single front wheel wipower it new rubber 1953 JD-40-Row crop, WFR 1950. 1965 JD 60 LPwUD 801 3pt Nich, onginal Mansey Hans 44-Original straight 1966 JO 420W-4speed 0 1010- -Older restoration Case D-Standard tractor, originat JDH-Project tractor Farma F-30-Wide axe, original TRUCKS, TRAILERS, AND GRAIN CARTS-To sell at 12 Noon: Bar 1550 Orain Cart-Hyd folding extensions for narrow transport, 24 iunibading suger lege ander hyd strane joystic control drive, 1550 bushel Used very little nearly newt 1980 C70 Chevy Truck-366 engine, 5-speed, 2 speed S 1999 Freighiner FLTO-Single axle semi, Cummins 150 8.3L 10-speed Nice 2004 Jet Hopper Bottom Single Axe Thaler-22 Noe 2006 Fighter Columbia -10-speed w/wet kit Mercedes Benz engine Wi-Ro 16 ft Dump Grain Traler-Gooseneck Very nice 1994 International 4700 1444 Diesel Truck waluminum fatbed, 112.000 one-owner : 2020 Hillsboro Aluminum Livestock Gooseneck 2011. Te good Thalman 20 ft Gooseneck Flatbed Thaler-4t dove and ramps. Very good: 1990 Chevy 3500 Dump Truck JD 500 Gran Cart 400 Gravity Wagons-Mary wiseed ugars 1998 Chevy Tandem Diesel-Cat engine, 18 ft bed cargo doors 2004 W40 Hopper Bottom Semi-Trailer wtarp 2005 Chevy 2500 Pickup-4x4, auto, 138,000 miles J&M 375 Seed Tenderwote. Very good J&M 750 Grain Cart-Excellent 1996 Chevy 1500-4x4 pick 2001 Chevy 2500-44 pickup along 21 t Gooseneck Livestock Trale1875 Ford F750-Gas, Tag axle landem, Knaphede grain bed 8.000 the cleanest one in 1: 2003 Freightliner Columbia Sens-Sleeper cab. Auto shift Kodiak 24 tt Gooseneck Catte Trailer: Kibros 1820-1200 bushel grain cart2) New Z-Flow 400 and 500 Bushel Wagons-Blue coloc 1978 Chevy 080-15 Kraphede bed, 74,815 miles Kibros 475 Grain Cart (2) MSW 400 Bushel Center Dump Wagon ComPro Livestock Trailer-Bumper hach, 12; 18 ft Bumper Hitch Livestock Trailer-Nice J&M 620 Grain Cart: Mustang 12 t Bumper Livestock Trailer 1999 Ford F250 Pickup-VI wity bed: 1996 International 4700-Low profile 400 diesel, cab and chass fre truck 1991 GMC si ton 4x4 Pickup: 2000 Chevy 4x4 Pickup: 1991 International 405-Diesel- Auto, New Leader ne bed Bumper Hitch Far Trailer Several Flatbed wapons: JO 1210 Grain Cart JAM 435 Grain Cart: Bumper Htch 12 ft Trailer; Hay Ride Wagon 1974 GMC 6000-Two ton, w350 engine and grain bed: 2010 Dodge 3500-Gas, Reman engine 18,000 miles ago, wservice bed and cane Needs transmision work S&H 16 Gooseneck Livestock Taler, Brent 420 Grain Cart wtarp like new INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND SKID LOADERS JD 555A-High in crawler New Holland LX80 Turbo Skid Loader-Low hrs. Estate loader Grapplement for S Loader: Bobcat S185 Skod Loader wKubota diesel engine, wheel type and steel tracks Midland MPS 12 Dit Sooo 0 320 Skid Loader JD 300 Crawler-High Int4in1 bucket Caterpillar 613 Self Propelled Scraper, Case 5800 Dlack JLG 33RTS Sc Looks excelent Vermer 22-inch 3 pt The Spade JD 4800 Gas -4, 33 For 2238 COMBINES, HEADERS, AND CORN PICKERS: Gleaner RTS-184-42 dust, 4x4, CDF to chopper, hydraulic dve spread long auger Sisu engine, 3575 