1 Day Online Auction Beaver Creek Dairy LLC & Martin Dairy LLC Auction Online Auction | Wednesday, April 27 Equipment Location: 18080 80TH AVE. COOPERSVILLE, MICH. AUCIONEER S NOTE BENER CREK DAIRY LCA MATN DARY LUCWEL BE UQUDAING AL EMANNGASSES HROUGH ONLINE PUBUIC AICTONA URGENMOUNI OF EQUPMENTO BE SOLA INLIONG EQUPEN REAN TOWORKAS MELLIS EQUPMENT TH ML, Complete Liquidation Of Large Dairy-All Equipment Over 40 Tractors and 250+ Of Equipment NEGD SOME WORK. OUTSTANOING OPRORTUNTY 1O BOY BARM EQUIPENTE PIRLIC TONAL SELIS OTHE HIGHEST BODER VA MEDEMAKS ORBIBD ONUNE AUCTON PLAFORM TRADORS: 2012 kota Dee 838SA hadar, Cal, MENO, OL FL, 6 Ortet, kie Sest, M, tant wegts, er dus. 5680 hars SE DOSA328, 2011 ata Deer 825 ladar, Cat, MO, 3 OR. FO,5 Outets kche Sest PS hoat veigts, nar daks. S05 1909R 1990 ha Dese S150 Fadur, Ca, ANOAnialatng 20.AS 4 Date 500 haus, S HO0OSR: 1994 Jon Dee 7200 xts, O. 20. P PO, 2 0tiets. S 00345: te Deae 7020 lactr: Cat, NOricalding RO, 20dets. Duak; 1978 Johe Deer 4S40 lactr, Cat. 2O, 3PL FO. 3 Outet, 2053 duk, 1.00 hus. S: O1R ktn Derm 2840 kadtac 20, 3A PR.2 Outits. 154 haurs 2012 Oalngr MS0 hactar. Cat, MFMO, 3R, PIO, 4 Dtet. S GLIS:ga ls 0 actar, ZN0, Ca, Rear Duats, 2009 Case H Magun 205 tactr, Da, MANO, 3, PO, 4-tes, tendes, 1333 hours. SR R8, 1997 Cae H 9940 actr, Cat, MFNO, 3P PO0, 14379 hours, S 73031; 1995 Case H 250 ctar, Ca, MENO, 20.BR42 Ras, PO, 3 Oufets, 13000 har Case H 7250 kat, SRABO078637; 1992 Case 7150 lactr, Cat, MFNO, 3A PR, 4 Outets, 4803ORAGA, t vegts, 7813 hous, Sk JAO45172, Cse H TE50hata, SENBO05956, 1990 Case H7140 ador, Ca, MEN 3 HO,3 Outits, 1002 bours 1992 Cse T130 hdar, Ct MANO, 3PE PO,3 Oufits. 131 haurs. S A004S34 1988 Case T0 Tacter; Ca, MENO, 3PE, PRO, 3 Outes. S BADO0205:1588 Cse H 7120 htr, Cat, MNO, 3 PO, 30tiet 5209SA dak, 13009 lours, Sk JADOO20 Cse H 7130 ada SKABOOS1477; Ce 1586 Dhador: C. NA P PA. 2 Outets, 20.3O hutes 1990 Cze T10hatar, Ca 2O PL PIO, 8541 hour: Cse 290 acter: Ca 20P, PA2 HF-1585 lactr, 2002 Nes Rolat N140 actr, Ca, MERO, tont veigts P0, 3 Oudes K250 hors SE RISOI3R 2006 New Halant N6OA Tactur 20, MO. RO. 20utes, 3683 hours 2000 ew hulant 5100 acar, 2N0, Canogy. 3LAA 20es 1840 hou 2000 New Bolland SI10hader, Cat 2WA PO20ues tont OBLR, 2O8 haurs Meey Fergson 290 kadtor, DROPS, ZWO, P PO, ant wegts, S 724657; 2002 Meey ferpusen 250 lactr, C. MO, 3, P0.5 Oues. dut tat vis 3936 hous, S 125931: 2005 Mesey Fergean B450 lactr: Cat, MNO, PO, 4 Dufes. TORA2, 600/70DR, Dyna 1400 hus, SE 6950S; 2010 Versatle 25I ada, Cat, MENO, A P0,J Ddes, S21 hos 198S Stige Parther PS lacter: Cat 40, CAI 3406, 4 Outen 24531.Srige Bade. Sk 