yield profit A Complete Systems Approach to Greater YIELD and PROFIT challenge YieldProfitAg.com 309-339-2954 Trent Nicholson, Owner Double Your Cost Savings Increase Your Yield! WITH OUR PRODUCTS WITH OUR PRODUCTS WITHOUT WITHOUT + 5-14 BU/AC IN SOYBEANS + 30-68 BU/AC IN CORN PRO-SOIL The Power of Below-Ground Management Proven to make up to 47% more phosphorus available to the plant AG SOLUTIONS Cuts the required application amount A Wave of Nutrition · Provides complete mineral and trace element needs, covering all micronutrient requirements in most cases · Supports the natural nitrogen cycle, supplying 40+ lbs. of nitrogen Sea-90 OCEAN MINERALS Benefits Beyond Yield · Completely stabilizes UAN OCEAN BLUE AG Converts 100% of volatilizing ammonia within 1 minute of tank mixing 1.5x multiplier of any nitrogen applied with it Oolitic Aragonite Calcean · Provides the purest, most bioavailable calcium on the market Renewable Biogenic - 3x the surface area and bioavailability of lime Lower application rates and better results These methods are each less than $20/ac with easily over $40/ac in fertilizer cost savings, and we have not even discussed the potential yield increases these products offer. Using these methods as a complete system has shown a 30-68 bu/ac increase in corn! SMLAO yield profit A Complete Systems Approach to Greater YIELD and PROFIT challenge YieldProfitAg.com 309-339-2954 Trent Nicholson, Owner Double Your Cost Savings Increase Your Yield! WITH OUR PRODUCTS WITH OUR PRODUCTS WITHOUT WITHOUT + 5-14 BU/AC IN SOYBEANS + 30-68 BU/AC IN CORN PRO-SOIL The Power of Below-Ground Management Proven to make up to 47% more phosphorus available to the plant AG SOLUTIONS Cuts the required application amount A Wave of Nutrition · Provides complete mineral and trace element needs, covering all micronutrient requirements in most cases · Supports the natural nitrogen cycle, supplying 40+ lbs. of nitrogen Sea-90 OCEAN MINERALS Benefits Beyond Yield · Completely stabilizes UAN OCEAN BLUE AG Converts 100% of volatilizing ammonia within 1 minute of tank mixing 1.5x multiplier of any nitrogen applied with it Oolitic Aragonite Calcean · Provides the purest, most bioavailable calcium on the market Renewable Biogenic - 3x the surface area and bioavailability of lime Lower application rates and better results These methods are each less than $20/ac with easily over $40/ac in fertilizer cost savings, and we have not even discussed the potential yield increases these products offer. Using these methods as a complete system has shown a 30-68 bu/ac increase in corn! SMLAO