FARM TOY AUCTION Saturday July 17 2021 AT 10:00 am Located at Sullivan II, Jonathan Creek RD 1400 N CR 1500 East (4-H Building) Farm Toys IHC Case/IH JD Case Cat Deutz-Allis Áll Scales From 1/64th up to 1/8, Toys consist of Tractors Combines Planters Wagons Grain Carts Spreaders Skid Steers Backhoes Steam Engines Corn Sheller Hay Balers Rotary Hoe Cottonwood Acres Tractors(damaged) Several Banks(airplanes trucks etc.) All Toys are NIB: Auctioneer Note: Have 350-400 items, Preview one hour before Auction Terms Cash or Good Check w/proper ID; NO CREDIT or DEBIT CARDS (Building has air conditioning) NO BUYERS PREMIUM Watch for Signs Lunch on Grounds Announcements made by Auctioneer take Precedence over prior Statements and Printed Material Owner K Rosenberger Dennis Aumann Auction Service Ohlman 217-825-6384 or 217 563-2143 ISL#440000331 Go to auction zip for Photos & Full Listing #19610 Excellent Honest Service Is My Reputation SM-LA1899112 FARM TOY AUCTION Saturday July 17 2021 AT 10:00 am Located at Sullivan II, Jonathan Creek RD 1400 N CR 1500 East (4-H Building) Farm Toys IHC Case/IH JD Case Cat Deutz-Allis Áll Scales From 1/64th up to 1/8, Toys consist of Tractors Combines Planters Wagons Grain Carts Spreaders Skid Steers Backhoes Steam Engines Corn Sheller Hay Balers Rotary Hoe Cottonwood Acres Tractors(damaged) Several Banks(airplanes trucks etc.) All Toys are NIB: Auctioneer Note: Have 350-400 items, Preview one hour before Auction Terms Cash or Good Check w/proper ID; NO CREDIT or DEBIT CARDS (Building has air conditioning) NO BUYERS PREMIUM Watch for Signs Lunch on Grounds Announcements made by Auctioneer take Precedence over prior Statements and Printed Material Owner K Rosenberger Dennis Aumann Auction Service Ohlman 217-825-6384 or 217 563-2143 ISL#440000331 Go to auction zip for Photos & Full Listing #19610 Excellent Honest Service Is My Reputation SM-LA1899112