VIRTUAL ONLINE KNOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT PRIME CLASS A FARMLAND! 159.34 SURVEYED ACRES 1 TRACT Land is located at the south edge of Galesburg, Illinois in Sections 26 and 35 of Galesburg Township, Knox County, Illinois. This is a Class A farm with a Pl rating of 141.91 There is public road access on the north and west sides. GALESBURG ORDER BUYERS INC. MARTY ANDERSON, RANDY ANDERSON, & TIM ANDERSON Representing Attorney: Brian A. Peterson Simpson Peterson | 246 E. Main St. | Galesburg, IL 61401 (309) 343-6152 Auction Manager: Jim Sullivan (217) 440-8172 VIRTUAL ONLINE SHELBY COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2023 AT 1:00 PMCT 169.33 ACRES+ 3 TRACTS The White farm is located approximately 7 miles north of Shelbyville. Illinois or 32 miles south of Decatur, Elinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 13, T12N-R3E, Ridge Township, Shelby County, Elinois. The real estate consist of 169.33 total acres and will be sold in 3 tracts. The farm represents a combination of productive sillable cropland, wooded areas providing excellent outdoor recreational opportunities, and an excellent home building site improved with grain bins and a pole building. Farmers, investors, and outdoor enthusiast be sure to check out this Shelby County, Illinois property. DAVE & BEVERLY WHITE Representing Attorney: Glen A. Featherstun Featherstun, Gaumer, Stocks, Flynn & Eck, LLP 101 S State St, Suite 240, Decatur, IL 62523 | (217) 429-4453 Auction Manager: Kevin Haas (309) 264-7767 NK.KUOROO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, PHOTOs & ONLINE BIDDING CATALOGS! VIRTUAL ONLINE MACOUPIN COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 AT 1:00 PMCT 90 TAXABLE ACRES = 1 TRACT The farm is located approximately 6 miles northwest of Gillespie, IL, or 9% miles south of Carlinville, IL, or 10% miles west of Litchfield, I, and is further described as being in Section 33, T9N-R7W, Brushy Mound Township, Macoupin County, IL Land represents nearly all highly productive tillable cropland. LAND TRUST 407 - SELLER Title Work: Lange Title and Records Co. 130 East First South St. Carlinville, IL 62626 | (217) 854-6906 Auction Managers: Rodney Borrowman (630) 247-0667 & John Borrowman (217) 430-0645 TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE FARM MACHINERY AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AM PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 16370 COUNTY HIGHWAY 16, OSCO, IL 61274 INSPECTION DATE: FRIDAY, MARCH 10 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM HIGHLIGHTS: 11 JD 8335R MFWD tractor, 1,949 hours; 91 JD 4955 MFWD tractor, 3.255 hours: 81 JD 4440 2wd tractor, showing 4,934 hours: 69 JD 4020 2wd tractor, showing 2.473 hours: Ford 4000 2wd tractor, 3,462 hours - one family tractor 11 Case-IH 7088 4wd combine, 1,677 eng/1,070 hours: 105 Case-IH 2412 12 row 30" con head; Har- vest Hand 30' head cart - unused; 01 JD 1760 row 30 planter 03 JO 2100 5-shank 3-pt. inline ripper, Glencoe Soil Saver 11-shank disc chiset; Landoll 7130 To The Max 32 rotary harrow; Case-IH 4300 26' field cul tivator, International 496 24' disk; 32 8-bar spike tooth harrow; Brillion 16' cultimulcher; Kinze 1500 6-row 30° 3-pt. cultivator; JD S bottom plow; Unverferth 8000 grain cart: DMI 300 gravity wagon; Westfield W130-71 13x71; 87 Mack Econodyne day cab semi, 553,076 miles: 98 Jet 26" trailer: Woods 10' 3-pt.rotary mower; 5' 3-pt. rotary mower, JD 350 7 3-pt. sickle bar mower; 7' 3-pt. box blade w/ scarifier teeth: Hardi 500 gal. trailer type sprayer; (2) Clark 200 gal saddle tanks; JD ITC receiver CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOR DAN BAUM (309) 945-3268 11 JD 4930 self-propelled sprayer, 4,530 hours: (4) 710/70R42 tires and wheels off JD 4930 self-propelled sprayer LONNIE & KRIS LOVE EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: LONNIE LOVE (309) 236-8894 Auction Manager: Dale Jone (309) 299-6400 CONTACT US TODAY (844) 847-2161. www.