seps, Field Star monitor very nice AGCO 3000- sprocks Very good Hont 30 ft Head Trailer-Like New: Gleaner 9250 Draper Plato Head Trailer; JD 9500-4 combine 5637 eng s, 4073 se 657058 Case 2388-4x4 combine, 3560 ang s. 2381 sep C220 8-30 comhed09600-4x4 combine 5258 eng hs. 3724 sep 08080 Co Case 44408-8-30 conheat Cale 1020-22 ft plafom Very nice Case 1640-Rotor Combine 4 3200 ang hrs, 34064, 2826 and 14.9-24, excelente Nice, clear D630 Platform: J0 1243 Comhead wipoly JD 125F Part. -Lowo bath conhead Case IH 1000-20 plafo) 1063 Conne 04420 Combine J0 443 Conhead New Idea 1-ow 323 Compicker-Nice New idea 325-2-30 com picker: J0 825 Plato JD920 Plato Case 84 1020-20 pla Field Tracker Case 84 1440 Rotor Combine-4, 3304 eng frs, new rotox Super sharp New Idea 324-2-38 com picker, Several Header Hauling Thalers-All Brands 1063-8-30 comhead JD 893 Conhead JD 7720-te combine: 06600 Combine P0643 Comheads JD 63A-Row crop head. Nice New 973-25 platform: AC 66-6 pull combine Row Com el processor Victor HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT New Holland BR7070 Crop Cutter Baler-whet wrap: JO 6660-Self-peopled chopper, wheel processor 3540 eng vs. 2545 w/4-30 JD 664 chopper comhead JD 3970 Chopper-Iran quan New Holland 782 Choppers-2-30 head. 540 rpm JD 3900 Chopper-2-30, t. Tanders Stage Wigen H&SX-58-16 t stage wagons 32 Slage Taler, New Holland 258 Rake: New Holland 882 Chopper-2-row wide-pickup: Gen 1540 Gehl 125 Chopper-3-30 heat Gahl 1065 Chopper-3-30 head kernel processor, Gehl 1060 Chopper-2-30: Case IH Slower DION Slage Wagon New Holland 27 lower 0 36-1-row chopper New Holland 456-9 bar mower, pul-type: Kasten Slage Wagon Square Bale Elevators: MSW &Wheel Hyd Fold Rake Case 212-1-row chopper 8 Round Baller, 40 New Idea Bale Devator: Oliver Bar Mower, 5100 Miler Pro-18 tandem silage wagon Heston 55 Round PLANTERS AND DRILLS JO 1790-12-2 JD 1500-15. no-i markers and KM 3000 JD 530 cart 30- row no-il planter, Kine 2210-12-3 Great Plains 24 no-De-Noe Implement Loading Tale with folding markers Like new Great Plains 10 no Dr ni Case 5100-Soybean drit Case 5300-Soybean special DHE JO 83001 di Several Rotary Hoes: Great Plains 20 m JD 7000-4 21 took new-same as Case IH 540 Case IH 318 340 doutate Stine 5 bar ham 02100-7 sharkinn per 4830-6 TILLAGE: Great Plans Turto Chopper-24, looks l Oak-7% space Nice JD 2623VT-311, very nice McFarlane 1046-46 406-24 8 d OM 30 Crumbler: DMI Tigen 5308-5 shark inne rippers wleveler Lindsay 12 Disk Cie Harrow Case 1-3 pt 5 shank inline ripper: Kewane 15 Cumucher JD 960-24 5-fed cultivatoc Dunham 15 tt Cutimuicher, JD 1610-3pt chisel pow 110-22ft crumbler, DM 530 Pul Ripper DMI 30 Fld Cultivator-and a controle 2450-6 botone on-land plow Phoenix H14 Hamow 43 BER-VAC 30 Field Conditioner JD 235VT-2 J05-bottom Pow AC 1200 Field Cultivator-18470-18P DeskJD 1600-14.3 pt chisel plow JD220-18 center fold disk Ford 4-14 3 pt. Plow Deutz 4-18 3 pt: Plow, AC 3 pt2-14 P MF 3 pt 8 Dak JD 950-15 cultivator H 6-bottom Pow: Oliver 10 t Disk H 58-312 R chisel: H 