AUCTION RINGS John Deere 4020 diesel tractor 1967, 2205 hours, wheel weights al #1027 John Deere 3000 distract 1964, powerhit, 3937 #6620) LOCATION: 2303 CR 1600 East, Arthur, IL (located 2 miles West & 2 miles North of Arthur, IL) AUCTIONEERS NOTE: George Kauffman's 40+ years of accumulation of John Deere tractors, farm equipment, antiques and many other items. This will be a great auction! Wagon Items will be sold under the shade trees. Bring a friend as we will be running 2 rings TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT New idea model 206 spreader 1&J 4-row 36" row cultivator Vintage stepstool 2-hole wooden corn sheller Cate head ga HARNESSES & OUTDOOR Big square bale feeder Sydell Corral System for sheep Electronic scales for livestock Sheep feeder 17 Coleman can 10 Powermatic table saw with electric mot John Deere 820 diesel tracto converted to electric star, 1958 black dash model sells with pony motorral #8206569) John Deere 420 gas tracta 1968 black dash model al #125356) John Deere horse drawny John Deere 2 betractor John Deere 4 bottom tractor plow John Deere 7000 4 o 30 planter John Deere wheel dic John Deere 24T Baler John Deere wooden wheel box wagon spira John Deere PTO com Ford 4630 diesel 55 HP tractor power steering wooder Kubota K-600 3-point backhoe w bucket Bachtold weed mower Hond engine Case back, 580 Several 2-3 bottom tractor pow PTO belt pulley for 20 senes Whetheart post over with post hugger Allis-Chalmers power unt Moline 9 grain dri TRACTORS & SKID LOADERS SELL AT 12 NOON George and Lorene Kauffman FARM AUCTION Saturday, August 12, 2023 8:30 AM Tractors sell at 1:00 pes al 185635) 1967 John Deere 40200 STO SCV #161008) w crop fenders, 24 vot 1964 John Deere 3020 LF row crop, power shift 1 SCV 3 pt serial #5944) 1956 John Deere 70 LP STO, 540 PTO, original paint, rock shaft serial #7040491) 1952 John Deere All new battery, 6-speed (serial #280134) 1937 John Deere Modeloste PTO (#137074) SKID LOADERS & 5 skidbuckets snow pusher forks ATTACHMENT (Sell at 12 noon) 2015 JCB 260 skid, new 12x16.5 tires, selectable controls, power attached seat cab heat and air 3100 hrs, 55 HP w 72 bucket (serial #2196421) 2011 Volvo-MCT 125 Crack controls, OROPS pood tracks, 2380 hrs, 63 HP, w34 bucket (senal #1640175) 2 pers HIT & MISS ENGINES & EQUIPMENT Rock island 2-w 3 section spring tooth Ha 258NH.HTME +255 NH Hay rake 718 rack on (2) 7x14ck 5 McCormick #sickle mower McCormick-Deening grain binder New idea hay loader (used one time) 150 bu gravity wagon Flex Harrow Kewane #50050 elevator forecas Wilmer J & Louise Herschberger FARM AUCTION Saturday, August 19, 2023. 8:30 AM cher 200 gallon field spraye 2-rowstaks chopper 3 point 7 box scraper 3 point ble fors 3 point 7 buen hog 3 point PTO 15,000 w generator Over the wheel skidtracks ANTIQUES 5 galon cream freezer on car Lawson 1-1/2 HP open crankshaft serial W5805) John Deere Model E 1-1/2HP 240500) H3 to 5 HP width and k #L8825433) 43204) 143 to 5 HP 4010 and 4020 P10 betuleys front and rear weights Roll-o-matic, 15.5x38 fm-d John Deere 3 below John Deere roll bar (2) Portray Leader hayley Leader hay trolley never used Boomer hay trolley Clover Leaf hay trolley The F.E. Myers & Bro Company hay trolley Ashland, (2) milk can Long handle, cast iron water pump Butcherske LOCATION: 1557 State Highway 133, Arthur, IL 61911 (Located 2% miles west of Arthur, IL on ST RT 133) AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Wimer's 40+ year collection of tractors, skid loaders, hit & miss engines and quality farm equipment that is being offered at public auction. You will appreciate the quality that is being offered at this auction. JOHN DEERE TRACTORS (Sell at 12 noon) 1970 John Deere 50200, 301,000 TO 2-5DV sera F21910 1964 John Deere 4020 D STD 2 SOV recent overhaul 1968 John Deere 4020 D STD2 SCV HAY EQUIPMENT 499 Hybine John Deere 328 bar 18 HP New Holland 1225 12-wheel rake wicker New Holland 144 hay NH 258 5-rake John Deere 670 5-br Pequea 910 bedde Master Equipment 710 edder FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere model 8 18-hole pra De 300 Mer Repair & +4-mat Scavenger 1309 Sprayer wit booms hele com per 24 head weder John Deere 2-tx John Deere 1-ow oft 3-way he John Deere 3-ow hoe jo Je3-co JD70004- Danny Kauman 2- Mayra 82 and 10 3 Kewancom dumps +29x18 Jeg +714 Wagon on st E27/2 5 gravity wagons John Deere & St 6x10 borge Shuck wigon Farbed wagon wende Pioneer brecart fot 3-whed by cart John Deere single dok +8 cumulher LUNCH STAND Old road drag Gel 100 prindermerwcale Kong 700 gravac BY PLAIN VIEW SCHOOL heavy box blade 2 brand new weighbars for 100 Tioman air powered sewing machine Burr mill 2-horse even (33-horse eveners 4-hoeveers ever 53 semi trailer storage with Set of bio-plastic dress ( Set of bio-plastic draft hamess Set of nylon draft has Good selection of a cor trash pun Misc riding tack Wagon loads of shop tools & misc MISC. