LG. PUBLIC AUCTION OF BLACKSMITHING AND SHOP TOOLS FROM 2 SELLERS SATURDAY APRIL 30, 2022 10:00 AM PREVIEW OF ITEMS WILL BE ON SATURDAY APRIL 23RD. 10 A.M. - 3 PM ONLINE BIDDING WILL BE AVAILABLE ON A FEW SELECT ITEMS BIDDING SITE IS ILAGAUCTIONS.COM For a More Detailed Listing & Photos go to auctionzip.com ID#2473 AUCTION TO BE HELD AT THE RON SANERT AUCTION CENTER LOCATED AT 259 NORTH ENGLE ST. IN GREENVIEW, IL (20 miles North of Springfield, IL Rt. 29) BLACKSMITHING TOOLS: Little Giant Co. 50 lb. Trip Hammer, SN: 4542 w/ electric motor: "The New Little Giant" 25 lb. Trip Hammer, Mayer Bros. Floor drill press 68 in. tall, belt driven, Mfg. by W.F. & J Barnes Co. Rockford, I. USA. Pat. Sept. 23, '83: Lg. wall mount drill press, # 16, Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. Chicago Heights belt driven: 16ft-18 ft line shaft with 3 wooden & 2 metal pulleys w/ wooden brackets: Buffalo Forge Co. No. 660 forge, 26 ½ in. x 38in. with cast iron hood, Champion blower & electric motor: 23 in. x 35 in. forge, hand crank, w/ Champion Blower: Buffalo Forge Co. #300 forge w/21 in round diam. Bed. w/hand crank: Natural Gas forge, 26 in x 44 in. bed: Hay Budden blacksmithing anvil marked #185, top is damaged and needs repaired: Approx. 80 assorted blacksmith tongs and pliers: Several hammers: Assortment of Murphys, Stake and stump anvils: 49in tall cone anvil: 2 swage blocks: Green River No 3 foot vise, made by Wiley & Russell, Mfg. Co. Greenfield, Mass. Hand crank blower for a forge, "Royal" Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. Chicago Heights, I: Also selling will be approx. 1500 Ib. of blacksmithing coal. Will be sold in 5 gal buckets. SHOP TOOLS: Grizzly Industrial model G1006/G1007 Mil/Drill 2 hp. Elec. motor, 12 speed, mounted on a steel, roll-a-bout table: Several large drill bits: Hougen portable magnetic drill, HMD 914 series w/ 6 bits: Craftsman metal lathe on stand, 36 in. bed: Plus Lots more. ANTIQUE TOOLS: 4 ½ in. pole vise, 42 in long.: "Western Chief" No. 1 1/2 stationary wagon wheel tire shrinker Mfg. by Canedy- Otto, Chicago Heights III. Barth hand metal cutter w/8 ½ in blade: Bench type metal shear: Sheet metal roller: Rock Island Mfg. Co. No. 241, 4 in. vise/anvil 2 - Clipper Belt Lacers: Approx. 18 boxes of assorted sizes of belt hooks: 3 ANTIQUE HEATING STOVES: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: RON SANERT AUCTION SERVICE GREENVIEW, IL. PH 217-341-8406 "Serving Central Illinois Families Since 1976" Auct's Note: Hope You Make Plans to attend this interesting auction. You don't see these type of auctions every day. Bring a friend, we may run 2 auction rings. LG. PUBLIC AUCTION OF BLACKSMITHING AND SHOP TOOLS FROM 2 SELLERS SATURDAY APRIL 30, 2022 10:00 AM PREVIEW OF ITEMS WILL BE ON SATURDAY APRIL 23RD. 10 A.M. - 3 PM ONLINE BIDDING WILL BE AVAILABLE ON A FEW SELECT ITEMS BIDDING SITE IS ILAGAUCTIONS.COM For a More Detailed Listing & Photos go to auctionzip.com ID#2473 AUCTION TO BE HELD AT THE RON SANERT AUCTION CENTER LOCATED AT 259 NORTH ENGLE ST. IN GREENVIEW, IL (20 miles North of Springfield, IL Rt. 29) BLACKSMITHING TOOLS: Little Giant Co. 50 lb. Trip Hammer, SN: 4542 w/ electric motor: "The New Little Giant" 25 lb. Trip Hammer, Mayer Bros. Floor drill press 68 in. tall, belt driven, Mfg. by W.F. & J Barnes Co. Rockford, I. USA. Pat. Sept. 23, '83: Lg. wall mount drill press, # 16, Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. Chicago Heights belt driven: 16ft-18 ft line shaft with 3 wooden & 2 metal pulleys w/ wooden brackets: Buffalo Forge Co. No. 660 forge, 26 ½ in. x 38in. with cast iron hood, Champion blower & electric motor: 23 in. x 35 in. forge, hand crank, w/ Champion Blower: Buffalo Forge Co. #300 forge w/21 in round diam. Bed. w/hand crank: Natural Gas forge, 26 in x 44 in. bed: Hay Budden blacksmithing anvil marked #185, top is damaged and needs repaired: Approx. 80 assorted blacksmith tongs and pliers: Several hammers: Assortment of Murphys, Stake and stump anvils: 49in tall cone anvil: 2 swage blocks: Green River No 3 foot vise, made by Wiley & Russell, Mfg. Co. Greenfield, Mass. Hand crank blower for a forge, "Royal" Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. Chicago Heights, I: Also selling will be approx. 1500 Ib. of blacksmithing coal. Will be sold in 5 gal buckets. SHOP TOOLS: Grizzly Industrial model G1006/G1007 Mil/Drill 2 hp. Elec. motor, 12 speed, mounted on a steel, roll-a-bout table: Several large drill bits: Hougen portable magnetic drill, HMD 914 series w/ 6 bits: Craftsman metal lathe on stand, 36 in. bed: Plus Lots more. ANTIQUE TOOLS: 4 ½ in. pole vise, 42 in long.: "Western Chief" No. 1 1/2 stationary wagon wheel tire shrinker Mfg. by Canedy- Otto, Chicago Heights III. Barth hand metal cutter w/8 ½ in blade: Bench type metal shear: Sheet metal roller: Rock Island Mfg. Co. No. 241, 4 in. vise/anvil 2 - Clipper Belt Lacers: Approx. 18 boxes of assorted sizes of belt hooks: 3 ANTIQUE HEATING STOVES: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: RON SANERT AUCTION SERVICE GREENVIEW, IL. PH 217-341-8406 "Serving Central Illinois Families Since 1976" Auct's Note: Hope You Make Plans to attend this interesting auction. You don't see these type of auctions every day. Bring a friend, we may run 2 auction rings.