STEVE DIGIOVANNA RETIREMENT CLOSE-OUT AUCTION 13441 POST ST. ATHENS, IL. Due to health reasons the following will be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder. Auction will be held at the farm located 1 mile south of Athens, II. On Post St. (Take Main St. and go south, (12 miles north of Springfield, IL) THURS., DEC. 12th, 2024 at 10 a.m. In Person Auction With Internet Bidding Available on TRACTORS: Case-IH model 255 FWA tractor, w/ radar, 480/80R-46in. rear tires w/ matching duals, 380/85R-34 front tires, 4 hydr. outlets, lg. Pto, 3 pt. quik hitch, 5755 hrs., SN: JAZ125535; New Holland model T8-330 FWA tractor, w/ 480/80R-50 in. rear tires, w/ matching duals, 380/80-R38in. Front tires w/ matching duals, 4 hydr. outlets, 3 pt. quik hitch, lg. pto, buddy seat, 4815 hrs.: SN. ZBRCO6547; John Deere model 8400 FWA w/ 480/80R-46 in. rear tires, w/ matching duals, 380/85R-34in. front tires, triple hydr., Ig. pto, 3pt., SN: P006446: Will sell with a like new Koyker model 785 front end loader w/ 85 in. material bucket & bale spear; John Deere 4320 w/ cab, fenders, 3 pt., 2 pto's, dual hydr.. Has shift problem in certain gears; Aliis Chalm- ers XT One-Ninety Series 3, diesel, open station, 18.4 x 34in rear tires, 3 pt., hydr. 2 hydr. outlets, 540 pto; Allis Chalmers XT One-Ninety, diesel, cab, 15.5x38in tires, 540 pto, 3 pt., hydr. Outlets; 1975 Case 1450 Trac Loader, w/ roll cage, diesel, good tracks. CASE-IH COMBINE: 2012 Case-IH 6130, 2wd. combine, 520/85 R.x38 in. w/ matching duals, 540/65R-30 in rear tires, power bin extension, 1950/1281 hrs., SN: YCG008415. CORN HEAD: Case-IH model 3408, 8-30in. poly cornhead w/ corn stompers: SN: YASO23351. Combine and corn head was not used this fall. Unverferth HT 25 head trailer. PLANTER: John Deere 1770NT Maxi-Emerge XP 16-30 air vac, No-Till planter w/ row cleaners, insecticide & monitor. EQUIPMENT: DMI Tigermate II, 32 ft. field cultivator w/ 4 bar spike harrow; Case-IH 4800 Vibra Shank 26 ft. field cultivator w/tine harrow; Case-IH 3950, 26 ft. disk w/ tine harrow; 2-IH 490, 24 ft. disk w/ hydr. Wings & tine harrows; Great Bend # 660 front end loader w/ 84 in material bucket; Case 26 ft. disk w/ spring harrow; IH 13ft. Conser-Till with spring shanks; 2-14ft. Krause disks; 10 ft. pull-type chisel plow; 2 John Deere semi-mount plows, 1-4 bottom & 1-5 bottom; John Deere 6-30 row crop cultivator, 3 pt.; Glencoe 6-30 row crop cultivator, 3 pt.; 24 ft. harrowgator; Bush Hog 15 ft. hydr. fold shredder, main gear box has been replaced, 1 wing will not fold; 2-JD 15 ft. rotary hoes; Antique Case double disc grain drill on wide steel wheels, grass seeder, galv. box, always shedded; 14 ft. bumper hitch livestock trailer; AUGERS AND AUGER WAGONS: Demco model 650 auger wagon, corner auger dump, 24.5 x 32 tires, only used 2 seasons; M&W Little Red Wagon 550 grain cart w/ tarp; Parker 2500 gravity wagon, 375 bu., newer tires; 2 Brandt 10'x80' swing-a-way pto augers, Purchased 2011, used very little; 2- 10"x31' Westfield truck augers, pto drive; 2 - Mayrath 10" x 70ft. swing-a-way augers, hydr. lift; 2 GRAIN TRUCKS: 1975 Chev. C-60 2 ton truck, gas engine, 16 ft. bed, hoist, 