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    July 21, 2023
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SAVE ON COVER CROPS $200 OR MORE Thanks to: Bio Till Cover Crops Our Roots Mus Deep IL CORN GROWERS ASSOCIATION START HERE PROHARVEST COVER 365 <<<<<<<< BECK'S Co COVER CROP SEED PURCHASE COUPON Locaties MGF MIDWEST GRASS & FORAGE CoverTEC COVER CROPS Valued members of IL Corn Growers Association are eligible for this exclusive offer. To redeem coupon, go to website to receive reference number to present to seed dealer at time of purchase IL Corn has partnered with these companies to make cover crops more financially attainable for you regardless of whether you've tried cover crops before or are considering them for the first time. POTENTIALAG rom the Crea XEM Prairie Seeds Cover Crops *Lime one discount per ICGA membership Must present this coupon to seed dealer at time of purchase. Only good for 2023 crop year. Expires 12/31/23 Discounts provided of the discretion of each seed company's terms and conditions as stated on the website SAVE ON COVER CROPS $ 200 OR MORE Thanks to : Bio Till Cover Crops Our Roots Mus Deep IL CORN GROWERS ASSOCIATION START HERE PROHARVEST COVER 365 <<<<<<<< BECK'S Co COVER CROP SEED PURCHASE COUPON Locaties MGF MIDWEST GRASS & FORAGE CoverTEC COVER CROPS Valued members of IL Corn Growers Association are eligible for this exclusive offer . To redeem coupon , go to website to receive reference number to present to seed dealer at time of purchase IL Corn has partnered with these companies to make cover crops more financially attainable for you regardless of whether you've tried cover crops before or are considering them for the first time . POTENTIALAG rom the Crea XEM Prairie Seeds Cover Crops * Lime one discount per ICGA membership Must present this coupon to seed dealer at time of purchase . Only good for 2023 crop year . Expires 12/31/23 Discounts provided of the discretion of each seed company's terms and conditions as stated on the website