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM License #444000107 TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AMST ADDRESS: 17565 STATE HWY E, WILLIAMSTOWN, MO 63473 INSPECTION DATE: FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM HIGHLIGHTS: "12 Versatile 305 MFWD tractor, 1,088 hrs, one owner: 90 Deutz-Allis 9150 MFWD tractor, 3,414 hrs.,; 13 JD 7230R MFWD tractor, 1,300 hrs, one owner: 09 Gleaner A66 4wd combine, 1,917 eng/1,412 sep. hrs.: AGCO 8200 Flex 30' platform, sells w/ Alliance 30 head cart, one owner, AGCO 3000 6 row 30° corn head, sells w/ shop built 15' head cart: 20 Kinze 3660 12 row 30 planter, one owner: White 6180 12 row 30" planter,: White 6300 12/13 planter, one owner: Friesen 220 seed tender, one owner; '07 Volvo day cab semi, 614,162 mi: 18 Wilson PaceSetter DWH-600 39 hopper bottom trailer, less than 10,000 ml, one owner; Sunflower 5033 27 field cultivator,; Krause 3950 26 disk,; McFarlane 12-bar 36' spike tooth harrow; JD 845 12 row 30° 3-pt. cultivator; 9-shank 3-pt. V-ripper, J&M 875 grain cart: Bush hog Legend 2715 15 batwing mower, one owner; Brandt 1070 10x70 swing away auger; Brandt 835 8x35 truck auger: Killbros 350 gravity wagon; 12' steel barge wagon w/ hoist, Killbros running gear DENNIS "WORM" & PEGGY BRISCOE EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: WORM (660) 341-8046 & CLINT (660) 341-3837 Auction Managers: Cody Holst (217) 242-8747 Derek England (660) 956-6424 & Dan Sullivan (319) 795-1833 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? Call or Email Today! If you are considering selling farm machinery, real estate, or collector cars, our team of professionals is ready to help. Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer. It's never too early to start planning an auction. SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS a Big company VIRTUAL ONLINE KNOX COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT PRIME CLASS A FARMLAND ! 159.34 SURVEYED ACRES 1 TRACT Land is located at the south edge of Galesburg , Illinois in Sections 26 and 35 of Galesburg Township , Knox County , Illinois . This is a Class A farm with a Pl rating of 141.91 There is public road access on the north and west sides . GALESBURG ORDER BUYERS INC . MARTY ANDERSON , RANDY ANDERSON , & TIM ANDERSON Representing Attorney : Brian A. Peterson Simpson Peterson | 246 E. Main St. | Galesburg , IL 61401 ( 309 ) 343-6152 Auction Manager : Jim Sullivan ( 217 ) 440-8172 VIRTUAL ONLINE SHELBY COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY , MARCH 9 , 2023 AT 1:00 PMCT 169.33 ACRES + 3 TRACTS The White farm is located approximately 7 miles north of Shelbyville . Illinois or 32 miles south of Decatur , Elinois . The property is further described as being located in Section 13 , T12N - R3E , Ridge Township , Shelby County , Elinois . The real estate consist of 169.33 total acres and will be sold in 3 tracts . The farm represents a combination of productive sillable cropland , wooded areas providing excellent outdoor recreational opportunities , and an excellent home building site improved with grain bins and a pole building . Farmers , investors , and outdoor enthusiast be sure to check out this Shelby County , Illinois property . DAVE & BEVERLY WHITE Representing Attorney : Glen A. Featherstun Featherstun , Gaumer , Stocks , Flynn & Eck , LLP 101 S State St , Suite 240 , Decatur , IL 62523 | ( 217 ) 429-4453 Auction Manager : Kevin Haas ( 309 ) 264-7767 NK.KUOROO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS , PHOTOs & ONLINE BIDDING CATALOGS ! VIRTUAL ONLINE MACOUPIN COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY , MARCH 2 , 2023 AT 1:00 PMCT 90 TAXABLE ACRES = 1 TRACT The farm is located approximately 6 miles northwest of Gillespie , IL , or 9 % miles south of Carlinville , IL , or 10 % miles west of Litchfield , I , and is further described as being in Section 33 , T9N - R7W , Brushy Mound Township , Macoupin County , IL Land represents nearly all highly productive tillable cropland . LAND TRUST 407 - SELLER Title Work : Lange Title and Records Co. 130 