WHITE COUNTY, ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION HELD VIRTUALLY TUES, JAN 7, 1PM (CT) 118.28± ACRES DESCRIPTION: QUALITY CROPLAND OFFERED IN (3) TRACTS, COMBINATIONS & ENTIRETY 118.28 +/-Total Acres with FSA 111.01 +/- Tillable Acres Quality Cropland - 94.7 CPI Good Access for transport to grain terminals 7-miles SW of Carmi, IL Offered in (3) Tracts, Combinations, and the Entirety PROPERTY LOCATION: White County, Illinois in Enfield and Carmi Townships Northwest of Brownsville. TRACT 1: 40 ± AC For the farmland investor, the nearly 40-acre tract has excellent access from CR 1200 N and features productive soil types, excellent yields, sufficient watershed, and some CRP. Tract 1 is perfectly suited for continued crop production. Parcel ID: 12-25-400-001. TRACT 2:38.28 ± AC For the farmland investor, the nearly 40-acre tract with access from CR 600 E features productive soil types, great yields, and multiple, well-maintained watersheds. Tract 2 is a production-ready farm. Parcel ID: 12-36-200-007. TRACT 3: 40 ± AC For the farmland investor, this 40-acre parcel has access along CR 600 E, productive soil types, and wonderful yields. A portion of the East end of the property is wooded, and it abuts West Union Cemetery to the Northeast. Tract 3 has been very well-maintained, and it's ready for crop production. Parcel ID: 13-31-100-012. Please refer to the website for FSA and soil information. Owner: McFadin INSPECTION DATE: January 5th, 2-3PM (CT) Meet a Wilson Representative at Tract 1 Bill Wilson, CAI IN#AU01037816 IL#041.0000190 William Wilson" Andrew Wilson, CAI, CES AUCTION REALTY, INC. IN#AU19800110 AUCTIONS REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS IL#041.0001293 Visit our Website to Register to Bid Online wilsonauctions.com 877.338.3272 SCAN ME WHITE COUNTY , ILLINOIS LAND AUCTION HELD VIRTUALLY TUES , JAN 7 , 1PM ( CT ) 118.28 ± ACRES DESCRIPTION : QUALITY CROPLAND OFFERED IN ( 3 ) TRACTS , COMBINATIONS & ENTIRETY 118.28 +/- Total Acres with FSA 111.01 +/- Tillable Acres Quality Cropland - 94.7 CPI Good Access for transport to grain terminals 7 - miles SW of Carmi , IL Offered in ( 3 ) Tracts , Combinations , and the Entirety PROPERTY LOCATION : White County , Illinois in Enfield and Carmi Townships Northwest of Brownsville . TRACT 1 : 40 ± AC For the farmland investor , the nearly 40 - acre tract has excellent access from CR 1200 N and features productive soil types , excellent yields , sufficient watershed , and some CRP . Tract 1 is perfectly suited for continued crop production . Parcel ID : 12-25-400-001 . TRACT 2 : 38.28 ± AC For the farmland investor , the nearly 40 - acre tract with access from CR 600 E features productive soil types , great yields , and multiple , well - maintained watersheds . Tract 2 is a production - ready farm . Parcel ID : 12-36-200-007 . TRACT 3 : 40 ± AC For the farmland investor , this 40 - acre parcel has access along CR 600 E , productive soil types , and wonderful yields . A portion of the East end of the property is wooded , and it abuts West Union Cemetery to the Northeast . Tract 3 has been very well - maintained , and it's ready for crop production . Parcel ID : 13-31-100-012 . Please refer to the website for FSA and soil information . Owner : McFadin INSPECTION DATE : January 5th , 2-3PM ( CT ) Meet a Wilson Representative at Tract 1 Bill Wilson , CAI IN # AU01037816 IL # 041.0000190 William Wilson " Andrew Wilson , CAI , CES AUCTION REALTY , INC . IN # AU19800110 AUCTIONS REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS IL # 041.0001293 Visit our Website to Register to Bid Online wilsonauctions.com 877.338.3272 SCAN ME