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    March 1, 2025
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VIRTUAL ONLINE - WAPELLO COUNTY, IOWA LAND AUCTION TUESDAY, MARCH 25 @ 1:00 PM CST 25.14 ACRES Make plans now to participate in this upcoming Wapello County, IA real estate auction. This small tract offers productive tillable farmland and includes Nevin and Nodaway soils with a CSR2 of 85.8. Land is located in Section 6, Keokuk Township and Section 31, Center Township, Wapello County, IA. This parcel is conveniently located just off of Hwy. 63 on the south edge of Ottumwa, IA. KIM L. & MELISSA L. OSTRANDER REPRESENTING ATTORNEY: Rick L. Lynch | Lynch Law Office 207 S. Washington Street | Bloomfield, IA 52537 | (641) 664-3188 AUCTION MANAGER: John Probasco (641) 856-7355 MERIT AUCTIONS "Specializing in Farm Real Estate & Ag Equipment" 833.273.9300 | | 444.000611 VIRTUAL ONLINE - WAPELLO COUNTY , IOWA LAND AUCTION TUESDAY , MARCH 25 @ 1:00 PM CST 25.14 ACRES Make plans now to participate in this upcoming Wapello County , IA real estate auction . This small tract offers productive tillable farmland and includes Nevin and Nodaway soils with a CSR2 of 85.8 . Land is located in Section 6 , Keokuk Township and Section 31 , Center Township , Wapello County , IA . This parcel is conveniently located just off of Hwy . 63 on the south edge of Ottumwa , IA . KIM L. & MELISSA L. OSTRANDER REPRESENTING ATTORNEY : Rick L. Lynch | Lynch Law Office 207 S. Washington Street | Bloomfield , IA 52537 | ( 641 ) 664-3188 AUCTION MANAGER : John Probasco ( 641 ) 856-7355 MERIT AUCTIONS " Specializing in Farm Real Estate & Ag Equipment " 833.273.9300 | | 444.000611