PRECAST - TO LAST FREE STANDING FENCE -3"H Standard Heights: 48"+54" 48"+54" Lengths: Any Length to 16' -20"- BASE CONCAVED FOR STABILITY See us for all your precast needs * Free-standing fence * Cattle and hog slats * Fenceline and centerline cattle bunk IUSTOM PRECAST Cascade, lowa 52033 IOMPANY 1-800-527-5596 Drawer 640 SM-LA1859051 PRECAST - TO LAST FREE STANDING FENCE -3"H Standard Heights: 48"+54" 48"+54" Lengths: Any Length to 16' -20"- BASE CONCAVED FOR STABILITY See us for all your precast needs * Free-standing fence * Cattle and hog slats * Fenceline and centerline cattle bunk IUSTOM PRECAST Cascade, lowa 52033 IOMPANY 1-800-527-5596 Drawer 640 SM-LA1859051