430-22 disk 3 Kewanee Disk Chises Universe 24. Crumbler Oliver 545 Ploc 15 Pul Field Catons Hiker 20 Field Cultivator JD 960 12 ft Cutimulcher wgrass seeder attachment MANURE SPREADER LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT FEEDING ITEMS Hagedom Hydra-push Manure Spreader 275: Alled 7 , 3pt Snow Blower, Better But 3400 Tank Spreader New Holand 195 Tandem Manure Spreader-Nice Toket FMR 700-540 RPM Meyer Feed Wagon 3 pt Post Hole Digger, Arts Way Grinder Mixer New Holland 513 Manure Spader, 15 Ton Buk 08 Feed Tank Lots of fencing m Holland 518 Manure Spreader 540 Manure Spader: 20 Heavy Pipe FeedBuks, 25 inwide T&S Tip Hopper J, 12-volt Came Feeder Harper smal Straw Bale Shved Blower-onalerCase 115 Manure Spreader Steer Stuters, Cat and Hay Feeders Concre Bunks Cate Loading Chute: Bohmann Concrete Hog Feeders Stainless Steel Hog Feeders: Catle Head Chutes, portable: Jamesway 18 ft. Sio Unloader New Ide 50 Hey and Com Bevator Fawing Candad SPRAYERS, FERTILIZER ITEMS, NH3 BARS, ROTARY MOWERS AND BLADES: 12 Row Pull Type NB Bush Hop 16 Rotary Mower 6, keda 1200 Sprayer-60 ft booms Woods 7ft, 3 pt. Cutter: Blue Jet 11 Ke NH3 Bar-Putype Bush Hog 12715-15 Rotary Cutter Woods 3180 But Wing Curs-15063 pt Cutter Bush Hog 7 ft. 3 pt. Mower Century 700 gal Sprayer-60 ft. Blooms 7-ton Stainless Steel Fertilizer Tender-On trailer Woods R850 Hyd Blade Bush Hog 8.3pt Blade: 6.3 pt Baden Woods 10 f 1-wing Cutter-Nor E-2 Tha Wagon-W1600 gal and 400 gall ANTIQUE COLLECTORS FARM EQUIPMENT JO 32 small grain tubular in Chain Paddle Devator on 4 wheel truck w/Waconan engine and folding hopper-Very original JD 14 in Roughage M on 4-wheel truck, wibower pipe Ongina Copper Apple Butter Kettle, JD7x14 Ghain Bed on JD gear very e AC 2-16 Snap Snap Plow JD 71 pul-type Con Sheller PTO-Rare and nice JD Stationary Baler on rubber original nuat JD 2-bottom Plow on steet JD No. 5 Mower JD JD Bg4 Horse Mower JD 810 2x143 pt. Pow like new, JD 68 Auger Wagon AC 2-row Snap Hich Planter JD Van Brunt De 2 Wheel Riding Cart for Drag Harrows-Nice, v ra: Oliver 2-botton Clutch Plow: JD Lister Plow Planter-Rare Queen Bee Wooden Fan Mil-Manufactured in Mascoutah, :) Wooden Fan Mils-Manufacture Antique Garden Tractor AUGERS AND BIN ITEMS Westfeld 271, 8 in electric auger-Nearly new Hutchinson 22 1, 8 in swing away: Wed 91,10 in swing away Mendan 74 10 away Hutchison 2, 10 in swing away Westfold 81 10 in swing away GS 60, 8 in swing away Westfold 71 , 10 in swing away MK 130-81-818, 13in swing way Westeld 65, 8 auger: Wed 61 , 10 in swing away Grain Bin Fans GS 308 auger Westfield 18 in auger, Westfield 30. 