CASE 1150 CRAWLER LOADER 2017 JOHN DEERE 8320R 2006 CASE IH AFX 8010 1978 ALLIS-CHALMERS 7580 2012 UNVERFERTH 1115 DSL, PS. Rear Ripper, VG, U/C, All Orig. CAH, ILS, PS. 3PL, PTO, Front & Rear AH, CVT, Lateral Tilt Rock Trap, Chopper CAH, Power Director Trans, 3pt PTO. 1100 Bu Corner Auger, Tarp, Scale, Nice. $17,500 Duals Nice. Spreader, 520 Tires w/ Duals, Pro 600 20.8 X 38 Tires w/ Duals, Nice Straight All $197,500 Display Very Nice. $39,500 Original, Barn Find..... $24,500 Walking Tandem, 1000 Pto.........$39,500 2014 JOHN DEERE S690 2018 JD 712FC 2013 JOHN DEERE 9560RT 12-30 STALKMASTER INTERMESHING KNIFE ROLLS, THROUGH SHOP, FIELD READY... CAH, P.S. 36" tracks, 6889 hrs, Green $94,500 $189,500 3200/2200.. 1997 JOHN DEERE 9600 2001 KENWORTH T300 BOX VAN Star 6000 Globe, 5 Remotes, Leather CAH, PWR Fold, PWR Cast, 26 Auger, CAH, Hydro 4 X 4 Chopper 30.5X32 Tires Cat Diesel, 6 Spd, 24" Box w/Lift Gate, Seat, Front Wts, PTO, Very Clean $94,500 Nice.. $24,500 Runs & Drives $4,450 2010 KOMATSU PC138US 1989 CAT 613C LC, EROPS, Pilot Controls, Push Blade, EROPS, Power Shift, 13 Yd Self Loader. 36 Bucket.. 2009 HITACHI ZAXIS 450 CAH, Long Stick 48" BUCKET w/Thumb 2012 JOHN DEERE 8335R CLARK CY20B CAH, IVT, ILS, 3PT PTO, 4 Remotes, OROPS Auto Pneumatic Tires, 2000 480/50 Rears, Local Tractor, Very Nice Lift Cap, PWR Steering, LP. Runs Good $34,500 Good Condition ..$29,500 $34,500 $129,500 $2,750 2009 CHALLENGER MT645C 2016 JOHN DEERE 1795 2009 JOHN DEERE 1990 AIR SEEDER 2008 CAT 246C CAH, CVT, 3P1, Dual PTO, 4 Remotes w/ Exact Emerge 24/20 High Speed Elec Drive, 35 15" Spacing. Ext Wear Seed Boot, CAH, Pilot Controls Aux Hyds... Pneumatic Down, Bulk Fill, Vac, Elec Row Large Seed White Meter Roller, Seed Star $49,500 Shutoffs, EXCELLENT Duals $189,500 Ccs... $44,500 $17,500 2014 JOHN DEERE 9410R CAH, P.S., PTO 3PT w/ Quick Hitch, 4 Remotes, Power Beyond 78 Gal Pump 480/50 Michelin Radials, Sharp $209,500 JOHN DEERE 2440 DMI TIGERMATE 35' 3 Bar Coil Tine, Rear Hitch, Good Cond. $10,500 CASE IH 9250 STEIGER PANTHER 1000 CAH, Cummins, P.S. Drawbar, Cummins, PS.. 4 Remotes. Drawbar, Good Tires.. 4 Remotes, 23.1X34 Tires, Fair Paint Dsl, Loader, 3 Pt, PTO, Nice ..$34,500 $34,500 Smith Machinery Financing Available Through AgDirect. POWERED BY FARM CREDIT. 2019 KUBOTA M7-171 Premium DSL, P.S., MFWD, 3PT PTO, 4 Remotes, Duals, 1900 Hrs, Nice $2,750 835 Sherrill Rd. Minooka, IL 60447 779-875-9044 Quality Used Equipment of All Types $67,500 CASE 1150 CRAWLER LOADER 2017 JOHN DEERE 8320R 2006 CASE IH AFX 8010 1978 ALLIS - CHALMERS 7580 2012 UNVERFERTH 1115 DSL , PS . Rear Ripper , VG , U / C , All Orig . CAH , ILS , PS . 