AUCTION TRACTORS - COMBINE - TRUCKS - TRAILERS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - FARM MACHINERY Having decided to retire, the following will sell located 1 mile south of Donovan, Illinois on N 2700 East Road on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2022 10:00 AM CST TRACTORS 2011 John Deere 9630 4WD, Michelin 800/70R38 tires, bareback, 2409 hours, SN 1RW9630PLBP025010; 2011 John Deere 9530 4WD, Michelin 710/70/38 tires, bareback, 2226 hours, SN 1RW9530PJB023139; 2012 John Deere 9360R 4WD, new Firestone 480/80R50 tires, PTO, 5402 hours, SN 1RW9360RTCP001762; 1978 John Deere 8630 4WD, Firestone 20.8/38 tires, 3 PT, PTO, SN 8630H008480R, 9216 hours; 1967 John Deere 4020D, Firestone 18.4/34 tires, SN T213R170182R; 1966 John Deere 4020D, restored, Fireston 18.4/34 tires, SN T213R135013R; 1963 John Deere 4010G, restored, 15.5/38 tires, SN T32680; 3 Starfire 3000 globes w/2630 monitors. COMBINE & GRAINHEADS 2012 John Deere S670 combine, Goodyear 650/85R38 tires, 2710 engine hours, 2141 separator hours, combine to be gone through by John Deere before auction; John Deere 635 FD grain platform; John Deere 608C 8-row cornhead; 8-row 30" down corn reel. TRUCKS - TRAILERS 1997 MACK CH600, day cab; 1996 Peterbilt day cab w/wet kit; 1992 Peterbilt 377 conventional, day cab w/wet kit; 1979 GMC General, conventional, day cab; 2000 Ford F450 w/aluminum flat bed & side boxes; 1998 Merritt 42' hopper bottom trailer; 1996 Timpte 40' hopper bottom trailer; 1980 Butler 5000 gal. tanker w/3" PTO pump; 1976 28' Schien dump trailer w/bed liner & new tarp; Life Time 25' Gooseneck flat bed trailer w/ramps; Winnebago 16' gooseneck steel bed trailer w/hoist; 1999 Triton 8'x10' trailer; 1983 homemade 5'x10' 2 wheel trailer; 5th wheel. DOZER - EXCAVATOR - SKIDSTER - BACKHOE Cat D6 Dozer, tilt blade; 1987 John Deere 690C Excavator, good machine; John Deere 329E diesel skid loader on tracks, 4-way bucket w/rock bucket, only 673 hours; John Deere 310A loader/backhoe; Kuntz 12' box scraper. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2010 John Deere DB60 24/47 row planter, no-till coulters, hyd. down force; John Deere 2310 45'9" soil finisher w/6 bar harrow; John Deere 2310 39'9" soil finisher w/coil tine harrow & rolling basket; Case IH 9 shank 870 Ecolo-Tiger Ripper w/rolling basket; Sunflower 1435 25' disc; Landoll 7431 33' VT Plus tillage tool w/rolling basket; Case IH Barracuda 335 VT 33' tillage tool w/rolling basket; Hiniker 600 12-row crop cultivator; Fast 8224 24-row 28% applicator w/2400 gallon tank; Brent 974 grain cart w/scale & tarp; Unverferth 3750 seed tender; John Deere 7000 8-row 30" planter; Fast 20 gal. 12 volt sprayer; Fast 25 gal. roller for herbicide use; 48" Landpride 3-pt tiller; grass & fertilizer spreader. MISCELLANEOUS 1600 gallon portable fuel tank; 25000 gallon upright tank, cone bottom; 30000 gallon horizontal tank; 22 42"9" concrete tile. STEVE AND JANA ZABEL, OWNERS 2467N 2700 E Rd Donovan, Illinois 60931 Phone: 815-383-2847 AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Outstanding offering of equipment. Always shedded with meticulous care and maintenance. Online bidding available through Proxibid AUCTIONEERS Bill Decker Milford, Illinois 815-471-4217 TERMS: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents or property after sold. Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed material Kevin Kleinert St. Anne, Illinois 815-955-1301 LUNCH SERVED AUCTION TRACTORS - COMBINE - TRUCKS - TRAILERS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - FARM MACHINERY Having decided to retire , the following will sell located 1 mile south of Donovan , Illinois on N 2700 East Road on MONDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 2022 10:00 AM CST TRACTORS 2011 John Deere 9630 4WD , Michelin 800 / 70R38 tires , bareback , 2409 hours , SN 1RW9630PLBP025010 ; 2011 John Deere 9530 4WD , Michelin 710/70/38 tires , bareback , 2226 hours , SN 1RW9530PJB023139 ; 2012 John Deere 9360R 4WD , new Firestone 480 / 80R50 tires , PTO , 5402 hours , SN 1RW9360RTCP001762 ; 1978 John Deere 8630 4WD , Firestone 20.8 / 38 tires , 3 PT , PTO , SN 8630H008480R , 9216 hours ; 1967 John Deere 4020D , Firestone 18.4 / 34 tires , SN T213R170182R ; 1966 John Deere 4020D , restored , Fireston 18.4 / 34 tires , SN T213R135013R ; 1963 John Deere 4010G , restored , 15.5 / 38 tires , SN T32680 ; 3 Starfire 3000 globes w / 2630 monitors . COMBINE & GRAINHEADS 2012 John Deere S670 combine , Goodyear 650 / 85R38 tires , 2710 engine hours , 2141 separator hours , combine to be gone through by John Deere before auction ; John Deere 635 FD grain platform ; John Deere 608C 8 - row cornhead ; 8 - row 30 " down corn reel . TRUCKS - TRAILERS 1997 MACK CH600 , day cab ; 1996 Peterbilt day cab w / wet kit ; 1992 Peterbilt 377 conventional , day cab w / wet kit ; 1979 GMC General , conventional , day cab ; 2000 Ford F450 w / aluminum flat bed & side boxes ; 1998 Merritt 42 ' hopper bottom trailer ; 1996 Timpte 40 ' hopper bottom trailer ; 1980 Butler 5000 gal . tanker w / 3 " PTO pump ; 1976 28 ' Schien dump trailer w / bed liner & new tarp ; Life Time 25 ' Gooseneck flat bed trailer w / ramps ; Winnebago 16 ' gooseneck steel bed trailer w / hoist ; 1999 Triton 8'x10 ' trailer ; 1983 homemade 5'x10 ' 2 wheel trailer ; 5th wheel . DOZER - EXCAVATOR - SKIDSTER - BACKHOE Cat D6 Dozer , tilt blade ; 1987 John Deere 690C Excavator , good machine ; John Deere 329E diesel skid loader on tracks , 4 - way bucket w / rock bucket , only 673 hours ; John Deere 310A loader / backhoe ; Kuntz 12 ' box scraper . TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 2010 John Deere DB60 24/47 row planter , no - till coulters , hyd . down force ; John Deere 2310 45'9 " soil finisher w / 6 bar harrow ; John Deere 2310 39'9 " soil finisher w / coil tine harrow & rolling basket ; Case IH 9 shank 870 Ecolo - Tiger Ripper w / rolling basket ; Sunflower 1435 25 ' disc ; Landoll 7431 33 ' VT Plus tillage tool w / rolling basket ; Case IH Barracuda 335 VT 33 ' tillage tool w / rolling basket ; Hiniker 600 12 - row crop cultivator ; Fast 8224 24 - row 28 % applicator w / 2400 gallon tank ; Brent 974 grain cart w / scale & tarp ; Unverferth 3750 seed tender ; John Deere 7000 8 - row 30 " planter ; Fast 20 gal . 12 volt sprayer ; Fast 25 gal . roller for herbicide use ; 48 " Landpride 3 - pt tiller ; grass & fertilizer spreader . MISCELLANEOUS 1600 gallon portable fuel tank ; 25000 gallon upright tank , cone bottom ; 30000 gallon horizontal tank ; 22 42 " 9 " concrete tile . STEVE AND JANA ZABEL , OWNERS 2467N 2700 E Rd Donovan , Illinois 60931 Phone : 815-383-2847 AUCTIONEERS NOTE : Outstanding offering of equipment . Always shedded with meticulous care and maintenance . Online bidding available through Proxibid AUCTIONEERS Bill Decker Milford , Illinois 815-471-4217 TERMS : Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents or property after sold . Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed material Kevin Kleinert St. Anne , Illinois 815-955-1301 LUNCH SERVED