150001R Dnte B040lactr, DROPS, ZWO, 3 P 2 Otets466 loader, Det D80 06 lactor: 2W0, fat wigts, 3LPO. 1 Outet 8522 haur Dnt 30 acer: MENO, C. Duak. Pernute, 3750 haus, S/R 633539S: Det 60 actr: Ca. MNO, PL PO, 2 Oets. 184-38 SK 67334; Destls 7085 0 ater, Ca, MFRO, 3PL, FTO, 2 Dufes, fonet wegts, 7883 hous, SR T681341: COMBNES, RARVESIERS & HEADS: 2020 Duas lagar 970 Dapper, 2001 Oues Jagar 90 Chepper wi ade 200 Case H 3120 Cotinelada, 281-26 RNA, Long keerASi Fon, 3322/2275HR SNG208858, Getin RO2008 Com feat, 2011 S $21011230. 2014 Case 3162 Grin eat: 4. Daper, rte SRYEHDADE: Dus 30 PI Window Ap Hest 1. conp a S DIE: Das Otis 15I Con leat 30, 25 S 620199: 2010 loe Dee 6C Con kst 1830 SE 735431: 2009 John Deere1X Can Heat, 30, SE 130840, 2007 Jahn De 635F Grain Heat 35 width, , 721017; Host ader Cat 40: (2) Indesttes Anerca 35 eader lanpat Cat 35. NE PLANTERS & DRIUS: 2013 ahe Dere 17ONI Parter: 240", tt lat, CS fmes wtertke ON desnes, wegts, pesa DP, 2012 ktn Dee 177ONT Parer, 2430". tut lat, urkes. CS. Imes n lerikar ae il cates, 20 r cauters, 2010 John Deere 17ONT Ranter; 24R3. tont lo, r ater. OS, Imes win erikaa couler. 22 e coutes: Case H 5AD0 Grain Dr N 20, Foet Coutes; 2000 Jahn Deere 1860 Air Seeder; 30,3Secion,D 1900 Cart TILAGE: Bilon A Fide Dlva Scden, 5 ka re spke, Ce H4800 Fie Catvater. 2 wt; Enblige Reper pal spe st Earh Mestr 3000 Verica Tge Dk: 34,3Sedion. RLSE I06, Dere 400 Raleg kow, khn Deee 1511 Diod Pox. 25 stark. 3 Sed, wa : a Deren 210 Fedt Cuatar: 3253 stien. 3 bar al fee ledes ma hitk waking bean SK LOO11 aha Doer 50 laspat bik Witn 3cio, duk. SR ahn Dere 960 Ft ata: 47. SR 2IKI3OLI2, Renings Re Cuntier: 30,3Sedion, Dadle leset. Spie leder, Duat Sunfous 4211-21 Diset 19ak, 18. 3 Secion. SK 425-100, Sunfower 5054-46 Fel Cater, 46.5 set rear 5 bar spke. SR SO0-15; Unverteth 1225 Raling Raa Cuntier, 45 witn, Jachon, doule beskets E nererh isling Rano, 46,5 sert dutle lasket SPAERS: 2014 Ragar 6100 Sprer: 90 Bons, CA 10Ga SSlta kigt Cantala Stt, 430 kous. SR DSNIDSO: 208 AOen lera Gator Sprayer:3ated OR. 1800 ga. 10 hom fat ties wpader ter, 250 lous. S LI82404; dadc dung: (1 lata LF Frat Mowers 5 Kuha FO8I Ror Mowes fal candiones, Lit Catet FERTUCER SPRGADERS &APPLICARS: DM 4200 I Fe katydns kaicatr. 5 sedion, Hnker alt fox, viag , ds deses. 