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    February 11, 2022
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TERMS: Cash or Cashier's Check. Personal and Congany Checks must be accompanied by ourent eer of bark oredit LARGE MULTI-FARMER ABSOLUTE AUCTION Saturday, March 19, 2022 9:00AM NO BUYER'S PREMIUM In Four Rings Sale to be heid in he Community Pak 5118. Hanov Okavieros Okavieis located 40 miles estof St Lous onl4. There s age lunch room and kots of sheiter Okawlle has two motels Originai Minera Springs. 243-54S and Super 20-25. TRACTORS AND LOADERS D 8130-MPWD, 4 outleta, big pump, 2480 hn, ke rew dual rubber, Estate tractor. Very nice Cane H150-4 wheel drive, du 7184 hs 00-MFWD 184-42 duals, new tont es,3 uens ont eights rear weights Cane H 4210- FWA, 260 hs wn Cane 2255 loader, very cean Ncest one youlever findt JD 4760 -2WD, Quad range 3 outets, S20A dus h Very nce, JO 460- Ouad ange, new hsJD 4450- Ouad range, 73 h 184-42 d D 240 - Cab. Quad range AC 2000- Open staton, 3 pt. 540A 1000good nutber, al orgna HS6 Cab 2 outlet good ubber 040- Factory tront wheel ve. cab, newber Case H 5230-2wb. wih Case H S20 loader AC TO - Cab. good wheel dm3 p&PTO Case 1290-Del, new ront tres JD 4-Ca, Quad range, 6000 hrs Sharp: Case 2390-Cab. 1842 desel ront weght The nicest one in inos White 2185 - Ca. FWA AC T080 - We dus JD 2640 Uity Very cear Whte 2135 Cat, dus, ony 5452 hs AC 1a0-3 pt AC loader H674- Dienel with loader, Industral Ford 532- Diese Steiger KM 325 - Wh Cummins 65 engine. Westendor 200 Loader: Case H Front Dual Set for 12 Bot Hube- Weh 40OR-34es. Nice COLLECTOR TRACTORS JD 400D- WF. syncho, restored in 2015 inside and out An estate astor you must see JD 30- Factory tont wheel asst ca, new rubber Veryare 154 SC Cae- Foot clutch, eagle htch D70 Gas 55-Gas H 140 - Restored. Nice Ford 800, Fergunon 10-20-Nice. JD New Style B We power biock Ford 01 WF dese, Select O-Speed HS tust hitch Nce JDM-Origina AC WD4S -NE Nce Cane 00- LP Ga WF. Case-O-Man AC D17-Seres4 WE ShaJD A-Long hood, lectic start JD New Style B A bis-Gas N. Snap hitch, arignat 1941 HA-Eect Beautiy restored tracters from the Estate of Herschel Hunter, Marissa, IL 1937 JD D, 1949 JOM JO MT 1948 JDA 1953 IH Super M 1952 H Super M, 144 M HM-Beaut INDUSTRIAL AND SKID LOADERS Case Se0e Backhoe Dieset, open station: Case 850 High Lt Dorer Torgue comverter JO 480C Desel ta Bobcat 370 Sid Seer Cane H410- Desel sid lod s -Artoulated hont end loader Grzty 3pt. BackhoeH06 ndus Tractor- With loader TRUCKS, TRAILERS, AND GRAIN CARTS Sell at 12 Noen t95 Ford F250 Faed-473 deset CPS 42 n Hopper Bottom 1981 GMC 7000 Tandem Gas Grain truck - 18,6.000 miles Nice 192 GMC 00 - Gas. 1. 306, 5 peed Ravens 20 Auminum Dunp Sem 4r00 fruck-we 1600 ga anies tak and a hp pump 2002 Ford Super 2 nductors Goosereck 28 Lvestock Comparment- Tandem, some stanless stee des ComPo 16R Bumper Hch Livestock Traler- Used 30n. 24-ton Semidy Feoer Tende - Pear dcharp 40 Gravity Wagors - Many with hyd augers Calico 10 Goosaneck Livestock Traler Ttan Challerger Gooseneck Livestock Taler Lvestock TralerEZFow Gravity Wagon- Wieh emote control auoer and tarp Semi-raler Doly-Wth artan 195 Chey CEO Krapheide grain bed-31000 mes 1900 Ford L9000 Aeramax Tanderi Cab and Chansn: 1997 Freighttiner host. 1 owner Looks sharp doesnt start, Nce bam findt T6 Chey. C80 37- 111 bed and holst Very cean 1947 Studebeker 1-ton Truck Ban find Aways shedded 1978 Chevy. 