Busey FARM BROKERAGE® A Division of Busey Bank McLean Co. Land Auction The Allen Farm 31.06 Taxable Acres in Lexington Township. Located on the Northwest side of Lexington Has a P.I. of 130.7 with Drummer, Plano, Saybrook, Flanagan and more soils Timed Online Only Auction, Opens March 21st and closes March 28th, at Noon SM-LA2146348 LeRoy Office (309)-962-2901 Busey.com/FarmsForSale Busey FARM BROKERAGE® A Division of Busey Bank McLean Co. Land Auction The Allen Farm 31.06 Taxable Acres in Lexington Township . Located on the Northwest side of Lexington Has a P.I. of 130.7 with Drummer , Plano , Saybrook , Flanagan and more soils Timed Online Only Auction , Opens March 21st and closes March 28th , at Noon SM - LA2146348 LeRoy Office ( 309 ) -962-2901 Busey.com/FarmsForSale