TIMED ONLINE NO-RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: WED., DECEMBER 28, 2022 STARTING AT 10:00 AMST PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 2850 FOX AVE., ODEBOLT, IOWA HIGHLIGHTS: 2012 John Deere 9460RT track tractor, 1,801 hours: 2017 Case-IH 7240 2wd combine, 1,020 eng/839 sep. hours: 2018 Drago GT 8 row 30° twin chopping com head; 2014 MacDon FD75-S 35 flex draper head; Mauer 35 head trailer, 2019 Brent V700 grain cart: 2015 Kuhn Krause 6200 Landsman 45' soil finisher; 2008 Sunflow er 1434 30' disk; John Deere 400 15' rotary hoe: International 490 disk Killbros 375 gravity wagon w/seed auger & tarp; Killbros 375 Wagon, 12.5L x 16, Westendorf 12 ton running gear. LES & LADON SIEBRECHT EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: (712) 830-6726 Auction Manager: DeWayne Ricklefs (712) 830-9105 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION? Call or Eupail If you are considering selling farm machinery, real estate or collector cars, our team of professionals is ready to help. Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer. It's never too early to start planning an auction. VIRTUAL ONLINE STODDARD COUNTY, MISSOURI LAND AUCTION THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 120 ACRES (SUBJECT TO SURVEY). 1 TRACT Property is located approximately 4 miles south of Bell City. MO or approximately 17 miles northwest of Sikeston, MO in Sections 25, T27N+11E, Pike Township, Stoddard County, MO. Land represents highly productive tillable cropland with an excellent location and highway frontage on two sides. THE CRANDALL FAMILY Representing Attorney: Raymond C. Lee Schmiedeskamp Robertson Neu & Mitchell LLP Law Firm 525 Jersey Street | Quincy, IL 62301 | (217)223-3030 Title Work: Stoddard County Title & Escrow 130 E. Stoddard Street | Dexter, MO 63841 | (573) 624-3325 Auction Managers: Bill Fretwell (660) 341-7735 Jennifer Wood (217) 257-8812 | John Sullivan (309) 221-6700 VIRTUAL ONLINE PUTNAM COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 10:00 AMST 40 TAXABLE ACRES= 1 TRACT The Blukel 1959 Land Trust farm is located approximately 5 miles southeastof Granville, Illinoisor 12milessouthwestof Peru,Illinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 35, T32-R1W, Granville Township, Putnam County, IL. The real estate contains a total of 40 taxable acres, will be sold in 1 tract and represents highly productive Class A soil. Farmers and investors, be sure to check out this Putnam County, Illinois, Class A farm with a 144.7 Pl. BLUKEL 1959 LAND TRUST Representing Attorney: Douglas J. Schweickert Schwieckert Law Group, LLC | (815) 830-4080 2101 Marquette Road | Peru, IL 61354 Auction Manager: Kevin Haas (309) 264-7767 TIMED ONLINE | NO-RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES: THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AM PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 470 E 2400 N, DANFORTH, ILLINOIS 60930 CONTACT US TODAY (844) 847-2161 www.