>atthews Auctions, LLC Matthews Auctions Auction held at 500 Park Ave. Waterloo, WI 53594 Over 1500 Lots over 3 Days ABSOLUTE AUCTION December 27, 28 & 29 at 10 AM Daily On-Site, Online, Phone and absentee bidding "Free Lunch with Purchase of Item" View catalog or bid online at bid.matthewsauctions.com 920-350-5533 with Questions FARM TOYS, DEALER MEMORABILIA, ADVERTISING, PETRONALIA, PEPSI, SODA, HOLIDAYS, AND MORE! DEERE JOHN FARM IMPLEMENTS Coca-Cola DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING SALES SERVICE BALDWIN COMBINES GLEANER Gleaner Harvester Corp., Independence, Mo. DRINK DOUBLE COLA MM MCCORMICK DEERING SERVICE MED toy tractor toy tractor HH TRACTOR TRACTOR Clean, Clear. GOLDEN TEXACO MOTOR OIL MILES TO HOME OF Ok USED CARS AND TRUCKS OLIVER OLIVER FARM MACHINERY www.matthewsauctions.com > atthews Auctions , LLC Matthews Auctions Auction held at 500 Park Ave. Waterloo , WI 53594 Over 1500 Lots over 3 Days ABSOLUTE AUCTION December 27 , 28 & 29 at 10 AM Daily On - Site , Online , Phone and absentee bidding " Free Lunch with Purchase of Item " View catalog or bid online at bid.matthewsauctions.com 920-350-5533 with Questions FARM TOYS , DEALER MEMORABILIA , ADVERTISING , PETRONALIA , PEPSI , SODA , HOLIDAYS , AND MORE ! DEERE JOHN FARM IMPLEMENTS Coca - Cola DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING SALES SERVICE BALDWIN COMBINES GLEANER Gleaner Harvester Corp. , Independence , Mo. DRINK DOUBLE COLA MM MCCORMICK DEERING SERVICE MED toy tractor toy tractor HH TRACTOR TRACTOR Clean , Clear . GOLDEN TEXACO MOTOR OIL MILES TO HOME OF Ok USED CARS AND TRUCKS OLIVER OLIVER FARM MACHINERY www.matthewsauctions.com