8 nager 083 10 in PTO auger, 51, 8 swing away 05 15-ton bulk fed tank COMPACT, LAWNMOWER GENERATORS, SHOP ITEMS To sell at 11 am: Case IH DX-45 Compact 4x4 actor wiloader 646 hs-Very nice: Fork attachmentfor 544 Gas Special with belly mower, Kato-Light PTO Geneto 230x45 PTO Generator, Grasshopper 620 Mower, JO G530 walk behind commercial mower, 36 in:0 070-46 in mower King Cutter 5. fnahing 3 pt. mower Industrial 11 hp Air Compressor whonda engine 6 Blade 3 pt Scoop: 12 ft Jon Bost: Shop Equipment Woodworking Tool Antique Keen Cutter Reel Mower, 3 pt. Concrete Mix Hundreds of JD operator manuals to be sold in the lunch hall at 2pm. Being sold due to the severe tornado damage to the old Riechmann dealership buildings. Lots of old parts and collector items from the old building and sheds destroyed by the tornado to sell at 9am. All announcements on sale day take precedence over printed advertisements. Although information contained in our ads has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, sellers andior auctioneers cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. All items sold as is and where is Lunch On Grounds. Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS: Castor Cashier's Check. Personal and Company Checks must be accompanied by current letter of bank credit. Proper LD required to register Owners: Dan Seidel, Sandoval IL-Retiring after 55 years of farming The Seidels took excellent care of their New Holland and Gleaner Equipment Curt Rueter Estate, Carlyle IL Daniel Spotanski Estate, Dubois, Hershel Hunter Estate, Marissa, Many Other Partial Estate and Partial Sell Outs Riechmann Bros, LLC. Auction Service 04400010 Okawville, is Phone (818) 243-6106 Cell 18-246-3042 Loyd Richmann License #040000349-Keith Rechmann inois License #040000050-Mike Riechmann le License -040000343 LARGE MULTI - FARMER ABSOLUTE AUCTION Saturday August 19 , 2023 9:00 AM 511 South Hanover Street , Ove NO BUYERS ' PREMIUM LIVE AUCTION ONLY - NO ONLINE BIDDING Rain or Shine - In Four Rings For color photos , see our web site : or and Sale to be held in me Community Park 511 S Hanover Ohvile , & Okave is located 40 miles east of St. Louison 164 There is a large conditioned lunch room and lots off shelter Okawvile has two motels Original Minanal Springs , 1018 ) 243-5458 and Super 8 ( 1 ) 243-6525 TRACTORS AND LOADERS New Holland T0255 actor - MFWD , 18.4-46 duas font duals . 3290 s , quick coupler A beau , clean tractor New Holland 8770 Super Tractor - 5798 hs , new 184-42 Trelleborg tr 4 SOVS . The sharpest one in IL : Ford Versatile 8280-4WD 800 / 85R32 , rubber very good . Cummins engine , nice 2011 JD 5105M - MFWD 3 SCVs S / N 5105MAB347316 , 451 hs . The nicest one in R Estate tractor , New H and canopy 20 1486 Tractor - With cab , das , 540 & 1000 PTO : JD 2640 and 0546 Loader ; JD 2940 - MFWO , Roll guard , wendorf loader 70771 8560-440 12 speed , 18.4-38 duals , 3 outlets White 4-180 - ND , wP70 , 3 pt , and front slage blade 5651 ts : JD 4650 - Cab dues , quad range Estate actor JD 40 Console , WF2 outlets Estate tractor Ford TW10 - CaFord 50000 Case 1175 - Cab , 7300 vs duss . Estate tractor , Bush Hog 3226-0 loader JD 4040-18.4 quadrange : Case 1470-4WD open station , 23-26 rubber nearly new 3 pt . 