2500-ek 1E Chey 2500-4 atbed Shur bed, 14 and rol arp JO S00 Oran Car: Goosenec 2s Fatbed - Wih dovetal and rames fandens EZ al S00 Gran Cart. E2-Flow Gravly Seed Wagors Wih dividers and augens ransmission, Nw Leder 30d bed. 105.000 miles, B00 hs 1900 Ford F250-Deel, gooseneck hitch 1 owner, da4: Kter Gooseneck 16 Livestock Traler. Flow 475 Grain Cart Heavy cab, short bedt 1903 GMC 7000 - Gas 30 engine COMBINES, HEADERS, AND PICKERS. Com ead Ne idea row 30 in Picker JD 900 - d, Chopper a b43 Com Heads Gieaner R7d - Duetz deset Several Header Transport Wagons 6 o-Ful tnger plat Row Crop Heat i 120 Combine 100 hs, on engine rebsu Platformi JD 000 - Wth new 8.a dus 2250 engine h 2800 sep. hs: JD 25 Plattom - With tull finger auger HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT: HAS1 Tandem Slage Wagona - H, T. Nice, New Hoand FP30 Chopper - Wih kemel processor pickup and PN 3-30 Head New Holand 411 Disc Haybine D30 Com Head Wh adapter for NH chopper 2000 Vemeer 504R Sigratu4R ound baler wh pickup fotation res 540 PTO, ess than 1000 bales Le new HAS Twin Auger Silage Wagon - Front and rear untos H&s to wheel ARO Rake 2019 Vemeer 1710-4 basket edder Kubota 20e Dsc Mower 3ot 10 . D S66 Baler- With net wap, New Holand 316: Smal twine baler, New Holand 1037 Bale Hesston 12 Wheel Rake-Hyd. fod New Holand 460 Haybine hino Wino Wheel Rak We kicker Ne, never uned Agoo 3009-9 3ptdc mower New, never used Anderson Bale Waper. JD 673 Rake Hesston A Round Baler. ew Holand 82 Forage Chopper- Picup and 230 heads Hesston 302- 12 Wheel hyd old rake H 37 fwie Baler New Holand 273 Square Baler JO 6- 11 mower conditioner: DroYorage Chopper-Wth 3-30 head and 7. pickup JD30 Ohopper Win kamal procensor 3-30 head, hyd tongue, TE peMeyer Sage Wagons Ge voluma Blowe New Holand17 3 pt diec mower, hew 3300 w, very clear Oiver Gas t wheet JD 40100-W Very nice JD 3000 mtored T48 IHC- New rubber, estore THigh Lit Desel Cwier, New Holand LXS - Desel id loader, Case 18 Sid Loader. Case WIT 1906 doosereck Fabed 24. Dovetal Taler-Wth 2000 Noe 18 Inddustral Bumper Hito aler Win dovelal ard ramp, dual tandem 15 OMC Grain Truck Gooseneck 16 -Single ale wsingle hopper lertiuer tender 192 L10Oram 16t Tap Assenbly: 20 t. Gooreck Livestock Trader, 1977 Chery. C - Midwest Truck Scale 2400 Bushel Gravity Beds 1991 intematioral Floater Truck Roed Front Bum winch and i truck DS00 Gran Cart -With new 23s rubber servoir 400 Bushel Grain Pup- Center dump, ar brakes.: 198 Chevy. 1500 - 2WD. 9510 Combine 4st Big engine, hoper etersion. 2404 engine hs 1744 sep. s. A Super Cean Machine, JD 643 Com Head D 1600 d4. Cr b 0 e Patoms Geaner LHydra, a4 Gearer 630 Com Head ingle 820- 13. ptom 06600 Combee 404 engine Poe To Noe older machine JO 5 twrap. wide Frantier 2114-14 wheel pu Uner, AC Ma 4 Basket Hay Tedder Gooseneck 42 Sell-unload Side Tt Trailer to 10 bales D 50G Round Baier 15000 Round Baer JD 1219 Haytbine, HS 78OH-6 basket hay bedder Accumulator New Holand s ler Case Round Baer Unverferth 3 pt. Bale Wripper. Kuhna Several New Holand Bowers HsS RT S200-4 basket tedder. New Holand S00 Chopper- Wen 4 2-30 head: New Holand 1000 Stack Hay Wagon JO 6000 Blower Hoelecher 10 Bale Grapples 1534 Bale Accumulator, Kuhrs ers Bale Grapple. JO S5 Round Baier, D 24T Baler PLANTERS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, AND HOES than 500 acres Like the day wan nKine 3600 dril with grass seeder and akers 20 -MS, no planter with 250 montor Sold Stand Dri Case HS400 6100 Soybean Special Dris Case H0 123 JO Madimag-1 pultype, 12-inch bean planter Wiry nice spiter. JO 00-21 d Bon 3 pt. 10 Atata Seeder, H 00 Endwise Transport 8 row plarte SMC00 monitor no- Sev 30 3 pt. Cuatons O 7000 12-30 