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    January 7, 2021
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SFM Strategic Farm Marketing & Crop Insurance Attend one of our virtual or live seminars Jan 21st through March 5th to learn about: What your grain marketing plan should look like this year to lock in profitability while maintaining upside potential. Make sure you are up to speed on all the Government program decisions you will need to make and what programs you may qualify for. Learn about the new federal crop insurance policies that are subsidized 44-51% and allow you to buy coverage up to 95%. There are over 380 different ways to set up your federal crop insurance. Let us show you how our tools simplify the decision for you. Plant beans up to 14 days early to take advantage of good new crop prices. Avoid the risk by getting up to $75/acre in extra replant coverage for as little as 70 cents/acre. Don't get hit with Derecho! We represent 10 different crop insurance companies. Learn who has the best hail and wind rates and how each company's policy may differ. Special webinars also offered on Dairy Revenue Protection and on Livestock Risk Protection for Hogs & Cattle! To register and to see the full list of meetings, visit or call us at 800-383-0046 Strategic Farm Marketing is an Equal Opportunity Insurance Provider SFM Strategic Farm Marketing & Crop Insurance Attend one of our virtual or live seminars Jan 21st through March 5th to learn about: What your grain marketing plan should look like this year to lock in profitability while maintaining upside potential. Make sure you are up to speed on all the Government program decisions you will need to make and what programs you may qualify for. Learn about the new federal crop insurance policies that are subsidized 44-51% and allow you to buy coverage up to 95%. There are over 380 different ways to set up your federal crop insurance. Let us show you how our tools simplify the decision for you. Plant beans up to 14 days early to take advantage of good new crop prices. Avoid the risk by getting up to $75/acre in extra replant coverage for as little as 70 cents/acre. Don't get hit with Derecho! We represent 10 different crop insurance companies. Learn who has the best hail and wind rates and how each company's policy may differ. Special webinars also offered on Dairy Revenue Protection and on Livestock Risk Protection for Hogs & Cattle! To register and to see the full list of meetings, visit or call us at 800-383-0046 Strategic Farm Marketing is an Equal Opportunity Insurance Provider