1 lar pke: BA0 Ferikor Apicater, 13 stak, 100 pi poy tank, 2) e 10 ferlar kpictor 2430, 14: FEED MIRERS: Kuhn KagS0 feed Mier, Sales, Verical Me i dacterg, Leven 1060 0a P ed Mas Rag: 2 tandens, sades he 30 Fet Muer Wapor 1R ndems, S5 ine, 207 Pecon WEADO ige Fed Mar Nigns, 2 Duk: D Pon WEADO Tide Feed Wier Wages 2, Duk: Penta 6720 fe Mae: ales latela 12-23 0ehery Be, apnn than betton, tud nount, Boto-is 1005 Fed Me Ragar tandens, szales Rto Ma 135SKOS Feed Mae Rapr, Oydine S5 lne, 21 tandonsscales MANRE SPREADERS, ANERS EUPNENT: 2014 lamewa Ma lac Gal Mn Sprader: 1200 Ga, R ES/S0-305, tp bad injcta as. S 1098ST: ( Baler Magun 1350 Waun Sprade; low. 30SL2. tg kot jedur ans Ber Bininater 7500 Manure lanker, tug lad, 2,ngt pan. Sk 7830508; Baler 8000 Egres Manue Spreader, tep loade st, 30SUR32. S 410007, Baler 3000 Egress Manure Sprender, top loat,n spkest, 30.SLR32. S ES8OF3265S, 2011 Houle 3-60-6100 Manue Spreader: 7300Gal 199 aule 9500 Gal Marare Sprader , 28 SkI da. Splesh Pat: hky 7400 Ga Mnue Sprsder, up bad. 30 SURIR, 12) Hay 500 a Manue Spesder: () igt S040 Manure Spreader, 281-%, Auleit kate koigt SC14 Mu Sprader: 2. Priwc kutn kagt 40 Manun Sprader: 286 Aolic Rate koght 841 Manare Sprader, Pelvin, 2R26 ires, SK DOOBE: B) Khn Kagt 8150 Monure Sprador. holen Singr: Meyer Cnp Ma 9530 Maun Sprader, Meys 154S00 g, 30 RL lute Spmad, dual vet bestes. SK: 12620, Meyer luhapred ManunSprader: 2012 SAC Baker 1400 Manar Spreades, 31. tp land. 2826 R slast 1-/1ayta pung. S S0 206, SAC Baker 1400 Manun Spmedes, L tp lud. 2E er slest. IP0/1da pug. S 7257 06-0R, 2015 fale El 48-100 Maue laker, 7300gs, 3L. rer glat pan 5R 140905A, Bene B 600 Manre lasker: Nun Magun 13500 Mae laker, whe Quat, 21 esd, SR 17412. Baeka famstar Monre -26, p load. Splsh Pat 2007 Hale 9500 Ga Mare Sprooder, 4 28.25RI. Spesh Pal. SE075809, 2003 Houde 9500 Gal Matue Spreader , 28128 dismond tread, 5 ses jectar, S/R 1801 0327-80 1900 Aa ntuit S1002 03112 kole A3 Lagon Manure hang, 37 lag. S86 13, 200 koule P4 Lagon Mann Pang 47 leg. S 00201:2015 Hale S8 3 10 PA Mlane Pany. 3A0. 17 ingh dal e w bad pe. SR CAI S00 IS: 6'Verial PO Manue Pang Baule Pe Manur Pang PO, 17 ingt. dai nsk Bodle VALA42 lagon Agtatr: S 8 258: Ned S7 lagoan Maur Pang, dal e. S 4006 (2) tnkoont Manan lad Sands 2 whed tans DOMP CARS: Brn Duny Oid 1512 Dump Cart L 19 Byan Dung Died 154 Dung Cart I; Bdatan 960 Dung Cart 10: CONSTRUCTION EQUPMEN: Cae 590 Super L lactr Laeder Bacor. Kontsu PCI206 Ecnotr, ohn Deer 100 Cawler Dur; (8) Cae 18SC Rer Te Sd Stes, EROPS: 6) Case 1840 Rdber Te Sa Sters Geli Sud Ser. EROPS Mateil Budet May 6278 O Road Dung lsle: Surtel B4 Mait, ANO: Case 560 encder, OROPS WHIL JADERS: De 7211 Med Lander: C. ADArialatng 550SAISA, SE SCAPERS: 2 205 Repols 160SIO Scuper Par, ated tas, 10 yat, 0 20 kepels 1105 Seaper Par tated taes 2) 2001 John De 151C Senpe Par S ted tas Bile Ben Serper, 10: edustes letca F0 er Souper. 