Font-lod Planters - No-tHOO-Cyclo anter HS100 - 18 d D-0Cutvator - With ende transport DBi D n2 Yetter Row C JO 7000 - 13 row 15 in. planter. JD 7200 - Front fokd, 16-30, vac, no plante with 250 imontor. SPRAYERS, FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT AND NH3 APPLCATORS JD 420 Sat Propeled Sprayer - 4000 h 0 booms, 00 gal taina tark. Very nice D 4700 Set Popeled Sprayer Poly tank, 3157 hrs Patriot L Set Propeled Spreyer Jb desel engne oab, 750 ga. poly tank 75 booms Top Ar TAT100 Pype Sprayer - tal 00 booms Very bg tres. Nioe DM 3200-11-shark, NHO bar New ldea 1f00 Gal. Liqud Spreader, DMI 11hank PuNO Bar-Wie Raven montor, Hard Navigator 3000 Sprayer 00 g. 80 eagle booms, new pump Bue Jet Ne Ptype Bar 13 sha no- couters dosing dscs Top A TAt 100-60 boom Hard 70 :60t boom, naiow tires Feld Worer Pu-type Lime Spreader-1263 Wimar00 Fet Spreader Hard Ranger 500 gal Spraye Mobity 8ton fertierSpmader Some 3 p. Spryen 2 Hardi Navigators t00 gal hyd. fol TRS00 Harsi Sprayer, Ligheoot AV Sprayer, 1500 dal Poly tark 3 p. ak NH3 Bar. 16 HAT00 Truck - wn 1000 ga starless tank anda ho pump Gooseneck 25 t Taer-Wih o00 g poly tark and 2 inducton 1250 gal. Plastic Water Tank 1901 temational Floater Truck- Cet. desel, Alson Tranamsion, 3020 New Leader bed, 105.000 mile Br00 hs. Noe LIVESTOCK ITEMS, GRINDERS, SPREADERS, AND MANURE PUMPS Ne Holand 355 Grinder Mier With scale New Holand S20 Manure Spreade. New Holand G79 Tanden Manure Spreader - Has n chain, Houle 7300 -Houle 7300 - Tank spreader 3ade with Deich Ihank fold applicator and fow meter Ar Way 475 Grinder We scale Knight ProTwin oo Singer Manure Spreader Jaylor 4s0 TMA We scale Tolet TMR Solomix 1800 Schule 220F Sage Feed Wagon: Bain. B Louid Pump Hole 000 Gal Tanden Spreader 10o0 RPM New Holland 38 Ginder Mer - With scale and kong auger JD 54 Manure Spreader, D 40 Manue Sprader Houle 3 pt 24 in Manure Agtator- 540 RM Heder Feed Wagon Su Feed Bin Squar New dea 206 Manure Spreader, KnighUne Augge Feed Wagor D 80 Hyo Push Spreader. Nem Holand St5 Spreader, Carte Head Gate. Better ut 3130-Liquid 3000 g preader Sand Shooter ucket for Sod Steer TILLAGE: Great Pans 3000 JO 2700-7 shank disk rpper Krause M Feld Cuvator -42R S told, 4tar harow Nce MoFarane 24 Reel Dsk chiset DMS Shank Pu Oak pper, Phoenix Hamow Mcarlane 43t eel Disk-5 Fold Kraune 1410-18N Case H 4800-24 R ed cutivator, 25 of Reminger Double Roling Baskets Ofa Dak, 24 Hiner Field Cuator. 25 . MFalane Reel Disk- Very Low acres Bion X-Foid Roler - 25 D712-hark Dik Chies Unverleth 2E Crumbler - Doubie rling baskets W-Rich 25. Fild Cvator and3Bar Harow DM29 Cumbier, DM25 CrunterCane H -2SL dks JD- 16 dsk, ne blade d 2-25 much fnsher. Kewnee 23 V D iCe H400- 25 t field cuivators JD 150- 12 pu chiset Peld Cutivator Ce H46- 18 dk d7 Bron Role cuvator. 12 Keware Cutimulchers, Bush Hog VT 27 Dik, DMI 25 Fed Cutivator, BR3 p. Fed Cutivator. Taylor Way 2 R Di Chisel, JD F145-4 botom sen-plow, Kewaree 12 P Chiset AC 11 Chise ue Jet 3Shark Ripper New Holand 27 Crumbler H11 San Disk Chisel Fuent 15t Harow 20 Foment City Do At Krane 5-21E feld cultivator, IH 24 Fed Cutivetor, 3 pt Pto bechers AC 616 Semimounted Pow, Yetter 3 pt. -5 Shank Couter Ripoer Oliver 5-oottom Piow. H S18 Plow- Semimounted JD se0 - 24 R S-tine feld outivator, with 3 bar harow and basket ROTARY CUTTERS, BLADES, AND DIRT SOOOP A Misc:DK 15E Rotary Cuter. Bush Hog 220 - Rotary mower 20n: JD0- Dirt Scoop, with doly 201Z Bush Hog 1215- 15 cufter new bade, lrge 1000 PIO, Woods 310-15, 100 PTO. roary cutr Bush Hog 10 Hy yd. Bade- Lene, Woo 15 