VIRTUAL ONLINE WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023 AT 10:00 AM 247 TAXABLE ACRES=1 TRACT CCOO. The farm is located 2 miles west of Irvington, IL, or 9 miles southwest of Centralia, L, or 20 miles northwest of Mt. Vernon, IL, and is further described as being located in Sections 15 & 16, T1S-R1W, Irvington Township, Washington County, IL Land contains a total of 247 taxable acress, will be sold in 1 tract and represents nearly all productive silable farm land. CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY Representing Attorney: John A. Lipinsky Clingen Callow & McLean, LLC | (630) 871-2600 2300 Cabot Drive, Suite 500 Lisle, Illinois 60532 Auction Managers: Rodney Borrowman (630) 247-0667 | John Borrowman (217) 430-0645 VIRTUAL ONLINE MERCER COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2023 AT 10:00 AM 230.89 SURVEYED ACRES 3 TRACTS The Lambert Family farm is located approximately 13 miles northeast of New Boston, IL, or 14 miles southeast of Muscatine, IA, or 30 miles southwest of Rock Island, IL, near the community of Eliza, IL The property is located in Sections 10 & 15 of Eliza East Township, in Mercer County, IL The land represents productive tillable cropland and recreational areas with attractive home building sites. LAMBERT FAMILY FARM, LLC FRANK LAMBERT | TOM LAMBERT | SUZANNE YEAST Representing Attorney: Reynolds M. Everett, Jr. Barash & Everett Attorneys, LLC | (309) 932-2001 110 N. Exchange St. Galva, IL. 61434 Auction Manager: Dale Jones (309) 299-6400 VIRTUAL ONLINE BUREAU COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023 AT 10:00 AM 80 TAXABLE ACRES. 1 TRACT The James E. Crisman farm is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Buda, Ilinois or 18 miles southwest of Princeton, Illinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 17, T15N-R7E, Macon Township, Bureau County, Illinois. The land represents highly productive, well maintained, Class A soll and a small wooded area suitable for recreational purposes. JAMES E. CRISMAN ESTATE SCOTT CRISMAN - EXECUTOR Representing Attorney: Michael L. English Russell, English, Scoma & Beneke, P.C. |(815) 875-4555 Ten Park Ave. West, Princeton, IL 61356 Auction Manager: Dale Jones (309) 299-6400 VIRTUAL ONLINE TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 100 TAXABLE ACRES+ + 1 TRACT The Ruth M. Koch farm is located approximately 5 miles north of Delavan Illinois or 16 miles southwest of Morton, Illinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 23, T23N-R4W, Dillon Township, Tazewell County, Illinois. The real estate contains a total of 100 taxable acres, will be sold in 1 tract, and represents a combination of productive tillable cropland and mature timber with excellent building sites. Farmers and outdoor enthusiast, be sure to check out this Tazewell County, Illinois property RUTH M. KOCH ESTATE STEVEN BEUTEL & NATHAN KOCH CO-EXECUTORS Representing Attorney: Justin Stoller Stoller Law Office | (309) 527-4300 15 W Front Street, El Paso, Illinois 61738 Auction Manager: Kevin Haas (309) 264-7767 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? Call or Email Today! License #444000107 CONTACT US TODAY (844) 847-2161 WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM VIRTUAL ONLINE KNOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2023 AT 10:00 AMC PRIME CLASS A FARMLAND! 159.3 ACRES = 1 TRACT KOD Land is located at the south edge of Galesburg, Illinois in Sections 26 and 35 of Galesburg Township, Knox County, Illinois. This is a Class A farm with a Pl rating of 141.91 There is public road access on the north and west sides. GALESBURG ORDER BUYERS INC. MARTY ANDERSON, RANDY ANDERSON & TIM ANDERSON Representing Attorney: Brian A. Peterson Simpson Peterson | (309) 343-6152 246 E. Main St. | Galesburg, IL 61401 Auction Manager: Jim Sullivan (217) 440-8172 VIRTUAL ONLINE ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2023 AT 10:00 AMST If you are considering selling farm machinery, real estate or collector cars, our team of professionals is ready to help. Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer. It's never too early to start planning an auction. 34.6 TAXABLE ACRES 1 TRACT CONTACT AUCTION MANAGER FOR VIEWING The Lloyd farm is located 5 miles west of Reynolds, Illinois, or approximately 20 miles southwest of Rock Island, Illinois on the Mercer/Rock Island County line. The farm is further described as being located in Section 31, T16N-R3W, Edgington Township, Rock Island County, Illinois. The land represents pasture and tillable land as well as wooded draws which is improved with a ranch style home, detached garage and outbuilding. RAYO LLOYD Attorney: Eric J. Long | The Law Office of Eric J. Long PO Box 251 | 201 W Main St. #2, Aledo, IL 61231 (309) 582-0100 Auction Manager: Dale Jones (309) 299 6400 SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS a Big company LA VIRTUAL ONLINE WASHINGTON COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 2023 AT 10:00 AM 247 TAXABLE ACRES = 1 TRACT CCOO . The farm is located 2 miles west of Irvington , IL , or 9 miles southwest of Centralia , L , or 20 miles northwest of Mt. Vernon , IL , and is further described as being located in Sections 15 & 16 , T1S - R1W , Irvington Township , Washington County , IL Land contains a total of 247 taxable acress , will be sold in 1 tract and represents nearly all productive silable farm land . CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY Representing Attorney : John A. Lipinsky Clingen Callow & McLean , LLC | ( 630 ) 871-2600 2300 Cabot Drive , Suite 500 Lisle , Illinois 60532 Auction Managers : Rodney Borrowman ( 630 ) 247-0667 | John Borrowman ( 217 ) 430-0645 VIRTUAL ONLINE MERCER COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 2023 AT 10:00 AM 230.89 SURVEYED ACRES 3 TRACTS The Lambert Family farm is located approximately 13 miles northeast of New Boston , IL , or 14 miles southeast of Muscatine , IA , or 30 miles southwest of Rock Island , IL , near the community of Eliza , IL The property is located in Sections 10 & 15 of Eliza East Township , in Mercer County , IL The land represents productive tillable cropland and recreational areas with attractive home building sites . LAMBERT FAMILY FARM , LLC FRANK LAMBERT | TOM LAMBERT | SUZANNE YEAST Representing Attorney : Reynolds M. Everett , Jr. Barash & Everett Attorneys , LLC | ( 309 ) 932-2001 110 N. Exchange St. Galva , IL . 61434 Auction Manager : Dale Jones ( 309 ) 299-6400 VIRTUAL ONLINE BUREAU COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 23 , 2023 AT 10:00 AM 80 TAXABLE ACRES . 1 TRACT The James E. Crisman farm is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Buda , Ilinois or 18 miles southwest of Princeton , Illinois . The property is further described as being located in Section 17 , T15N - R7E , Macon Township , Bureau County , Illinois . The land represents highly productive , well maintained , Class A soll and a small wooded area suitable for recreational purposes . JAMES E. CRISMAN ESTATE SCOTT CRISMAN - EXECUTOR Representing Attorney : Michael L. English Russell , English , Scoma & Beneke , P.C. | ( 815 ) 875-4555 Ten Park Ave. West , Princeton , IL 61356 Auction Manager : Dale Jones ( 309 ) 299-6400 VIRTUAL ONLINE TAZEWELL COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION THURSDAY , MARCH 2 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 100 TAXABLE ACRES + + 1 TRACT The Ruth M. Koch farm is located approximately 5 miles north of Delavan Illinois or 16 miles southwest of Morton , Illinois . The property is further described as being located in Section 23 , T23N - R4W , Dillon Township , Tazewell County , Illinois . The real estate contains a total of 100 taxable acres , will be sold in 1 tract , and represents a combination of productive tillable cropland and mature timber with excellent building sites . Farmers and outdoor enthusiast , be sure to check out this Tazewell County , Illinois property RUTH M. KOCH ESTATE STEVEN BEUTEL & NATHAN KOCH CO - EXECUTORS Representing Attorney : Justin Stoller Stoller Law Office | ( 309 ) 527-4300 15 W Front Street , El Paso , Illinois 61738 Auction Manager : Kevin Haas ( 309 ) 264-7767 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION ? Call or Email Today ! License # 444000107 CONTACT US TODAY ( 844 ) 847-2161 WWW.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM VIRTUAL ONLINE KNOX COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMC PRIME CLASS A FARMLAND ! 159.3 ACRES = 1 TRACT KOD Land is located at the south edge of Galesburg , Illinois in Sections 26 and 35 of Galesburg Township , Knox County , Illinois . This is a Class A farm with a Pl rating of 141.91 There is public road access on the north and west sides . GALESBURG ORDER BUYERS INC . MARTY ANDERSON , RANDY ANDERSON & TIM ANDERSON Representing Attorney : Brian A. Peterson Simpson Peterson | ( 309 ) 343-6152 246 E. Main St. | Galesburg , IL 61401 Auction Manager : Jim Sullivan ( 217 ) 440-8172 VIRTUAL ONLINE ROCK ISLAND COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION FRIDAY , MARCH 17 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMST If you are considering selling farm machinery , real estate or collector cars , our team of professionals is ready to help . Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer . It's never too early to start planning an auction . 34.6 TAXABLE ACRES 1 TRACT CONTACT AUCTION MANAGER FOR VIEWING The Lloyd farm is located 5 miles west of Reynolds , Illinois , or approximately 20 miles southwest of Rock Island , Illinois on the Mercer / Rock Island County line . The farm is further described as being located in Section 31 , T16N - R3W , Edgington Township , Rock Island County , Illinois . The land represents pasture and tillable land as well as wooded draws which is improved with a ranch style home , detached garage and outbuilding . RAYO LLOYD Attorney : Eric J. Long | The Law Office of Eric J. Long PO Box 251 | 201 W Main St. # 2 , Aledo , IL 61231 ( 309 ) 582-0100 Auction Manager : Dale Jones ( 309 ) 299 6400 SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS a Big company LA