10,2ahed ts. hydauk it 4 Pas, 2 slage mastw chagn SE 1305757, SE'Se P. Ua fist, tagt po. nt AM 7SI Sent lender agor, LE R Conno, Bunger hat Bnereth Snd Raner 3150 Sened lnde Hagr 30, : Gosr 18 Shagr Ba: 6war 2 Gae 6200 Slge Bade: 15 wieth, slag etN nating ariagc Grn lg n 14 Sla Bar, 15.6 g ho 60 nant Grwang ha 16 Slagr Bade 15. 6en ha 6l mant Beh og S02 e Pint War, Bash Hag SMOR Dia Bank Mar, laha Den 1518 Rotay Cate, 15 wieth. bating tad, laninate nar berts Drginan 46,S7 Donr Bade 16,4e Sadde lani (1 Denca 300 gd pay, toat mount,2 Satde larks (2) FIST 300 poy tut nant (3) Grantsand Set ire kasyurts buk ha deeryw ou ktigt 8SRI PO Genestor, 8SN I phae, F0, 2 hed cat lesd Se Stoete Fresal Fle: taler Cel Sipe Stinge ile Singr Crt Lipid Sarage lak: Preden tat. 400 pl poly a, ied Bal nonter, C Lgad Strage lak, Potale S0 Ga Fudlait wekng bean tan, Quantnets, Mastre iel norts, Rnd S. 548t 0) kaibow irigaen hangs D608 lute. Comel 414 FA pung, wiles, a 200 hours Satde lank 1 lap li 250g lank Set irigtion lades 20, Sege Spost e Stingr Cat: L yda tg ler Spade 5 pest quid mant Sange Contaners 2002 Oeg kodak edng laci with Wile lal Bar 302 6 Vir Sutase 12 etes: 100- karted si af pars, tres ris, pls muct mor USI 5 SURIGCTO CHANGE, PLESE CHECK OR MERSIE BUORE TRAVNG MIEDEMA'S ORBITBID Visit Orbitbid.com for details & to bid Miedema Auction Contact: Chuck Ranney 616-229-3142 MLA 1 Day Online Auction Beaver Creek Dairy LLC & Martin Dairy LLC Auction Online Auction | Wednesday, April 27 Equipment Location: 18080 80TH AVE. COOPERSVILLE, MICH. AUCIONEER S NOTE BENER CREK DAIRY LCA MATN DARY LUCWEL BE UQUDAING AL EMANNGASSES HROUGH ONLINE PUBUIC AICTONA URGENMOUNI OF EQUPMENTO BE SOLA INLIONG EQUPEN REAN TOWORKAS MELLIS EQUPMENT TH ML, Complete Liquidation Of Large Dairy-All Equipment Over 40 Tractors and 250+ Of Equipment NEGD SOME WORK. OUTSTANOING OPRORTUNTY 1O BOY BARM EQUIPENTE PIRLIC TONAL SELIS OTHE HIGHEST BODER VA MEDEMAKS ORBIBD ONUNE AUCTON PLAFORM TRADORS: 2012 kota Dee 838SA hadar, Cal, MENO, OL FL, 6 Ortet, kie Sest, M, tant wegts, er dus. 5680 hars SE DOSA328, 2011 ata Deer 825 ladar, Cat, MO, 3 OR. FO,5 Outets kche Sest PS hoat veigts, nar daks. S05 1909R 1990 ha Dese S150 Fadur, Ca, ANOAnialatng 20.AS 4 Date 500 haus, S HO0OSR: 1994 Jon Dee 7200 xts, O. 20. P PO, 2 0tiets. S 00345: te Deae 7020 lactr: Cat, NOricalding RO, 20dets. Duak; 1978 Johe Deer 4S40 lactr, Cat. 2O, 3PL FO. 3 Outet, 2053 duk, 1.00 hus. S: O1R ktn Derm 2840 kadtac 20, 3A PR.2 Outits. 