Retary Mower JD LXT-3 cuter Woods 84-3 pt. cuter 6 and 8 Bades Woods 3 t. Cuter 6t.3t Bos Blade 3 pt. Box Biade, Woods 214- Rotary auter, hino S15-15 rotary cutter Woods Ditch Bark Mower JD MK7-3pt. outter: Misc shop tools uel tankaeveral ar compreors ASIN Dynama 500 gi, Dua Wal Fuel Tank and Pume 200 gal. Tak and Pume Amand Light R Heavy Cut-O Se Uned Farm Tires- All s AUGER AND GRAIN ITEMS Westield MK130 4-Swingwty. Westled 10 s 81 Seing-eway, Brent 13x80 Swing away Swing away, MX130x 4 Swing avy Auger Westfied on8tR Singway. Weeld 1 Auger 24 Bin Stitor Westleld enon Auger Vestfield O1R 10n Low Prote Swing-awy 25 n Auger-W220 lectric motor and cable, 30 Sunes Ben Conveyor- Sukup 30 Stranor. Hutchinson Bt Vertical Bn Auger, Cipper MB Gran Ceaner - Wscreens, Hutchirson Lin Auger, 8in. Sant Unioading Auger ANTIQUE AND COLLECTOR EQUIPMENT: Olver Smal Manue Spreader. H311 -3-bottom, 2 pt. plow. JD Round Pipe 2-rgw Cutivator tor D 8. D Auger Wagon JD 49A Parter -W tert H2-botom 2 pt. Po Olver Bar Mowe H Drawtar Mower - Horn Loader Plow JD 55-4-bonom pu plow, Steel Wheeled Road Grader - For tractor, H Sel Wheel Drit Olver 356-3 pt. Hole Digger Olver Side Rak LAWN EQUIPMENT, ATVS, AND GENERATORS - To Sell at 11 AM Yanmar 220 - Diesel, 22hp, compact tractor and loader dad, 1576hn: YamahaWheeer 250 Bear- Track, very nice: Polars 350-4a, wheeler. Bu Hog M - Lawn mowe. 73n ou araha Wheeler. Whte GT186 Yard Boss Erskine Rak: Land Pride Power Rake Ford s Mower Dese 60 in 2 Bomom 3 pt. Pow Severai Generators Diesei Generator, JO 166 Lan Tractor, Tray Bit Tiler, Snapper Mower. D 235 Lawn Tactor. Kubota GR2120- bractor 54, 340 hs 2-30 finger, wing-toid, nos Plarter, pw deaners, seed fmers. lgud tert tanks -No-ti with dry feto 0- Frot fold Inger tront-fold ne-ti, MaEmerge JD 1780 16-31 Planter, Kire Jaob Inger pick 7200 1500 15 no-ta Drils - Wn markers Kina 2500 -15, spt row no-il planter (4 Great Plaire Tye 15 t. No- anter: 2 JD 70000 No-til D rooo -30 No- Panter Great Pain Folding 2-00Wig-told Plante White S100 -mounted 12 Parter JD 00-15 Hoe JD 7O00-6-30. 8-ne Fold H900 white 6t00 wing tol AC 00 No 0 36400-30. fokdng tary OD TC with ea Bue Jet NHO Commander Choppers 30. silers: Case H 340 Desk-30R, 7n Spacing DM 527 Dek Reper, s80-C Shak, 24 R. feid utivator 024 Disk Whte 435-10 shank disk Unverterth 1225- Double roler onumbler H400-25 eld cvaor, with bar hanow 01610-a p. 12 chise DM R Tigemate D210-13 dak. Nor Dunham 21 Utra Cumulcher DM 0 Orumbler, D40-4 teld Lincon Welder Generator Commercial Meat Saw, Sky Jack Sossor Lit electric mover: Westled MK130 electric motor ain x31 Loding tractor Over botom Sem idea 251 P Mower Ford 3 pt. Post Mule JD 318 Alls 18 Alannouncements sale day take precederce over printed advertinemeta. Ahough infomation contained in our ads has been obtained hom sourcm deemed retabe sellers andor auctioneers cannof and do not gurintee acourcy Al tems soldanin and where i Lunch On Grounds Not Responsible For Accidents Owners: Estate of Gary Karg. Coulterville, IL Gary Ouick, Shatuc, IL - Retring ater a litetime of tarming Estate of Theodore Stern, Pinckneyville, IL, Estate of Herschel Hunter, Marissa, IL - Some of the tractors trom Mr. Hurter's collection will be sold. He was one of the largest collectors in Southern linois and was noted ftor outstanding nestorations. Estate of Randy Meyer, Alma, IL Many Oher Par Etatennd Oter Selum For color photos, see our web siter or and Riechmann Auction Service, LLC 044000108 - Okawvile, linois Ce S 0e Loyd Riechmann ncie License 000n - Kem Rechman noa Loenee00000 - Mhe Rechman inois Licenee 000 We wibe tllowing coD-19 Gdelines TERMS: Cash or Cashier's Check. Personal and Congany Checks must be accompanied by ourent eer of bark oredit LARGE MULTI-FARMER ABSOLUTE AUCTION Saturday, March 19, 2022 9:00AM NO BUYER'S PREMIUM In Four Rings Sale to be heid in he Community Pak 5118. Hanov Okavieros Okavieis located 40 miles estof St Lous onl4. There s age lunch room and kots of sheiter Okawlle has two motels Originai Minera Springs. 