East First South St. Carlinville , IL 62626 | ( 217 ) 854-6906 Auction Managers : Rodney Borrowman ( 630 ) 247-0667 & John Borrowman ( 217 ) 430-0645 TIMED ONLINE | NO - RESERVE FARM MACHINERY AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 15 , 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AM PHYSICAL ADDRESS : 16370 COUNTY HIGHWAY 16 , OSCO , IL 61274 INSPECTION DATE : FRIDAY , MARCH 10 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM HIGHLIGHTS : 11 JD 8335R MFWD tractor , 1,949 hours ; 91 JD 4955 MFWD tractor , 3.255 hours : 81 JD 4440 2wd tractor , showing 4,934 hours : 69 JD 4020 2wd tractor , showing 2.473 hours : Ford 4000 2wd tractor , 3,462 hours - one family tractor 11 Case - IH 7088 4wd combine , 1,677 eng / 1,070 hours : 105 Case - IH 2412 12 row 30 " con head ; Har vest Hand 30 ' head cart - unused ; 01 JD 1760 row 30 planter 03 JO 2100 5 - shank 3 - pt . inline ripper , Glencoe Soil Saver 11 - shank disc chiset ; Landoll 7130 To The Max 32 rotary harrow ; Case - IH 4300 26 ' field cul tivator , International 496 24 ' disk ; 32 8 - bar spike tooth harrow ; Brillion 16 ' cultimulcher ; Kinze 1500 6 - row 30 ° 3 - pt . cultivator ; JD S bottom plow ; Unverferth 8000 grain cart : DMI 300 gravity wagon ; Westfield W130-71 13x71 ; 87 Mack Econodyne day cab semi , 553,076 miles : 98 Jet 26 " trailer : Woods 10 ' 3 - pt.rotary mower ; 5 ' 3 - pt . rotary mower , JD 350 7 3 - pt . sickle bar mower ; 7 ' 3 - pt . box blade w / scarifier teeth : Hardi 500 gal . trailer type sprayer ; ( 2 ) Clark 200 gal saddle tanks ; JD ITC receiver CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOR DAN BAUM ( 309 ) 945-3268 11 JD 4930 self - propelled sprayer , 4,530 hours : ( 4 ) 710 / 70R42 tires and wheels off JD 4930 self - propelled sprayer LONNIE & KRIS LOVE EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS : LONNIE LOVE ( 309 ) 236-8894 Auction Manager : Dale Jone ( 309 ) 299-6400 CONTACT US TODAY ( 844 ) 847-2161 . www.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM License # 444000107 TIMED ONLINE | NO - RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES : MONDAY , MARCH 6 , 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AMST ADDRESS : 17565 STATE HWY E , WILLIAMSTOWN , MO 63473 INSPECTION DATE : FRIDAY , MARCH 3. 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM HIGHLIGHTS : " 12 Versatile 305 MFWD tractor , 1,088 hrs , one owner : 90 Deutz - Allis 9150 MFWD tractor , 3,414 hrs . , ; 13 JD 7230R MFWD tractor , 1,300 hrs , one owner : 09 Gleaner A66 4wd combine , 1,917 eng / 1,412 sep . hrs .: AGCO 8200 Flex 30 ' platform , sells w / Alliance 30 head cart , one owner , AGCO 3000 6 row 30 ° corn head , sells w / shop built 15 ' head cart : 20 Kinze 3660 12 row 30 planter , one owner : White 6180 12 row 30 " planter ,: White 6300 12/13 planter , one owner : Friesen 220 seed tender , one owner ; '07 Volvo day cab semi , 614,162 mi : 18 Wilson PaceSetter DWH - 600 39 hopper bottom trailer , less than 10,000 ml , one owner ; Sunflower 5033 27 field cultivator ,; Krause 3950 26 disk ,; McFarlane 12 - bar 36 ' spike tooth harrow ; JD 845 12 row 30 ° 3 - pt . cultivator ; 9 - shank 3 - pt . V - ripper , J & M 875 grain cart : Bush hog Legend 2715 15 batwing mower , one owner ; Brandt 1070 10x70 swing away auger ; Brandt 835 8x35 truck auger : Killbros 350 gravity wagon ; 12 ' steel barge wagon w / hoist , Killbros running gear DENNIS " WORM " & PEGGY BRISCOE EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS : WORM ( 660 ) 341-8046 & CLINT ( 660 ) 341-3837 Auction Managers : Cody Holst ( 217 ) 242-8747 Derek England ( 660 ) 956-6424 & Dan Sullivan ( 319 ) 795-1833 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION ? Call or Email Today ! If you are considering selling farm machinery , real estate , or collector cars , our team of professionals is ready to help . Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer . It's never too early to start planning an auction . SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS a Big company