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM License # 44400107 INSPECTION DATE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2023 9:00 AM-3:00 PM HIGHLIGHTS: 04 JD 8320 MFWD tractor, 5, 106 hrs.: 05 JD 7920 MFWD tractor, 3,723 hrs; JD 9560 STS 2wd combine, 2,893 eng/1,978 sep. hrs.; 07 JD 625F 25' platform; 07 JD 693 6 row 30" com head; 1998 JD 1760 12 row 30° planter; Hitch-Doc HSC2200 2-box seed tender, 08 JD 2210 30.5' field cultivator, 1999 JD 955 5-shank 3-pt. inline ripper, JD 845 12 row 30° 3-pt. cultivator; JD 400 30' 3 pt rotary hoe; JD 400 30 3-pt. rotary hoe: J&M 1000 grain cart; J&M 680/760 gravity wagon; Brent 640 gravity wagon, brakes; DMI 400 bu gravity wagon; Woods 2120 10 batwing mower: 1,600 gal. liquid tender trailer; Shop built 750 gal. pull-type sprayer; Shop built 30' NH3 applicator; M-C 20 pull-type stalk chopper; JD suitcase weights; JD StarFire 3000 receiver and other support items WILKEN FARM EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS: SCOTT (815) 383-2007 Auction Manager: Luke Sullivan (309) 371-5214 VIRTUAL ONLINE MARSHALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2023 AT 10:00 AM 107.69 SURVEYED ACRES 1 TRACT The Schumacher farm is located approximately 8 miles west of Toluca, Illinois or 33 miles northeast of Peoria, Illinois and is further described as being located in Section 1, T29N-R2W, Richland Township, Marshall County, Illinois. The real estate contains a total of 107.69 surveyed acres, will be sold in 1 tract and represents highly productive Class A soil. Farmers and investors, be sure to check out this Class A, Marshall County, Illinois farm. VIRGINIA SCHUMACHER FARM Representing Attorneys: Scott A. Shore | Shore Law and Mediation 231 | Hennepin IL 61327 | (815) 925-7117 Christopher Ryan | Attorney At Law 245 NE Perry Ave | Peoria IL 61603 (309) 637-8020 Auction Manager: Kevin Haas (309) 264-7767 PO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, PHOTOS & ONLINE BIDDING CATALOGS! SULLIVAN DAUCTIONEERS, LLC TIMED ONLINE NO - RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES : WED . , DECEMBER 28 , 2022 STARTING AT 10:00 AMST PHYSICAL ADDRESS : 2850 FOX AVE . , ODEBOLT , IOWA HIGHLIGHTS : 2012 John Deere 9460RT track tractor , 1,801 hours : 2017 Case - IH 7240 2wd combine , 1,020 eng / 839 sep . hours : 2018 Drago GT 8 row 30 ° twin chopping com head ; 2014 MacDon FD75 - S 35 flex draper head ; Mauer 35 head trailer , 2019 Brent V700 grain cart : 2015 Kuhn Krause 6200 Landsman 45 ' soil finisher ; 2008 Sunflow er 1434 30 ' disk ; John Deere 400 15 ' rotary hoe : International 490 disk Killbros 375 gravity wagon w / seed auger & tarp ; Killbros 375 Wagon , 12.5L x 16 , Westendorf 12 ton running gear . LES & LADON SIEBRECHT EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS : ( 712 ) 830-6726 Auction Manager : DeWayne Ricklefs ( 712 ) 830-9105 CONSIDERING AN AUCTION ? Call or Eupail If you are considering selling farm machinery , real estate or collector cars , our team of professionals is ready to help . Feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about the services we offer . It's never too early to start planning an auction . VIRTUAL ONLINE STODDARD COUNTY , MISSOURI LAND AUCTION THURSDAY , JANUARY 12 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMCT 120 ACRES ( SUBJECT TO SURVEY ) . 