243-54S and Super 20-25. TRACTORS AND LOADERS D 8130-MPWD, 4 outleta, big pump, 2480 hn, ke rew dual rubber, Estate tractor. Very nice Cane H150-4 wheel drive, du 7184 hs 00-MFWD 184-42 duals, new tont es,3 uens ont eights rear weights Cane H 4210- FWA, 260 hs wn Cane 2255 loader, very cean Ncest one youlever findt JD 4760 -2WD, Quad range 3 outets, S20A dus h Very nce, JO 460- Ouad ange, new hsJD 4450- Ouad range, 73 h 184-42 d D 240 - Cab. Quad range AC 2000- Open staton, 3 pt. 540A 1000good nutber, al orgna HS6 Cab 2 outlet good ubber 040- Factory tront wheel ve. cab, newber Case H 5230-2wb. wih Case H S20 loader AC TO - Cab. good wheel dm3 p&PTO Case 1290-Del, new ront tres JD 4-Ca, Quad range, 6000 hrs Sharp: Case 2390-Cab. 1842 desel ront weght The nicest one in inos White 2185 - Ca. FWA AC T080 - We dus JD 2640 Uity Very cear Whte 2135 Cat, dus, ony 5452 hs AC 1a0-3 pt AC loader H674- Dienel with loader, Industral Ford 532- Diese Steiger KM 325 - Wh Cummins 65 engine. Westendor 200 Loader: Case H Front Dual Set for 12 Bot Hube- Weh 40OR-34es. Nice COLLECTOR TRACTORS JD 400D- WF. syncho, restored in 2015 inside and out An estate astor you must see JD 30- Factory tont wheel asst ca, new rubber Veryare 154 SC Cae- Foot clutch, eagle htch D70 Gas 55-Gas H 140 - Restored. Nice Ford 800, Fergunon 10-20-Nice. JD New Style B We power biock Ford 01 WF dese, Select O-Speed HS tust hitch Nce JDM-Origina AC WD4S -NE Nce Cane 00- LP Ga WF. Case-O-Man AC D17-Seres4 WE ShaJD A-Long hood, lectic start JD New Style B A bis-Gas N. Snap hitch, arignat 1941 HA-Eect Beautiy restored tracters from the Estate of Herschel Hunter, Marissa, IL 1937 JD D, 1949 JOM JO MT 1948 JDA 1953 IH Super M 1952 H Super M, 144 M HM-Beaut INDUSTRIAL AND SKID LOADERS Case Se0e Backhoe Dieset, open station: Case 850 High Lt Dorer Torgue comverter JO 480C Desel ta Bobcat 370 Sid Seer Cane H410- Desel sid lod s -Artoulated hont end loader Grzty 3pt. BackhoeH06 ndus Tractor- With loader TRUCKS, TRAILERS, AND GRAIN CARTS Sell at 12 Noen t95 Ford F250 Faed-473 deset CPS 42 n Hopper Bottom 1981 GMC 7000 Tandem Gas Grain truck - 18,6.000 miles Nice 192 GMC 00 - Gas. 1. 306, 5 peed Ravens 20 Auminum Dunp Sem 4r00 fruck-we 1600 ga anies tak and a hp pump 2002 Ford Super 2 nductors Goosereck 28 Lvestock Comparment- Tandem, some stanless stee des ComPo 16R Bumper Hch Livestock Traler- Used 30n. 24-ton Semidy Feoer Tende - Pear dcharp 40 Gravity Wagors - Many with hyd augers Calico 10 Goosaneck Livestock Traler Ttan Challerger Gooseneck Livestock Taler Lvestock TralerEZFow Gravity Wagon- Wieh emote control auoer and tarp Semi-raler Doly-Wth artan 195 Chey CEO Krapheide grain bed-31000 mes 1900 Ford L9000 Aeramax Tanderi Cab and Chansn: 1997 Freighttiner host. 1 owner Looks sharp doesnt start, Nce bam findt T6 Chey. C80 37- 111 bed and holst Very cean 1947 Studebeker 1-ton Truck Ban find Aways shedded 1978 Chevy. 