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    March 25, 2022
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%24 IT'S LIKE $ PLANTING A DOLLAR TO GROW 12 See how your corn and soybean checkoffs work for you. Your checkoff investment is used to fund research, build markets, and increase demand for your crops. $1 of soybean checkoff investment brings $12 in farm value!" $4 $4 $1 Learm how the checkoff is working for you. O Check it out at INDIANA CORN NDIANA SorEAN AANCE SA g THE FUTURE IS OURS TO GROW %24 %24 %24 IT'S LIKE $ PLANTING A DOLLAR TO GROW 12 See how your corn and soybean checkoffs work for you. Your checkoff investment is used to fund research, build markets, and increase demand for your crops. $1 of soybean checkoff investment brings $12 in farm value!" $4 $4 $1 Learm how the checkoff is working for you. O Check it out at INDIANA CORN NDIANA SorEAN AANCE SA g THE FUTURE IS OURS TO GROW %24 %24