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Canning jar (20) John Deere toy tractors Books Wagon load of household Too many other items to mention LUNCH STAND BY PLAIN VIEW SCHOOL used skidtrack 1,000 gal tak several weder 2 portableair compressors Predator 2000 generator Honda Be 32 meat grinder wor +36-2x26 concrete block 82120 contes BUGGIES, HARNESSES & OUTDOOR single buggy 2-sted open buggy 3-sted pioneer on buggy 2 sets britchen hamesses *1 setsmaterhamess several otherhamess collars and lots of hames parts and pads Subular riveter wfoot podal lots of used fence supp Rolls of rubber matting ANTIQUES Oxyok 1899 buggy jack buggy wrenches wagon wrenches box wagon tongue spring esker wooden double trees H2-hole corn sheller popcorn sheer Enterprise and press hay sing 1900 rope machine steel planter pla West Bend auto shear Bob Sied MISC. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Freedom an stackable chairs 2 old sessions clocks SHOP ITEMS Air compressor on tank lots of misc shop tes& tools-several wagonload Terms: Cash or good check. There is a 3.5% convenience fee for credit cards. Loader will be available on auction day. See 38360 for pics John Miller Sam Miller WESTFORK Ph. 217-543-2883 AUCTIONEER & MNG. BROKER AUCTION & REAL ESTATE, LLC YOUR AUCTION & REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST License #471.018531-441.001855 ANNOUNCEMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Ph. 217-268-3465 AUCTIONEER License #441002092 AUCTION RINGS John Deere 4020 diesel tractor 1967 , 2205 hours , wheel weights al # 1027 John Deere 3000 distract 1964 , powerhit , 3937 # 6620 ) LOCATION : 2303 CR 1600 East , Arthur , IL ( located 2 miles West & 2 miles North of Arthur , IL ) AUCTIONEERS NOTE : George Kauffman's 40+ years of accumulation of John Deere tractors , farm equipment , antiques and many other items . This will be a great auction ! Wagon Items will be sold under the shade trees . Bring a friend as we will be running 2 rings TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT New idea model 206 spreader 1 & J 4 - row 36 " row cultivator Vintage stepstool 2 - hole wooden corn sheller Cate head ga HARNESSES & OUTDOOR Big square bale feeder Sydell Corral System for sheep Electronic scales for livestock Sheep feeder 17 Coleman can 10 Powermatic table saw with electric mot John Deere 820 diesel tracto converted to electric star , 1958 black dash model sells with pony motorral # 8206569 ) John Deere 420 gas tracta 1968 black dash model al # 125356 ) John Deere horse drawny John Deere 2 betractor John Deere 4 bottom tractor plow John Deere 7000 4 o 30 planter John Deere wheel dic John Deere 24T Baler John Deere wooden wheel box wagon spira John Deere PTO com Ford 4630 diesel 55 HP tractor power steering wooder Kubota K - 600 3 - point backhoe w bucket Bachtold weed mower Hond engine Case back , 580 Several 2-3 bottom tractor pow PTO belt pulley for 20 senes Whetheart post over with post hugger Allis - Chalmers power unt Moline 9 grain dri TRACTORS & SKID LOADERS SELL AT 12 NOON George and Lorene Kauffman FARM AUCTION Saturday , August 12 , 2023 8:30 AM Tractors sell at 1:00 pes al 185635 ) 1967 John Deere 40200 STO SCV # 161008 ) w crop fenders , 24 vot 1964 John Deere 3020 LF row crop , power shift 1 SCV 3 pt serial # 5944 ) 1956 John Deere 70 LP STO , 540 PTO , original paint , rock shaft serial # 7040491 ) 1952 John Deere All new battery , 6 - speed ( serial # 280134 ) 1937 John Deere Modeloste PTO ( # 137074 ) SKID LOADERS & 5 skidbuckets snow pusher forks ATTACHMENT ( Sell at 12 noon ) 2015 JCB 260 skid , new 12x16.5 tires , selectable controls , power attached seat cab heat and air 3100 hrs , 55 HP w 72 bucket ( serial # 2196421 ) 2011 Volvo - MCT 125 Crack controls , OROPS pood tracks , 2380 hrs , 63 HP , w34 bucket ( senal # 1640175 ) 2 pers HIT & MISS ENGINES & EQUIPMENT Rock island 2 - w 3 section spring tooth Ha 258NH.HTME +255 NH Hay rake 718 rack on ( 2 ) 7x14ck 5 McCormick #sickle mower McCormick - Deening grain binder New idea hay loader ( used one time ) 150 bu gravity wagon Flex Harrow Kewane # 50050 elevator forecas Wilmer J & Louise Herschberger FARM AUCTION Saturday , August 19 , 2023. 