2500-ek 1E Chey 2500-4 atbed Shur bed, 14 and rol arp JO S00 Oran Car: Goosenec 2s Fatbed - Wih dovetal and rames fandens EZ al S00 Gran Cart. E2-Flow Gravly Seed Wagors Wih dividers and augens ransmission, Nw Leder 30d bed. 105.000 miles, B00 hs 1900 Ford F250-Deel, gooseneck hitch 1 owner, da4: Kter Gooseneck 16 Livestock Traler. Flow 475 Grain Cart Heavy cab, short bedt 1903 GMC 7000 - Gas 30 engine COMBINES, HEADERS, AND PICKERS. Com ead Ne idea row 30 in Picker JD 900 - d, Chopper a b43 Com Heads Gieaner R7d - Duetz deset Several Header Transport Wagons 6 o-Ful tnger plat Row Crop Heat i 120 Combine 100 hs, on engine rebsu Platformi JD 000 - Wth new 8.a dus 2250 engine h 2800 sep. hs: JD 25 Plattom - With tull finger auger HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT: HAS1 Tandem Slage Wagona - H, T. Nice, New Hoand FP30 Chopper - Wih kemel processor pickup and PN 3-30 Head New Holand 411 Disc Haybine D30 Com Head Wh adapter for NH chopper 2000 Vemeer 504R Sigratu4R ound baler wh pickup fotation res 540 PTO, ess than 1000 bales Le new HAS Twin Auger Silage Wagon - Front and rear untos H&s to wheel ARO Rake 2019 Vemeer 1710-4 basket edder Kubota 20e Dsc Mower 3ot 10 . D S66 Baler- With net wap, New Holand 316: Smal twine baler, New Holand 1037 Bale Hesston 12 Wheel Rake-Hyd. fod New Holand 460 Haybine hino Wino Wheel Rak We kicker Ne, never uned Agoo 3009-9 3ptdc mower New, never used Anderson Bale Waper. JD 673 Rake Hesston A Round Baler. ew Holand 82 Forage Chopper- Picup and 230 heads Hesston 302- 12 Wheel hyd old rake H 37 fwie Baler New Holand 273 Square Baler JO 6- 11 mower conditioner: DroYorage Chopper-Wth 3-30 head and 7. pickup JD30 Ohopper Win kamal procensor 3-30 head, hyd tongue, TE peMeyer Sage Wagons Ge voluma Blowe New Holand17 3 pt diec mower, hew 3300 w, very clear Oiver Gas t wheet JD 40100-W Very nice JD 3000 mtored T48 IHC- New rubber, estore THigh Lit Desel Cwier, New Holand LXS - Desel id loader, Case 18 Sid Loader. Case WIT 1906 doosereck Fabed 24. Dovetal Taler-Wth 2000 Noe 18 Inddustral Bumper Hito aler Win dovelal ard ramp, dual tandem 15 OMC Grain Truck Gooseneck 16 -Single ale wsingle hopper lertiuer tender 192 L10Oram 16t Tap Assenbly: 20 t. Gooreck Livestock Trader, 1977 Chery. C - Midwest Truck Scale 2400 Bushel Gravity Beds 1991 intematioral Floater Truck Roed Front Bum winch and i truck DS00 Gran Cart -With new 23s rubber servoir 400 Bushel Grain Pup- Center dump, ar brakes.: 198 Chevy. 1500 - 2WD. 9510 Combine 4st Big engine, hoper etersion. 2404 engine hs 1744 sep. s. A Super Cean Machine, JD 643 Com Head D 1600 d4. Cr b 0 e Patoms Geaner LHydra, a4 Gearer 630 Com Head ingle 820- 13. ptom 06600 Combee 404 engine Poe To Noe older machine JO 5 twrap. wide Frantier 2114-14 wheel pu Uner, AC Ma 4 Basket Hay Tedder Gooseneck 42 Sell-unload Side Tt Trailer to 10 bales D 50G Round Baier 15000 Round Baer JD 1219 Haytbine, HS 78OH-6 basket hay bedder Accumulator New Holand s ler Case Round Baer Unverferth 3 pt. Bale Wripper. Kuhna Several New Holand Bowers HsS RT S200-4 basket tedder. New Holand S00 Chopper- Wen 4 2-30 head: New Holand 1000 Stack Hay Wagon JO 6000 Blower Hoelecher 10 Bale Grapples 1534 Bale Accumulator, Kuhrs ers Bale Grapple. JO S5 Round Baier, D 24T Baler PLANTERS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, AND HOES than 500 acres Like the day wan nKine 3600 dril with grass seeder and akers 20 -MS, no planter with 250 montor Sold Stand Dri Case HS400 6100 Soybean Special Dris Case H0 123 JO Madimag-1 pultype, 12-inch bean planter Wiry nice spiter. JO 00-21 d Bon 3 pt. 10 Atata Seeder, H 00 Endwise Transport 8 row plarte SMC00 monitor no- Sev 30 3 pt. Cuatons O 7000 12-30 Font-lod Planters - No-tHOO-Cyclo anter HS100 - 18 d D-0Cutvator - With ende transport DBi D n2 Yetter Row C JO 7000 - 13 row 15 in. planter. JD 7200 - Front fokd, 16-30, vac, no plante with 250 imontor. SPRAYERS, FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT AND NH3 APPLCATORS JD 420 Sat Propeled Sprayer - 4000 h 0 booms, 00 gal taina tark. Very nice D 4700 Set Popeled Sprayer Poly tank, 3157 hrs Patriot L Set Propeled Spreyer Jb desel engne oab, 750 ga. poly tank 75 booms Top Ar TAT100 Pype Sprayer - tal 00 booms Very bg tres. Nioe DM 3200-11-shark, NHO bar New ldea 1f00 Gal. Liqud Spreader, DMI 11hank PuNO Bar-Wie Raven montor, Hard Navigator 3000 Sprayer 00 g. 80 eagle booms, new pump Bue Jet Ne Ptype Bar 13 sha no- couters dosing dscs Top A TAt 100-60 boom Hard 70 :60t boom, naiow tires Feld Worer Pu-type Lime Spreader-1263 Wimar00 Fet Spreader Hard Ranger 500 gal Spraye Mobity 8ton fertierSpmader Some 3 p. Spryen 2 Hardi Navigators t00 gal hyd. fol TRS00 Harsi Sprayer, Ligheoot AV Sprayer, 1500 dal Poly tark 3 p. ak NH3 Bar. 16 HAT00 Truck - wn 1000 ga starless tank anda ho pump Gooseneck 25 t Taer-Wih o00 g poly tark and 2 inducton 1250 gal. Plastic Water Tank 1901 temational Floater Truck- Cet. desel, Alson Tranamsion, 3020 New Leader bed, 105.000 mile Br00 hs. Noe LIVESTOCK ITEMS, GRINDERS, SPREADERS, AND MANURE PUMPS Ne Holand 355 Grinder Mier With scale New Holand S20 Manure Spreade. New Holand G79 Tanden Manure Spreader - Has n chain, Houle 7300 -Houle 7300 - Tank spreader 3ade with Deich Ihank fold applicator and fow meter Ar Way 475 Grinder We scale Knight ProTwin oo Singer Manure Spreader Jaylor 4s0 TMA We scale Tolet TMR Solomix 1800 Schule 220F Sage Feed Wagon: Bain. B Louid Pump Hole 000 Gal Tanden Spreader 10o0 RPM New Holland 38 Ginder Mer - With scale and kong auger JD 54 Manure Spreader, D 40 Manue Sprader Houle 3 pt 24 in Manure Agtator- 540 RM Heder Feed Wagon Su Feed Bin Squar New dea 206 Manure Spreader, KnighUne Augge Feed Wagor D 80 Hyo Push Spreader. Nem Holand St5 Spreader, Carte Head Gate. Better ut 3130-Liquid 3000 g preader Sand Shooter ucket for Sod Steer TILLAGE: Great Pans 3000 JO 2700-7 shank disk rpper Krause M Feld Cuvator -42R S told, 4tar harow Nce MoFarane 24 Reel Dsk chiset DMS Shank Pu Oak pper, Phoenix Hamow Mcarlane 43t eel Disk-5 Fold Kraune 1410-18N Case H 4800-24 R ed cutivator, 25 of Reminger Double Roling Baskets Ofa Dak, 24 Hiner Field Cuator. 25 . MFalane Reel Disk- Very Low acres Bion X-Foid Roler - 25 D712-hark Dik Chies Unverleth 2E Crumbler - Doubie rling baskets W-Rich 25. Fild Cvator and3Bar Harow DM29 Cumbier, DM25 CrunterCane H -2SL dks JD- 16 dsk, ne blade d 2-25 much fnsher. Kewnee 23 V D iCe H400- 25 t field cuivators JD 150- 12 pu chiset Peld Cutivator Ce H46- 18 dk d7 Bron Role cuvator. 12 Keware Cutimulchers, Bush Hog VT 27 Dik, DMI 25 Fed Cutivator, BR3 p. Fed Cutivator. Taylor Way 2 R Di Chisel, JD F145-4 botom sen-plow, Kewaree 12 P Chiset AC 11 Chise ue Jet 3Shark Ripper New Holand 27 Crumbler H11 San Disk Chisel Fuent 15t Harow 20 Foment City Do At Krane 5-21E feld cultivator, IH 24 Fed Cutivetor, 3 pt Pto bechers AC 616 Semimounted Pow, Yetter 3 pt. -5 Shank Couter Ripoer Oliver 5-oottom Piow. H S18 Plow- Semimounted JD se0 - 24 R S-tine feld outivator, with 3 bar harow and basket ROTARY CUTTERS, BLADES, AND DIRT SOOOP A Misc:DK 15E Rotary Cuter. Bush Hog 220 - Rotary mower 20n: JD0- Dirt Scoop, with doly 201Z Bush Hog 1215- 15 cufter new bade, lrge 1000 PIO, Woods 310-15, 100 PTO. roary cutr Bush Hog 10 Hy yd. Bade- Lene, Woo 15 Retary Mower JD LXT-3 cuter Woods 84-3 pt. cuter 6 and 8 Bades