3153 Case 2500 - Duas , c quick hitch , weights , 4968 s Ford 3000 - GMF 135 Nice Bush Hog 2847 loader w / CH brackets JD 260 Loader AC 100 - Gas , wild ; Freeman 4000 Loader COLLECTOR TRACTORS - These tractors are from the Estate of Hershel Hunter , Deceased one of southern inois ' largest collectors . Al tractors are beautifully and professionally restored 1949 JD Syed A 1807 JD Unstyled A 1950JDG ) 1963 Farmall Super M 1953 Famal Super H 1955 Famal 400 - Gas Farmall Super MD45 e cultivator 3 arri Very nice ; Over 2255-2WD , ca , JD 6000 Industrial Tractor wid , Rae JD 40 - Standard 1 - piece grill , front weight , all original w nders Cat V8 3150 engine , 3 p . 3182 m all onginal and straight J0 530-3 pt stores 1967 J0 820 - Oder restoration JD 50 D 800 3pt Nach JO 4200 - Car High at work attachment 5 roles , # 126754 ; 1943 JOD - New rubber restored Case SC - Original AC D17 - Gas 3 pt adapter NF : AC B - Belly mower H - 450 - Gas , I restored new rubber Farmal A weights Famal Cub - Restored Minneapolis Moline gawor AC CA Tractor wibely mower No 1940 H Farma H Massey Marts 44 Tractor - Nice JD Moda E - 1 % pH and Miss engine 460 - Gas , Ww cultivator 1949 JO MT - Dig ollars , 422006 : 1036 JO BR ANTIQUE BARN FINDS AND ORIGINAL TRACTORSD 40 Crawblade 1953 DAR - Styled original and straight Very rare 1957 J0 620 1837 JO Unstyled A why cast rear wheels new rubber : 1839 JD Styled B - Single front wheel wipower it new rubber 1953 JD - 40 - Row crop , WFR 1950 . 1965 JD 60 LPwUD 801 3pt Nich , onginal Mansey Hans 44 - Original straight 1966 JO 420W - 4speed 0 1010 -Older restoration Case D - Standard tractor , originat JDH - Project tractor Farma F - 30 - Wide axe , original TRUCKS , TRAILERS , AND GRAIN CARTS - To sell at 12 Noon : Bar 1550 Orain Cart - Hyd folding extensions for narrow transport , 24 iunibading suger lege ander hyd strane joystic control drive , 1550 bushel Used very little nearly newt 1980 C70 Chevy Truck - 366 engine , 5 - speed , 2 speed S 1999 Freighiner FLTO - Single axle semi , Cummins 150 8.3L 10 - speed Nice 2004 Jet Hopper Bottom Single Axe Thaler - 22 Noe 2006 Fighter Columbia -10 - speed w / wet kit Mercedes Benz engine Wi - Ro 16 ft Dump Grain Traler - Gooseneck Very nice 1994 International 4700 1444 Diesel Truck waluminum fatbed , 112.000 one - owner : 2020 Hillsboro Aluminum Livestock Gooseneck 2011. Te good Thalman 20 ft Gooseneck Flatbed Thaler - 4t dove and ramps . Very good : 1990 Chevy 3500 Dump Truck JD 500 Gran Cart 400 Gravity Wagons - Mary wiseed ugars 1998 Chevy Tandem Diesel - Cat engine , 18 ft bed cargo doors 2004 W40 Hopper Bottom Semi - Trailer wtarp 2005 Chevy 2500 Pickup - 4x4 , auto , 138,000 miles J & M 375 Seed Tenderwote . Very good J & M 750 Grain Cart - Excellent 1996 Chevy 1500-4x4 pick 2001 Chevy 2500-44 pickup along 21 t Gooseneck Livestock Trale1875 Ford F750 - Gas , Tag axle landem , Knaphede grain bed 8.000 the cleanest one in 1 : 2003 Freightliner Columbia Sens - Sleeper cab . Auto shift Kodiak 24 tt Gooseneck Catte Trailer : Kibros 1820-1200 bushel grain cart2 ) New Z - Flow 400 and 500 Bushel Wagons - Blue coloc 1978 Chevy 080-15 Kraphede bed , 74,815 miles Kibros 475 Grain Cart ( 2 ) MSW 400 Bushel Center Dump Wagon ComPro