3PL , PTO , Front & Rear AH , CVT , Lateral Tilt Rock Trap , Chopper CAH , Power Director Trans , 3pt PTO . 1100 Bu Corner Auger , Tarp , Scale , Nice . $ 17,500 Duals Nice . Spreader , 520 Tires w / Duals , Pro 600 20.8 X 38 Tires w / Duals , Nice Straight All $ 197,500 Display Very Nice . $ 39,500 Original , Barn Find ..... $ 24,500 Walking Tandem , 1000 Pto ......... $ 39,500 2014 JOHN DEERE S690 2018 JD 712FC 2013 JOHN DEERE 9560RT 12-30 STALKMASTER INTERMESHING KNIFE ROLLS , THROUGH SHOP , FIELD READY ... CAH , P.S. 36 " tracks , 6889 hrs , Green $ 94,500 $ 189,500 3200/2200 .. 1997 JOHN DEERE 9600 2001 KENWORTH T300 BOX VAN Star 6000 Globe , 5 Remotes , Leather CAH , PWR Fold , PWR Cast , 26 Auger , CAH , Hydro 4 X 4 Chopper 30.5X32 Tires Cat Diesel , 6 Spd , 24 " Box w / Lift Gate , Seat , Front Wts , PTO , Very Clean $ 94,500 Nice .. $ 24,500 Runs & Drives $ 4,450 2010 KOMATSU PC138US 1989 CAT 613C LC , EROPS , Pilot Controls , Push Blade , EROPS , Power Shift , 13 Yd Self Loader . 36 Bucket .. 2009 HITACHI ZAXIS 450 CAH , Long Stick 48 " BUCKET w / Thumb 2012 JOHN DEERE 8335R CLARK CY20B CAH , IVT , ILS , 3PT PTO , 4 Remotes , OROPS Auto Pneumatic Tires , 2000 480/50 Rears , Local Tractor , Very Nice Lift Cap , PWR Steering , LP . Runs Good $ 34,500 Good Condition .. $ 29,500 $ 34,500 $ 129,500 $ 2,750 2009 CHALLENGER MT645C 2016 JOHN DEERE 1795 2009 JOHN DEERE 1990 AIR SEEDER 2008 CAT 246C CAH , CVT , 3P1 , Dual PTO , 4 Remotes w / Exact Emerge 24/20 High Speed Elec Drive , 35 15 " Spacing . Ext Wear Seed Boot , CAH , Pilot Controls Aux Hyds ... Pneumatic Down , Bulk Fill , Vac , Elec Row Large Seed White Meter Roller , Seed Star $ 49,500 Shutoffs , EXCELLENT Duals $ 189,500 Ccs ... $ 44,500 $ 17,500 2014 JOHN DEERE 9410R CAH , P.S. , PTO 3PT w / Quick Hitch , 4 Remotes , Power Beyond 78 Gal Pump 480/50 Michelin Radials , Sharp $ 209,500 JOHN DEERE 2440 DMI TIGERMATE 35 ' 3 Bar Coil Tine , Rear Hitch , Good Cond . $ 10,500 CASE IH 9250 STEIGER PANTHER 1000 CAH , Cummins , P.S. Drawbar , Cummins , PS .. 4 Remotes . Drawbar , Good Tires .. 4 Remotes , 23.1X34 Tires , Fair Paint Dsl , Loader , 3 Pt , PTO , Nice .. $ 34,500 $ 34,500 Smith Machinery Financing Available Through AgDirect . POWERED BY FARM CREDIT . 2019 KUBOTA M7-171 Premium DSL , P.S. , MFWD , 3PT PTO , 4 Remotes , Duals , 1900 Hrs , Nice $ 2,750 835 Sherrill Rd . Minooka , IL 60447 779-875-9044 Quality Used Equipment of All Types $ 67,500