Woods 3 t. Cuter 6t.3t Bos Blade 3 pt. Box Biade, Woods 214- Rotary auter, hino S15-15 rotary cutter Woods Ditch Bark Mower JD MK7-3pt. outter: Misc shop tools uel tankaeveral ar compreors ASIN Dynama 500 gi, Dua Wal Fuel Tank and Pume 200 gal. Tak and Pume Amand Light R Heavy Cut-O Se Uned Farm Tires- All s AUGER AND GRAIN ITEMS Westield MK130 4-Swingwty. Westled 10 s 81 Seing-eway, Brent 13x80 Swing away Swing away, MX130x 4 Swing avy Auger Westfied on8tR Singway. Weeld 1 Auger 24 Bin Stitor Westleld enon Auger Vestfield O1R 10n Low Prote Swing-awy 25 n Auger-W220 lectric motor and cable, 30 Sunes Ben Conveyor- Sukup 30 Stranor. Hutchinson Bt Vertical Bn Auger, Cipper MB Gran Ceaner - Wscreens, Hutchirson Lin Auger, 8in. Sant Unioading Auger ANTIQUE AND COLLECTOR EQUIPMENT: Olver Smal Manue Spreader. H311 -3-bottom, 2 pt. plow. JD Round Pipe 2-rgw Cutivator tor D 8. D Auger Wagon JD 49A Parter -W tert H2-botom 2 pt. Po Olver Bar Mowe H Drawtar Mower - Horn Loader Plow JD 55-4-bonom pu plow, Steel Wheeled Road Grader - For tractor, H Sel Wheel Drit Olver 356-3 pt. Hole Digger Olver Side Rak LAWN EQUIPMENT, ATVS, AND GENERATORS - To Sell at 11 AM Yanmar 220 - Diesel, 22hp, compact tractor and loader dad, 1576hn: YamahaWheeer 250 Bear- Track, very nice: Polars 350-4a, wheeler. Bu Hog M - Lawn mowe. 73n ou araha Wheeler. Whte GT186 Yard Boss Erskine Rak: Land Pride Power Rake Ford s Mower Dese 60 in 2 Bomom 3 pt. Pow Severai Generators Diesei Generator, JO 166 Lan Tractor, Tray Bit Tiler, Snapper Mower. D 235 Lawn Tactor. Kubota GR2120- bractor 54, 340 hs 2-30 finger, wing-toid, nos Plarter, pw deaners, seed fmers. lgud tert tanks -No-ti with dry feto 0- Frot fold Inger tront-fold ne-ti, MaEmerge JD 1780 16-31 Planter, Kire Jaob Inger pick 7200 1500 15 no-ta Drils - Wn markers Kina 2500 -15, spt row no-il planter (4 Great Plaire Tye 15 t. No- anter: 2 JD 70000 No-til D rooo -30 No- Panter Great Pain Folding 2-00Wig-told Plante White S100 -mounted 12 Parter JD 00-15 Hoe JD 7O00-6-30. 8-ne Fold H900 white 6t00 wing tol AC 00 No 0 36400-30. fokdng tary OD TC with ea Bue Jet NHO Commander Choppers 30. silers: Case H 340 Desk-30R, 7n Spacing DM 527 Dek Reper, s80-C Shak, 24 R. feid utivator 024 Disk Whte 435-10 shank disk Unverterth 1225- Double roler onumbler H400-25 eld cvaor, with bar hanow 01610-a p. 12 chise DM R Tigemate D210-13 dak. Nor Dunham 21 Utra Cumulcher DM 0 Orumbler, D40-4 teld Lincon Welder Generator Commercial Meat Saw, Sky Jack Sossor Lit electric mover: Westled MK130 electric motor ain x31 Loding tractor Over botom Sem idea 251 P Mower Ford 3 pt. Post Mule JD 318 Alls 18 Alannouncements sale day take precederce over printed advertinemeta. Ahough infomation contained in our ads has been obtained hom sourcm deemed retabe sellers andor auctioneers cannof and do not gurintee acourcy Al tems soldanin and where i Lunch On Grounds Not Responsible For Accidents Owners: Estate of Gary Karg. Coulterville, IL Gary Ouick, Shatuc, IL - Retring ater a litetime of tarming Estate of Theodore Stern, Pinckneyville, IL, Estate of Herschel Hunter, Marissa, IL - Some of the tractors trom Mr. Hurter's collection will be sold. He was one of the largest collectors in Southern linois and was noted ftor outstanding nestorations. Estate of Randy Meyer, Alma, IL Many Oher Par Etatennd Oter Selum For color photos, see our web siter or and Riechmann Auction Service, LLC 044000108 - Okawvile, linois Ce S 0e Loyd Riechmann ncie License 000n - Kem Rechman noa Loenee00000 - Mhe Rechman inois Licenee 000 We wibe tllowing coD-19 Gdelines