Livestock Trailer - Bumper hach , 12 ; 18 ft Bumper Hitch Livestock Trailer - Nice J & M 620 Grain Cart : Mustang 12 t Bumper Livestock Trailer 1999 Ford F250 Pickup - VI wity bed : 1996 International 4700 - Low profile 400 diesel , cab and chass fre truck 1991 GMC si ton 4x4 Pickup : 2000 Chevy 4x4 Pickup : 1991 International 405 - Diesel Auto , New Leader ne bed Bumper Hitch Far Trailer Several Flatbed wapons : JO 1210 Grain Cart JAM 435 Grain Cart : Bumper Htch 12 ft Trailer ; Hay Ride Wagon 1974 GMC 6000 - Two ton , w350 engine and grain bed : 2010 Dodge 3500 - Gas , Reman engine 18,000 miles ago , wservice bed and cane Needs transmision work S & H 16 Gooseneck Livestock Taler , Brent 420 Grain Cart wtarp like new INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND SKID LOADERS JD 555A - High in crawler New Holland LX80 Turbo Skid Loader - Low hrs . Estate loader Grapplement for S Loader : Bobcat S185 Skod Loader wKubota diesel engine , wheel type and steel tracks Midland MPS 12 Dit Sooo 0 320 Skid Loader JD 300 Crawler - High Int4in1 bucket Caterpillar 613 Self Propelled Scraper , Case 5800 Dlack JLG 33RTS Sc Looks excelent Vermer 22 - inch 3 pt The Spade JD 4800 Gas -4 , 33 For 2238 COMBINES , HEADERS , AND CORN PICKERS : Gleaner RTS - 184-42 dust , 4x4 , CDF to chopper , hydraulic dve spread long auger Sisu engine , 3575 seps , Field Star monitor very nice AGCO 3000 sprocks Very good Hont 30 ft Head Trailer - Like New : Gleaner 9250 Draper Plato Head Trailer ; JD 9500-4 combine 5637 eng s , 4073 se 657058 Case 2388-4x4 combine , 3560 ang s . 2381 sep C220 8-30 comhed09600-4x4 combine 5258 eng hs . 3724 sep 08080 Co Case 44408-8-30 conheat Cale 1020-22 ft plafom Very nice Case 1640 - Rotor Combine 4 3200 ang hrs , 34064 , 2826 and 14.9-24 , excelente Nice , clear D630 Platform : J0 1243 Comhead wipoly JD 125F Part . -Lowo bath conhead Case IH 1000-20 plafo ) 1063 Conne 04420 Combine J0 443 Conhead New Idea 1 - ow 323 Compicker - Nice New idea 325-2-30 com picker : J0 825 Plato JD920 Plato Case 84 1020-20 pla Field Tracker Case 84 1440 Rotor Combine - 4 , 3304 eng frs , new rotox Super sharp New Idea 324-2-38 com picker , Several Header Hauling Thalers - All Brands 1063-8-30 comhead JD 893 Conhead JD 7720 - te combine : 06600 Combine P0643 Comheads JD 63A - Row crop head . Nice New 973-25 platform : AC 66-6 pull combine Row Com el processor Victor HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT New Holland BR7070 Crop Cutter Baler - whet wrap : JO 6660 - Self - peopled chopper , wheel processor 3540 eng vs. 2545 w / 4-30 JD 664 chopper comhead JD 3970 Chopper - Iran quan New Holland 782 Choppers - 2-30 head . 