154 haurs 2012 Oalngr MS0 hactar. Cat, MFMO, 3R, PIO, 4 Dtet. S GLIS:ga ls 0 actar, ZN0, Ca, Rear Duats, 2009 Case H Magun 205 tactr, Da, MANO, 3, PO, 4-tes, tendes, 1333 hours. SR R8, 1997 Cae H 9940 actr, Cat, MFNO, 3P PO0, 14379 hours, S 73031; 1995 Case H 250 ctar, Ca, MENO, 20.BR42 Ras, PO, 3 Oufets, 13000 har Case H 7250 kat, SRABO078637; 1992 Case 7150 lactr, Cat, MFNO, 3A PR, 4 Outets, 4803ORAGA, t vegts, 7813 hous, Sk JAO45172, Cse H TE50hata, SENBO05956, 1990 Case H7140 ador, Ca, MEN 3 HO,3 Outits, 1002 bours 1992 Cse T130 hdar, Ct MANO, 3PE PO,3 Oufits. 131 haurs. S A004S34 1988 Case T0 Tacter; Ca, MENO, 3PE, PRO, 3 Outes. S BADO0205:1588 Cse H 7120 htr, Cat, MNO, 3 PO, 30tiet 5209SA dak, 13009 lours, Sk JADOO20 Cse H 7130 ada SKABOOS1477; Ce 1586 Dhador: C. NA P PA. 2 Outets, 20.3O hutes 1990 Cze T10hatar, Ca 2O PL PIO, 8541 hour: Cse 290 acter: Ca 20P, PA2 HF-1585 lactr, 2002 Nes Rolat N140 actr, Ca, MERO, tont veigts P0, 3 Oudes K250 hors SE RISOI3R 2006 New Halant N6OA Tactur 20, MO. RO. 20utes, 3683 hours 2000 ew hulant 5100 acar, 2N0, Canogy. 3LAA 20es 1840 hou 2000 New Bolland SI10hader, Cat 2WA PO20ues tont OBLR, 2O8 haurs Meey Fergson 290 kadtor, DROPS, ZWO, P PO, ant wegts, S 724657; 2002 Meey ferpusen 250 lactr, C. MO, 3, P0.5 Oues. dut tat vis 3936 hous, S 125931: 2005 Mesey Fergean B450 lactr: Cat, MNO, PO, 4 Dufes. TORA2, 600/70DR, Dyna 1400 hus, SE 6950S; 2010 Versatle 25I ada, Cat, MENO, A P0,J Ddes, S21 hos 198S Stige Parther PS lacter: Cat 40, CAI 3406, 4 Outen 24531.Srige Bade. Sk 150001R Dnte B040lactr, DROPS, ZWO, 3 P 2 Otets466 loader, Det D80 06 lactor: 2W0, fat wigts, 3LPO. 1 Outet 8522 haur Dnt 30 acer: MENO, C. Duak. Pernute, 3750 haus, S/R 633539S: Det 60 actr: Ca. MNO, PL PO, 2 Oets. 184-38 SK 67334; Destls 7085 0 ater, Ca, MFRO, 3PL, FTO, 2 Dufes, fonet wegts, 7883 hous, SR T681341: COMBNES, RARVESIERS & HEADS: 2020 Duas lagar 970 Dapper, 2001 Oues Jagar 90 Chepper wi ade 200 Case H 3120 Cotinelada, 281-26 RNA, Long keerASi Fon, 3322/2275HR SNG208858, Getin RO2008 Com feat, 2011 S $21011230. 2014 Case 3162 Grin eat: 4. Daper, rte SRYEHDADE: Dus 30 PI Window Ap Hest 1. conp a S DIE: Das Otis 15I Con leat 30, 25 S 620199: 2010 loe Dee 6C Con kst 1830 SE 735431: 2009 John Deere1X Can Heat, 30, SE 130840, 2007 Jahn De 635F Grain Heat 35 width, , 721017; Host ader Cat 40: (2) Indesttes Anerca 35 eader lanpat Cat 35. NE PLANTERS & DRIUS: 2013 ahe Dere 17ONI Parter: 240", tt lat, CS fmes wtertke ON desnes, wegts, pesa DP, 2012 ktn Dee 177ONT Parer, 2430". tut lat, urkes. CS. Imes n lerikar ae il cates, 20 r cauters, 2010 John Deere 17ONT Ranter; 24R3. tont lo, r ater. OS, Imes win erikaa couler. 22 e coutes: Case H 5AD0 Grain Dr N 20, Foet Coutes; 2000 Jahn Deere 1860 Air Seeder; 30,3Secion,D 1900 Cart TILAGE: Bilon A Fide Dlva Scden, 5 ka re spke, Ce H4800 Fie Catvater. 