8:30 AM cher 200 gallon field spraye 2 - rowstaks chopper 3 point 7 box scraper 3 point ble fors 3 point 7 buen hog 3 point PTO 15,000 w generator Over the wheel skidtracks ANTIQUES 5 galon cream freezer on car Lawson 1-1 / 2 HP open crankshaft serial W5805 ) John Deere Model E 1-1 / 2HP 240500 ) H3 to 5 HP width and k # L8825433 ) 43204 ) 143 to 5 HP 4010 and 4020 P10 betuleys front and rear weights Roll - o - matic , 15.5x38 fm - d John Deere 3 below John Deere roll bar ( 2 ) Portray Leader hayley Leader hay trolley never used Boomer hay trolley Clover Leaf hay trolley The F.E. Myers & Bro Company hay trolley Ashland , ( 2 ) milk can Long handle , cast iron water pump Butcherske LOCATION : 1557 State Highway 133 , Arthur , IL 61911 ( Located 2 % miles west of Arthur , IL on ST RT 133 ) AUCTIONEERS NOTE : Wimer's 40+ year collection of tractors , skid loaders , hit & miss engines and quality farm equipment that is being offered at public auction . You will appreciate the quality that is being offered at this auction . JOHN DEERE TRACTORS ( Sell at 12 noon ) 1970 John Deere 50200 , 301,000 TO 2-5DV sera F21910 1964 John Deere 4020 D STD 2 SOV recent overhaul 1968 John Deere 4020 D STD2 SCV HAY EQUIPMENT 499 Hybine John Deere 328 bar 18 HP New Holland 1225 12 - wheel rake wicker New Holland 144 hay NH 258 5 - rake John Deere 670 5 - br Pequea 910 bedde Master Equipment 710 edder FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere model 8 18 - hole pra De 300 Mer Repair & + 4 - mat Scavenger 1309 Sprayer wit booms hele com per 24 head weder John Deere 2 - tx John Deere 1 - ow oft 3 - way he John Deere 3 - ow hoe jo Je3 - co JD70004 Danny Kauman 2 Mayra 82 and 10 3 Kewancom dumps + 29x18 Jeg +714 Wagon on st E27 / 2 5 gravity wagons John Deere & St 6x10 borge Shuck wigon Farbed wagon wende Pioneer brecart fot 3 - whed by cart John Deere single dok +8 cumulher LUNCH STAND Old road drag Gel 100 prindermerwcale Kong 700 gravac BY PLAIN VIEW SCHOOL heavy box blade 2 brand new weighbars for 100 Tioman air powered sewing machine Burr mill 2 - horse even ( 33 - horse eveners 4 - hoeveers ever 53 semi trailer storage with Set of bio - plastic dress ( Set of bio - plastic draft hamess Set of nylon draft has Good selection of a cor trash pun Misc riding tack Wagon loads of shop tools & misc MISC . HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Canning jar ( 20 ) John Deere toy tractors Books Wagon load of household Too many other items to mention LUNCH STAND BY PLAIN VIEW SCHOOL used skidtrack 1,000 gal tak several weder 2 portableair compressors Predator 2000 generator Honda Be 32 meat grinder wor + 36-2x26 concrete block 82120 contes BUGGIES , HARNESSES & OUTDOOR single buggy 2 - sted open buggy 3 - sted pioneer on buggy 2 sets britchen hamesses * 1 setsmaterhamess several otherhamess collars and lots of hames parts and pads Subular riveter wfoot podal lots of used fence supp Rolls of rubber matting ANTIQUES Oxyok 1899 buggy jack buggy wrenches wagon wrenches box wagon tongue spring esker wooden double trees H2 - hole corn sheller popcorn sheer Enterprise and press hay sing 1900 rope machine steel planter pla West Bend auto shear Bob Sied MISC . HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Freedom an stackable chairs 2 old sessions clocks SHOP ITEMS Air compressor on tank lots of misc shop tes & tools - several wagonload Terms : Cash or good check . There is a 3.5 % convenience fee for credit cards . Loader will be available on auction day . See 38360 for pics John Miller Sam Miller WESTFORK Ph . 217-543-2883 AUCTIONEER & MNG . BROKER AUCTION & REAL ESTATE , LLC YOUR AUCTION & REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST License # 471.018531-441.001855 ANNOUNCEMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL . NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS , ERRORS OR OMISSIONS Ph . 217-268-3465 AUCTIONEER License # 441002092