540 rpm JD 3900 Chopper - 2-30 , t . Tanders Stage Wigen H & SX - 58-16 t stage wagons 32 Slage Taler , New Holland 258 Rake : New Holland 882 Chopper - 2 - row wide - pickup : Gen 1540 Gehl 125 Chopper - 3-30 heat Gahl 1065 Chopper - 3-30 head kernel processor , Gehl 1060 Chopper - 2-30 : Case IH Slower DION Slage Wagon New Holland 27 lower 0 36-1 - row chopper New Holland 456-9 bar mower , pul - type : Kasten Slage Wagon Square Bale Elevators : MSW & Wheel Hyd Fold Rake Case 212-1 - row chopper 8 Round Baller , 40 New Idea Bale Devator : Oliver Bar Mower , 5100 Miler Pro - 18 tandem silage wagon Heston 55 Round PLANTERS AND DRILLS JO 1790-12-2 JD 1500-15 . no - i markers and KM 3000 JD 530 cart 30 row no - il planter , Kine 2210-12-3 Great Plains 24 no - De - Noe Implement Loading Tale with folding markers Like new Great Plains 10 no Dr ni Case 5100 - Soybean drit Case 5300 - Soybean special DHE JO 83001 di Several Rotary Hoes : Great Plains 20 m JD 7000-4 21 took new - same as Case IH 540 Case IH 318 340 doutate Stine 5 bar ham 02100-7 sharkinn per 4830-6 TILLAGE : Great Plans Turto Chopper - 24 , looks l Oak - 7 % space Nice JD 2623VT - 311 , very nice McFarlane 1046-46 406-24 8 d OM 30 Crumbler : DMI Tigen 5308-5 shark inne rippers wleveler Lindsay 12 Disk Cie Harrow Case 1-3 pt 5 shank inline ripper : Kewane 15 Cumucher JD 960-24 5 - fed cultivatoc Dunham 15 tt Cutimuicher , JD 1610-3pt chisel pow 110-22ft crumbler , DM 530 Pul Ripper DMI 30 Fld Cultivator - and a controle 2450-6 botone on - land plow Phoenix H14 Hamow 43 BER - VAC 30 Field Conditioner JD 235VT - 2 J05 - bottom Pow AC 1200 Field Cultivator - 18470-18P DeskJD 1600-14.3 pt chisel plow JD220-18 center fold disk Ford 4-14 3 pt . Plow Deutz 4-18 3 pt : Plow , AC 3 pt2-14 P MF 3 pt 8 Dak JD 950-15 cultivator H 6 - bottom Pow : Oliver 10 t Disk H 58-312 R chisel : H 430-22 disk 3 Kewanee Disk Chises Universe 24. Crumbler Oliver 545 Ploc 15 Pul Field Catons Hiker 20 Field Cultivator JD 960 12 ft Cutimulcher wgrass seeder attachment MANURE SPREADER LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT FEEDING ITEMS Hagedom Hydra - push Manure Spreader 275 : Alled 7 , 3pt Snow Blower , Better But 3400 Tank Spreader New Holand 195 Tandem Manure Spreader - Nice Toket FMR 700-540 RPM Meyer Feed Wagon 3 pt Post Hole Digger , Arts Way Grinder Mixer New Holland 513 Manure Spader , 15 Ton Buk 08 Feed Tank Lots of fencing m Holland 518 Manure Spreader 540 Manure Spader : 20 Heavy Pipe FeedBuks , 25 inwide T & S Tip Hopper J , 12 - volt Came Feeder Harper smal Straw Bale Shved Blower - onalerCase 115 Manure Spreader Steer Stuters , Cat and Hay Feeders Concre Bunks Cate Loading Chute : Bohmann Concrete Hog Feeders Stainless Steel Hog Feeders : Catle Head Chutes , portable : Jamesway 18 ft . Sio Unloader New Ide 50 Hey and Com Bevator Fawing Candad SPRAYERS , FERTILIZER ITEMS , NH3 BARS , ROTARY MOWERS AND BLADES : 12 Row Pull Type NB Bush Hop 16 Rotary Mower 6 , keda 1200 Sprayer - 60 ft booms Woods 7ft , 3 pt . Cutter : Blue Jet 11 Ke NH3 Bar - Putype Bush Hog 12715-15 Rotary Cutter Woods 3180 But Wing Curs - 15063 pt Cutter Bush Hog 7 ft . 