2 wt; Enblige Reper pal spe st Earh Mestr 3000 Verica Tge Dk: 34,3Sedion. RLSE I06, Dere 400 Raleg kow, khn Deee 1511 Diod Pox. 25 stark. 3 Sed, wa : a Deren 210 Fedt Cuatar: 3253 stien. 3 bar al fee ledes ma hitk waking bean SK LOO11 aha Doer 50 laspat bik Witn 3cio, duk. SR ahn Dere 960 Ft ata: 47. SR 2IKI3OLI2, Renings Re Cuntier: 30,3Sedion, Dadle leset. Spie leder, Duat Sunfous 4211-21 Diset 19ak, 18. 3 Secion. SK 425-100, Sunfower 5054-46 Fel Cater, 46.5 set rear 5 bar spke. SR SO0-15; Unverteth 1225 Raling Raa Cuntier, 45 witn, Jachon, doule beskets E nererh isling Rano, 46,5 sert dutle lasket SPAERS: 2014 Ragar 6100 Sprer: 90 Bons, CA 10Ga SSlta kigt Cantala Stt, 430 kous. SR DSNIDSO: 208 AOen lera Gator Sprayer:3ated OR. 1800 ga. 10 hom fat ties wpader ter, 250 lous. S LI82404; dadc dung: (1 lata LF Frat Mowers 5 Kuha FO8I Ror Mowes fal candiones, Lit Catet FERTUCER SPRGADERS &APPLICARS: DM 4200 I Fe katydns kaicatr. 5 sedion, Hnker alt fox, viag , ds deses. 1 lar pke: BA0 Ferikor Apicater, 13 stak, 100 pi poy tank, 2) e 10 ferlar kpictor 2430, 14: FEED MIRERS: Kuhn KagS0 feed Mier, Sales, Verical Me i dacterg, Leven 1060 0a P ed Mas Rag: 2 tandens, sades he 30 Fet Muer Wapor 1R ndems, S5 ine, 207 Pecon WEADO ige Fed Mar Nigns, 2 Duk: D Pon WEADO Tide Feed Wier Wages 2, Duk: Penta 6720 fe Mae: ales latela 12-23 0ehery Be, apnn than betton, tud nount, Boto-is 1005 Fed Me Ragar tandens, szales Rto Ma 135SKOS Feed Mae Rapr, Oydine S5 lne, 21 tandonsscales MANRE SPREADERS, ANERS EUPNENT: 2014 lamewa Ma lac Gal Mn Sprader: 1200 Ga, R ES/S0-305, tp bad injcta as. S 1098ST: ( Baler Magun 1350 Waun Sprade; low. 30SL2. tg kot jedur ans Ber Bininater 7500 Manure lanker, tug lad, 2,ngt pan. Sk 7830508; Baler 8000 Egres Manue Spreader, tep loade st, 30SUR32. S 410007, Baler 3000 Egress Manure Sprender, top loat,n spkest, 30.SLR32. S ES8OF3265S, 2011 Houle 3-60-6100 Manue Spreader: 7300Gal 199 aule 9500 Gal Marare Sprader , 28 SkI da. Splesh Pat: hky 7400 Ga Mnue Sprsder, up bad. 30 SURIR, 12) Hay 500 a Manue Spesder: () igt S040 Manure Spreader, 281-%, Auleit kate koigt SC14 Mu Sprader: 2. Priwc kutn kagt 40 Manun Sprader: 286 Aolic Rate koght 841 Manare Sprader, Pelvin, 2R26 ires, SK DOOBE: B) Khn Kagt 8150 Monure Sprador. holen Singr: Meyer Cnp Ma 9530 Maun Sprader, Meys 154S00 g, 30 RL lute Spmad, dual vet bestes. SK: 12620, Meyer luhapred ManunSprader: 2012 SAC Baker 1400 Manar Spreades, 31. tp land. 2826 R slast 1-/1ayta pung. S S0 206, SAC Baker 1400 Manun Spmedes, L tp lud. 2E er slest. IP0/1da pug. S 7257 06-0R, 2015 fale El 48-100 Maue laker, 7300gs, 3L. rer glat pan 5R 140905A, Bene B 600 