1 TRACT Property is located approximately 4 miles south of Bell City . MO or approximately 17 miles northwest of Sikeston , MO in Sections 25 , T27N + 11E , Pike Township , Stoddard County , MO . Land represents highly productive tillable cropland with an excellent location and highway frontage on two sides . THE CRANDALL FAMILY Representing Attorney : Raymond C. Lee Schmiedeskamp Robertson Neu & Mitchell LLP Law Firm 525 Jersey Street | Quincy , IL 62301 | (217)223-3030 Title Work : Stoddard County Title & Escrow 130 E. Stoddard Street | Dexter , MO 63841 | ( 573 ) 624-3325 Auction Managers : Bill Fretwell ( 660 ) 341-7735 Jennifer Wood ( 217 ) 257-8812 | John Sullivan ( 309 ) 221-6700 VIRTUAL ONLINE PUTNAM COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION MONDAY , JANUARY 23 , 2023 AT 10:00 AMST 40 TAXABLE ACRES = 1 TRACT The Blukel 1959 Land Trust farm is located approximately 5 miles southeastof Granville , Illinoisor 12milessouthwestof Peru , Illinois . The property is further described as being located in Section 35 , T32 - R1W , Granville Township , Putnam County , IL . The real estate contains a total of 40 taxable acres , will be sold in 1 tract and represents highly productive Class A soil . Farmers and investors , be sure to check out this Putnam County , Illinois , Class A farm with a 144.7 Pl . BLUKEL 1959 LAND TRUST Representing Attorney : Douglas J. Schweickert Schwieckert Law Group , LLC | ( 815 ) 830-4080 2101 Marquette Road | Peru , IL 61354 Auction Manager : Kevin Haas ( 309 ) 264-7767 TIMED ONLINE | NO - RESERVE FARM RETIREMENT AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES : THURSDAY , JANUARY 19 , 2023 STARTING AT 10:00 AM PHYSICAL ADDRESS : 470 E 2400 N , DANFORTH , ILLINOIS 60930 CONTACT US TODAY ( 844 ) 847-2161 www.SULLIVANAUCTIONEERS.COM License # 44400107 INSPECTION DATE : FRIDAY , JANUARY 20 , 2023 9:00 AM - 3 : 00 PM HIGHLIGHTS : 04 JD 8320 MFWD tractor , 5 , 106 hrs .: 05 JD 7920 MFWD tractor , 3,723 hrs ; JD 9560 STS 2wd combine , 2,893 eng / 1,978 sep . hrs .; 07 JD 625F 25 ' platform ; 07 JD 693 6 row 30 " com head ; 1998 JD 1760 12 row 30 ° planter ; Hitch - Doc HSC2200 2 - box seed tender , 08 JD 2210 30.5 ' field cultivator , 1999 JD 955 5 - shank 3 - pt . inline ripper , JD 845 12 row 30 ° 3 - pt . cultivator ; JD 400 30 ' 3 pt rotary hoe ; JD 400 30 3 - pt . rotary hoe : J & M 1000 grain cart ; J & M 680/760 gravity wagon ; Brent 640 gravity wagon , brakes ; DMI 400 bu gravity wagon ; Woods 2120 10 batwing mower : 1,600 gal . liquid tender trailer ; Shop built 750 gal . pull - type sprayer ; Shop built 30 ' NH3 applicator ; M - C 20 pull - type stalk chopper ; JD suitcase weights ; JD StarFire 3000 receiver and other support items WILKEN FARM EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS : SCOTT ( 815 ) 383-2007 Auction Manager : Luke Sullivan ( 309 ) 371-5214 VIRTUAL ONLINE MARSHALL COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION TUESDAY , JANUARY 24 , 2023 AT 10:00 AM 107.69 SURVEYED ACRES 1 TRACT The Schumacher farm is located approximately 8 miles west of Toluca , Illinois or 33 miles northeast of Peoria , Illinois and is further described as being located in Section 1 , T29N - R2W , Richland Township , Marshall County , Illinois . The real estate contains a total of 107.69 surveyed acres , will be sold in 1 tract and represents highly productive Class A soil . Farmers and investors , be sure to check out this Class A , Marshall County , Illinois farm . VIRGINIA SCHUMACHER FARM Representing Attorneys : Scott A. Shore | Shore Law and Mediation 231 | Hennepin IL 61327 | ( 815 ) 925-7117 Christopher Ryan | Attorney At Law 245 NE Perry Ave | Peoria IL 61603 ( 309 ) 637-8020 Auction Manager : Kevin Haas ( 309 ) 264-7767 PO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS , PHOTOS & ONLINE BIDDING CATALOGS ! SULLIVAN DAUCTIONEERS , LLC