3 pt . Mower Century 700 gal Sprayer - 60 ft . Blooms 7 - ton Stainless Steel Fertilizer Tender - On trailer Woods R850 Hyd Blade Bush Hog 8.3pt Blade : 6.3 pt Baden Woods 10 f 1 - wing Cutter - Nor E - 2 Tha Wagon - W1600 gal and 400 gall ANTIQUE COLLECTORS FARM EQUIPMENT JO 32 small grain tubular in Chain Paddle Devator on 4 wheel truck w / Waconan engine and folding hopper - Very original JD 14 in Roughage M on 4 - wheel truck , wibower pipe Ongina Copper Apple Butter Kettle , JD7x14 Ghain Bed on JD gear very e AC 2-16 Snap Snap Plow JD 71 pul - type Con Sheller PTO - Rare and nice JD Stationary Baler on rubber original nuat JD 2 - bottom Plow on steet JD No. 5 Mower JD JD Bg4 Horse Mower JD 810 2x143 pt . Pow like new , JD 68 Auger Wagon AC 2 - row Snap Hich Planter JD Van Brunt De 2 Wheel Riding Cart for Drag Harrows - Nice , v ra : Oliver 2 - botton Clutch Plow : JD Lister Plow Planter - Rare Queen Bee Wooden Fan Mil - Manufactured in Mascoutah , :) Wooden Fan Mils - Manufacture Antique Garden Tractor AUGERS AND BIN ITEMS Westfeld 271 , 8 in electric auger - Nearly new Hutchinson 22 1 , 8 in swing away : Wed 91,10 in swing away Mendan 74 10 away Hutchison 2 , 10 in swing away Westfold 81 10 in swing away GS 60 , 8 in swing away Westfold 71 , 10 in swing away MK 130-81-818 , 13in swing way Westeld 65 , 8 auger : Wed 61 , 10 in swing away Grain Bin Fans GS 308 auger Westfield 18 in auger , Westfield 30. 8 nager 083 10 in PTO auger , 51 , 8 swing away 05 15 - ton bulk fed tank COMPACT , LAWNMOWER GENERATORS , SHOP ITEMS To sell at 11 am : Case IH DX - 45 Compact 4x4 actor wiloader 646 hs - Very nice : Fork attachmentfor 544 Gas Special with belly mower , Kato - Light PTO Geneto 230x45 PTO Generator , Grasshopper 620 Mower , JO G530 walk behind commercial mower , 36 in : 0 070-46 in mower King Cutter 5. fnahing 3 pt . mower Industrial 11 hp Air Compressor whonda engine 6 Blade 3 pt Scoop : 12 ft Jon Bost : Shop Equipment Woodworking Tool Antique Keen Cutter Reel Mower , 3 pt . Concrete Mix Hundreds of JD operator manuals to be sold in the lunch hall at 2pm . Being sold due to the severe tornado damage to the old Riechmann dealership buildings . Lots of old parts and collector items from the old building and sheds destroyed by the tornado to sell at 9am . All announcements on sale day take precedence over printed advertisements . Although information contained in our ads has been obtained from sources deemed reliable , sellers andior auctioneers cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy . All items sold as is and where is Lunch On Grounds . Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS : Castor Cashier's Check . Personal and Company Checks must be accompanied by current letter of bank credit . Proper LD required to register Owners : Dan Seidel , Sandoval IL - Retiring after 55 years of farming The Seidels took excellent care of their New Holland and Gleaner Equipment Curt Rueter Estate , Carlyle IL Daniel Spotanski Estate , Dubois , Hershel Hunter Estate , Marissa , Many Other Partial Estate and Partial Sell Outs Riechmann Bros , LLC . Auction Service 04400010 Okawville , is Phone ( 818 ) 243-6106 Cell 18-246-3042 Loyd Richmann License # 040000349 - Keith Rechmann inois License # 040000050 - Mike Riechmann le License -040000343