Manre lasker: Nun Magun 13500 Mae laker, whe Quat, 21 esd, SR 17412. Baeka famstar Monre -26, p load. Splsh Pat 2007 Hale 9500 Ga Mare Sprooder, 4 28.25RI. Spesh Pal. SE075809, 2003 Houde 9500 Gal Matue Spreader , 28128 dismond tread, 5 ses jectar, S/R 1801 0327-80 1900 Aa ntuit S1002 03112 kole A3 Lagon Manure hang, 37 lag. S86 13, 200 koule P4 Lagon Mann Pang 47 leg. S 00201:2015 Hale S8 3 10 PA Mlane Pany. 3A0. 17 ingh dal e w bad pe. SR CAI S00 IS: 6'Verial PO Manue Pang Baule Pe Manur Pang PO, 17 ingt. dai nsk Bodle VALA42 lagon Agtatr: S 8 258: Ned S7 lagoan Maur Pang, dal e. S 4006 (2) tnkoont Manan lad Sands 2 whed tans DOMP CARS: Brn Duny Oid 1512 Dump Cart L 19 Byan Dung Died 154 Dung Cart I; Bdatan 960 Dung Cart 10: CONSTRUCTION EQUPMEN: Cae 590 Super L lactr Laeder Bacor. Kontsu PCI206 Ecnotr, ohn Deer 100 Cawler Dur; (8) Cae 18SC Rer Te Sd Stes, EROPS: 6) Case 1840 Rdber Te Sa Sters Geli Sud Ser. EROPS Mateil Budet May 6278 O Road Dung lsle: Surtel B4 Mait, ANO: Case 560 encder, OROPS WHIL JADERS: De 7211 Med Lander: C. ADArialatng 550SAISA, SE SCAPERS: 2 205 Repols 160SIO Scuper Par, ated tas, 10 yat, 0 20 kepels 1105 Seaper Par tated taes 2) 2001 John De 151C Senpe Par S ted tas Bile Ben Serper, 10: edustes letca F0 er Souper. 10,2ahed ts. hydauk it 4 Pas, 2 slage mastw chagn SE 1305757, SE'Se P. Ua fist, tagt po. nt AM 7SI Sent lender agor, LE R Conno, Bunger hat Bnereth Snd Raner 3150 Sened lnde Hagr 30, : Gosr 18 Shagr Ba: 6war 2 Gae 6200 Slge Bade: 15 wieth, slag etN nating ariagc Grn lg n 14 Sla Bar, 15.6 g ho 60 nant Grwang ha 16 Slagr Bade 15. 6en ha 6l mant Beh og S02 e Pint War, Bash Hag SMOR Dia Bank Mar, laha Den 1518 Rotay Cate, 15 wieth. bating tad, laninate nar berts Drginan 46,S7 Donr Bade 16,4e Sadde lani (1 Denca 300 gd pay, toat mount,2 Satde larks (2) FIST 300 poy tut nant (3) Grantsand Set ire kasyurts buk ha deeryw ou ktigt 8SRI PO Genestor, 8SN I phae, F0, 2 hed cat lesd Se Stoete Fresal Fle: taler Cel Sipe Stinge ile Singr Crt Lipid Sarage lak: Preden tat. 400 pl poly a, ied Bal nonter, C Lgad Strage lak, Potale S0 Ga Fudlait wekng bean tan, Quantnets, Mastre iel norts, Rnd S. 548t 0) kaibow irigaen hangs D608 lute. Comel 414 FA pung, wiles, a 200 hours Satde lank 1 lap li 250g lank Set irigtion lades 20, Sege Spost e Stingr Cat: L yda tg ler Spade 5 pest quid mant Sange Contaners 2002 Oeg kodak edng laci with Wile lal Bar 302 6 Vir Sutase 12 etes: 100- karted si af pars, tres ris, pls muct mor USI 5 SURIGCTO CHANGE, PLESE CHECK OR MERSIE BUORE TRAVNG MIEDEMA'S ORBITBID Visit Orbitbid.com for details & to bid Miedema Auction Contact: Chuck Ranney 616-229-3142 MLA