4x2 sp. Roll tarp: 57,000 mi; 1974 Ford F-600 2 ton grain truck, gas engine, w/ 15 ft. Knapheide bed, steel floor, cargo doors. OTHER ITEMS: 1500 poly water tank; 5- 500 gal. overhead fuel tanks on stands; 1-300 gal. overhead fuel tank on stand; 50ft. Cable w/ 2 hooks; 2-chain hoists; 2 Batchtold weed mowers; 2- pto grass seeders; Disc blades, some new; 8 J.D. front tractor weights (off of a 8400 tractor); 10 hydraulic cylin- ders; 1 pr. of plastic front fenders( fits Case-IH 8920); Several poly corn head snouts( off of a 1063 corn head); New oil filters; Hydr. coupler ends. TERMS: Cash or a Good Personal Check Internet bidders will pay a 3% commission or a $200.00 per item, Max. Tractor Loader will be available EQUIPMENT IS BEING SOLD IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS ON DAY OF AUCTION WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY PRINTED MATTER OR ORAL STATE- MENTS SAID PRIOR. For showing or more information contact: STEVE DIGIOVANNA, Owner PH. (217) 971-4335 RON SANERT AUCTION SERVICE GREENVIEW, IL ~ PH. 217-341-8406 EMAIL ADDRESS: SANERT83@GCCTV.COM "SERVING CENTRAL ILLINOIS FAMILIES SINCE 1976" AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This equipment has only been used on 450 acres the past 10 years and was not used this past growing season. For questions on the equipment please call Steve he will be glad to answer them. STEVE DIGIOVANNA RETIREMENT CLOSE - OUT AUCTION 13441 POST ST . ATHENS , IL . Due to health reasons the following will be sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder . Auction will be held at the farm located 1 mile south of Athens , II . On Post St. ( Take Main St. and go south , ( 12 miles north of Springfield , IL ) THURS . , DEC . 12th , 2024 at 10 a.m. In Person Auction With Internet Bidding Available on TRACTORS : Case - IH model 255 FWA tractor , w / radar , 480 / 80R - 46in . rear tires w / matching duals , 380 / 85R - 34 front tires , 4 hydr . outlets , lg . Pto , 3 pt . quik hitch , 5755 hrs . , SN : JAZ125535 ; New Holland model T8-330 FWA tractor , w / 480 / 80R - 50 in . rear tires , w / matching duals , 380 / 80 - R38in . Front tires w / matching duals , 4 hydr . outlets , 3 pt . quik hitch , lg . pto , buddy seat , 4815 hrs .: SN . ZBRCO6547 ; John Deere model 8400 FWA w / 480 / 80R - 46 in . rear tires , w / matching duals , 380 / 85R - 34in . front tires , triple hydr . , Ig . pto , 3pt . , SN : P006446 : Will sell with a like new Koyker model 785 front end loader w / 85 in . material bucket & bale spear ; John Deere 4320 w / cab , fenders , 3 pt . , 2 pto's , dual hydr .. Has shift problem in certain gears ; Aliis Chalm- ers XT One - Ninety Series 3 , diesel , open station , 18.4 x 34in rear tires , 3 pt . , hydr . 2 hydr . outlets , 540 pto ; Allis Chalmers XT One - Ninety , diesel , cab , 15.5x38in tires , 540 pto , 3 pt . , hydr . Outlets ; 1975 Case 1450 Trac Loader , w / roll cage , diesel , good tracks . CASE - IH COMBINE : 2012 Case - IH 6130 , 2wd . combine , 520/85 R.x38 in . w / matching duals , 540 / 65R - 30 in rear tires , power bin extension , 1950/1281 hrs . , SN : YCG008415 . CORN HEAD : Case - IH model 3408 , 8-30in . poly cornhead w / corn stompers : SN : YASO23351 . Combine and corn head was not used this fall . Unverferth HT 25 head trailer . PLANTER : John Deere 1770NT Maxi - Emerge XP 16-30 air vac , No - Till planter w / row cleaners , insecticide & monitor . EQUIPMENT : DMI Tigermate II , 32 ft . field cultivator w / 4 bar spike harrow ; Case - IH 4800 Vibra Shank 26 ft . field cultivator w / tine harrow ; Case - IH 3950 , 26 ft . disk w / tine harrow ; 2 - IH 490 , 24 ft . disk w / hydr . Wings & tine harrows ; Great Bend # 660 front end loader w / 84 in material bucket ; Case 26 ft . disk w / spring harrow ; IH 13ft . Conser - Till with spring shanks ; 2-14ft . Krause disks ; 10 ft . pull - type chisel plow ; 2 John Deere semi - mount plows , 1-4 bottom & 1-5 bottom ; John Deere 6-30 row crop cultivator , 3 pt .; Glencoe 6-30 row crop cultivator , 3 pt .; 24 ft . harrowgator ; Bush Hog 15 ft . hydr . fold shredder , main gear box has been replaced , 1 wing will not fold ; 2 - JD 15 ft . rotary hoes ; Antique Case double disc grain drill on wide steel wheels , grass seeder , galv . box , always shedded ; 14 ft . bumper hitch livestock trailer ; AUGERS AND AUGER WAGONS : Demco model 650 auger wagon , corner auger dump , 24.5 x 32 tires , only used 2 seasons ; M & W Little Red Wagon 550 grain cart w / tarp ; Parker 2500 gravity wagon , 375 bu . , newer tires ; 2 Brandt 10'x80 ' swing - a - way pto augers , Purchased 2011 , used very little ; 2- 10 " x31 ' Westfield truck augers , pto drive ; 2 - Mayrath 10 " x 70ft . swing - a - way augers , hydr . lift ; 2 GRAIN TRUCKS : 1975 Chev . C - 60 2 ton truck , gas engine , 16 ft . bed , hoist , 4x2 sp . Roll tarp : 57,000 mi ; 1974 Ford F - 600 2 ton grain truck , gas engine , w / 15 ft . Knapheide bed , steel floor , cargo doors . OTHER ITEMS : 1500 poly water tank ; 5- 500 gal . overhead fuel tanks on stands ; 1-300 gal . overhead fuel tank on stand ; 50ft . Cable w / 2 hooks ; 2 - chain hoists ; 2 Batchtold weed mowers ; 2- pto grass seeders ; Disc blades , some new ; 8 J.D. front tractor weights ( off of a 8400 tractor ) ; 10 hydraulic cylin- ders ; 1 pr . of plastic front fenders ( fits Case - IH 8920 ) ; Several poly corn head snouts ( off of a 1063 corn head ) ; New oil filters ; Hydr . coupler ends . TERMS : Cash or a Good Personal Check Internet bidders will pay a 3 % commission or a $ 200.00 per item , Max . Tractor Loader will be available EQUIPMENT IS BEING SOLD IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED . ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS ON DAY OF AUCTION WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY PRINTED MATTER OR ORAL STATE- MENTS SAID PRIOR . For showing or more information contact : STEVE DIGIOVANNA , Owner PH . ( 217 ) 971-4335 RON SANERT AUCTION SERVICE GREENVIEW , IL ~ PH . 217-341-8406 EMAIL ADDRESS : SANERT83@GCCTV.COM " SERVING CENTRAL ILLINOIS FAMILIES SINCE 1976 " AUCTIONEER'S NOTE : This equipment has only been used on 450 acres the past 10 years and was not used this past growing season . For questions on the equipment please call Steve he will be glad to answer them .